• Molecule
  • Taxonomic name: M-DATA REPLAY
  • Added on: v3.0.0 (15/09/17)
  • Updated on: v2023.01 (26/06/23)

Data replay

Design and usage


  • Must have a definition list pair for pattern use
  • Data consists of numbers, data replay and text
  • Width variations must adhere to definitions:

    • Desktop (50:50, 60:40, 70:30, 80:20, 90:10 but only for symbols, 10:90 but only for symbols, 20:80, 30:70, 40:60)
    • Tablet (50:50, 60:40, 40:60, 90:10 but only for symbols, 10:90 but only for symbols)
    • Mobile (50:50, 60:40, 40:60, 90:10, 10:90)

    Ratio divides across break points:

    • 50:50 divide will appear 50:50 on all break points
    • 90:10 and 10:90 divide will appear as 90:10 or 10:90 on all break points
    • 60:40, 70:30 and 80:20 on desktop will appear as 60:40 on tablet and 60:40 or 50:50 on mobile
    • 40:60, 30:70 and 20:80 on desktop will appear as 40:60 on tablet and 40:60 or 50:50 on mobile
    • 40:40:20 on desktop will appear as 33:33:33 on tablet and stacked columns on mobile
  • Columns progressively decrease or increase based on device size
  • Column widths of data replay; max 8 columns wide, minimum 3 columns wide
  • Can appear in-line or in a card
  • Can have keylines in or outside of cards
  • PROHIBITED: Do not nest definition lists within definition lists
  • Can include primary, secondary or tertiary buttons within card or placed with in-line variant
  • Cards can have a white #FFF background with a grey keyline (#CCC) or grey #EEE background
  • Data replay can have a title or subtitle with body copy or a combination of all three:

    • Heading must be (H2 #5C596D)
    • Subtitle must be (H3 Light #5C596D)
    • Body copy (16px #444)
  • Data replay columns; both columns have the flexibility to be either regular body copy/semi-bold body copy or H3 regular/H3 semi-bold (#444444)
  • Data replay can have a highlighted row. This is a block colour of #5C596D with the copy changing to white. This highlight row can ONLY sit at the bottom of the data replay columns. It also spans the full width of both data relay columns
  • Side by side data replay also has a stacked version where the data title and data contents are placed underneath each other, still maintaining the regular/semi bold combination at H3 or body

    • The stacked variant of data reply can appear at 4 cols or 6 cols in width


  • Data replay can have a title
  • 1 column for title
  • 1 column for associated description


  • Notification card errors can sit within data replay cards or in-line

Accessibility and Screen Readers

  • Read column title before reading cell


Definition lists can be placed anywhere:

  • Within a card (including notification cards)
  • Without a card
  • Only be placed on white #FFF, light blue #E5EDF8 or light grey #EEE

    • PROHIBITED: use on accent colours
  • Within components like show/hides, show more
  • Inside tables
  • Within the way-finder lock-up under the H2
  • Cards can be placed within a carousel
  • Can be placed alongside another data replay, card or in-line;

    • 8 col + 4 col
    • 6 col + 6 col
    • 6 col + 3 col + 3 col
    • 4 col + 4 col + 4 col
    • 4 col + 8 col
    • 3 col + 3 col + 3 col + 3 col
    • 3 col + 3 col + 6 col

Find more information on how to set up column layouts.


  • Long labels for title with values:

    • Data replay can also be positioned side-by-side where applicable. Each label within a column will stack for tablet and mobile. Recommended to use with 50:50 variants only.

Use case and exception scenarios

  • When information needs to be placed side by side for example, comparisons, product details etc.
  • Information that users will scan for

Design notes

  • Long labels for titles with values:

    • Recommended to keep these to 64 characters i.e. 2 lines of content if possible. Aids scan-ability and comprehension of multiple data points.
  • Long labels for titles with icons:

    • 20px label variants: Recommended to keep these between 115-118 characters
    • 16px label variants: Recommended to keep these between 145-147 characters


Standard 50:50 width data columns

Interactive example

Code example

<div class="m-data-replay [ Modifiers ]">
		<div class="m-data-replay-item">
			<dt class="m-data-replay-item__title">...</dt>
			<dd class="m-data-replay-item__data">...</dd>

90:10 width data replay with symbols

Ensure that visually hidden text is available for each data items data to maintain accessibility.

