• Layout
  • Taxonomic name: L-COLUMNS
  • Added on: v3.0.0 (15/09/17)
  • Updated on: v4.0.0 (20/07/18)


Device-specific fluid grid layouts allow us to maximise consistency through a responsive user interface, resulting in visually confident design solutions. Our three device breakpoints enable guided development through structured creative design, considering maximum to minimum screen size.

Design and usage

  • Can be combined to produce more complex layouts eg. 50% / 25% / 25%
  • Ensure that when selecting column layouts for different breakpoints that the columns do not become too narrow for the content you are placing within them before the layout changes
  • For detailed guidance on working with grids and vertical spacing please refer to the style guide.


Left to right

Interactive example

Code example

<div class="l-columns [ Modifiers ]">
	<div class="l-columns__column">

Right to left

Interactive example

Code example

<div class="l-columns l-columns--reversed [ Modifiers ]">
	<div class="l-columns__column">

Unequal width columns

An 8 columns and 4 column layout ( 66% / 33% ) at large screen sizes is available for use.

Interactive example

Code example

This is only guaranteed to work as a single row, if more are required use another l-columns container to create the next row.

<div class="l-columns l-columns--66-33-large [ Modifiers ]">
	<div class="l-columns__column">
	<div class="l-columns__column">

More complex layouts

The following example shows how combining the column layouts can produce more complex layouts. Here the layout is a single column at mobile, single column followed by two 50% columns at tablet and 50% / 25% / 25% columns at desktop.

Interactive example

Code example

<div class="l-columns [ Modifiers ]">
	<div class="l-columns__column">
		<div class="l-columns [ Modifiers ]">

Cards in columns

While cards can by created using individual div elements, it is recommended that sets of cards be contained as list items within a ul element in order to retain a link between them and to assist users taking advantage of screenreaders. These lists can be controlled using columns as follows:

<ul class="a-list-plain l-columns [ Modifiers ]">
	<li class="l-columns__column m-card [ Modifiers ]>

Development and test

Notes for developers

  • Combine the modifiers to display the required number of columns at the different break points.
  • It is possible to nest column layouts to achieve more complex layouts at different screen sizes.
  • Groups of cards can be contained within lists and controlled using columns; an example of this is below.

Classes overview

The following table gives you a quick overview of the CSS classes that can be applied.

Class Outcome Required Applied to Comments
.l-columns Base style for column layouts Yes div / ul (when used in conjunction with .a-list-plain to control card groups)  
.l-columns--reversed Modifier - Display columns right to left   .l-columns  
.l-columns--2-small Modifier - Two columns at small screens only   .l-columns  
.l-columns--2-medium Modifier - Two columns at medium screens only   .l-columns  
.l-columns--3-medium Modifier - Three columns at medium screens only   .l-columns  
.l-columns--4-medium Modifier - Four columns at medium screens only   .l-columns  
.l-columns--2-large Modifier - Two columns at large screens only   .l-columns  
.l-columns--3-large Modifier - Three columns at large screens only   .l-columns  
.l-columns--4-large Modifier - Four columns at large screens only   .l-columns  
.l-columns--5-large Modifier - Five columns at large screens only   .l-columns  
.l-columns--6-large Modifier - Six columns at large screens only   .l-columns  
.l-columns--66-33-large Modifier - Eight column followed by a 4 column ( 66% / 33% ) at large screens only   .l-columns Only use for a single row at large screens
.l-columns__column Base style for an individual column Yes .l-columns > div / li (when used with card groups)  

Component releases

  • Added on: v3.0.0 (15/09/17)
  • Updated on: v4.0.0 (20/07/18)

Latest update:

  • updated: Spacing above the column layouts increased to 30px (from 0px).

Full version history

A full history of changes and enhancements detailing all minor and major updates to the component.

View full version history

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