Component categorisation

Some components have been split out from the main/core CSS files to allow for better page optimisation as you will now be able to load in a more streamlined core CSS and just the additional CSS files you require for a page. The following is a full breakdown of what components are in which CSS files.

Available to all pages

Core (75)

When loaded

Additional help (4)

When loaded

Cards - extended (5)

When loaded

Cards - functional (1)

When loaded

Charts (3)

When loaded

Forms - extended A (13)

When loaded

Forms - extended B (4)

When loaded

Heroes (3)

When loaded

Long form article (10)

When loaded

Media (2)

When loaded

Payments (6)

When loaded

Quotes (1)

When loaded

Reviews (2)

When loaded

Supporting navigation (3)

When loaded

Tracking (1)

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