Contact us

Contact us Step 1 of 3

Let us know how we can help you

For further information about the front-end framework, please contact the team members listed below directly or please enter your contact details and the nature of your enquiry using our JIRA ticket or the form below, and we will get back to you with an answer as soon as we can.

Raise a JIRA ticket with us

If you have found an issue, would like some consultancy, have an idea for a new component or an update to a current one, please clone our JIRA ticket and fill in the details.

New tickets are looked at by the Framework team every morning. We'll either give you an answer there and then, or reach out for a chat.

Open JIRA ticket ADFA-68

Front-end Framework team contacts

  • How to use the development assets and linking to the CDN

    Romain GILBERT (Front end development technical authority) or

  • Design

    Khiem NGUYEN(Visual design lead) or

  • Additional requirements / backlog

    Claire PAULMAZ(Product owner)

Other useful contacts contacts

  • UX team Lead

    Jennifer DEGUIN

  • Sponsors

    Thomas SAMPAIO (Digital TRIT)
    Stéphane GIBOULET (Digital TRIT)
    Laurent JUSTE (Digital TRIT)

Contact us

(We will send your request directly to the appropriate contact)