Interactive example

Code example

<div class="m-data-replay m-data-replay--ninety-ten [ Modifiers ]">
		<div class="m-data-replay-item">
			<dt class="m-data-replay-item__title">...</dt>
			<dd class="m-data-replay-item__data"><img src="..." decoding="async" width="..." height="..." alt="" /><span class="u-hidden--visually">...</span></dd>

Standard 10:90 data replay

Ensure that visually hidden text is available for each data items data to maintain accessibility.

Interactive example

Code example

<div class="m-data-replay m-data-replay--ten-ninety [ Modifiers ]">
		<div class="m-data-replay-item">
			<dt class="m-data-replay-item__title"><img src="..." decoding="async" width="..." height="..." alt="" /><span class="u-hidden--visually">...</span></dt>
			<dd class="m-data-replay-item__data">...</dd>

Standard 40:60 data replay with large font

Standard 70:30 data replay with 50:50 data over-ride at mobile

Highlighted last line of data

Zebra stripes and no keyline data rows

Two layout columns of standard 50:50 width data columns stacked at tablet and mobile, second column with reversed bold data

Two columns of stacked 50:50 width data columns, one standard and one reversed bold data

Data replay within cards

40:40:20 data replay, zebra stripes and no keyline

Columns are automatically stacked at mobile.

Interactive example

Code example

										<div class="-data-replay m-data-replay--forty-forty-twenty m-data-replay--larger-font m-data-replay--zebra-stripes m-data-replay--no-keyline">
												<div class="m-data-replay-item">
													<dt class="m-data-replay-item__title">...</dt>
													<dd class="m-data-replay-item__data">...</dd>
													<div class="m-data-replay-item__misc">...</div>

40:40:20 data replay with large font, zebra stripes and no keyline

Columns are automatically stacked at mobile.

Interactive example

Code example

<div class="m-data-replay m-data-replay--forty-forty-twenty [ Modifiers ]">
		<div class="m-data-replay-item">
			<dt class="m-data-replay-item__title">...</dt>
			<dd class="m-data-replay-item__data">...</dd>
			<div class="m-data-replay-item__misc">...</div>

Development and test

Notes for testers

  • Ensure the headings used within the data replay follow the correct hierarchy.

Classes overview

The following table gives you a quick overview of the CSS classes that can be applied.

Class Outcome Required Applied to Comments
.m-data-replay Base style the data replay Yes div  
.m-data-replay-item Data item layout styling Yes .m-data-replay > dl > div div wrapping both dt and dd for additional styling purposes
.m-data-replay-item__title Data item title styling Yes dt  
.m-data-replay-item__data Data item data information styling Yes dd  
.m-data-replay-item__misc Data item miscellaneous information styling   .m-data-replay-item > div To be used only with 40:40:20 column width modifier
.m-data-replay--sixty-forty 60:40 column width modifier   .m-data-replay  
.m-data-replay--forty-sixty 40:60 column width modifier   .m-data-replay  
.m-data-replay--seventy-thirty 70:30 column width modifier   .m-data-replay  
.m-data-replay--thirty-seventy 30:70 column width modifier   .m-data-replay  
.m-data-replay--eighty-twenty 80:20 column width modifier   .m-data-replay  
.m-data-replay--twenty-eighty 20:80 column width modifier   .m-data-replay  
.m-data-replay--ninety-ten 90:10 column width modifier   .m-data-replay See guidelines
.m-data-replay--ten-ninety 10:90 column width modifier   .m-data-replay See guidelines
.m-data-replay--forty-forty-twenty 40:40:20 column width modifier   .m-data-replay Columns are automatically stacked at mobile
.m-data-replay--fifty-fifty-mobile 50:50 column width at mobile only   .m-data-replay Over-rides default mobile 60:40 or 40:60 column widths to 50:50, see guidelines
.m-data-replay--stacked Stack data items   .m-data-replay See guidelines
.m-data-replay--stacked-mobile Stack data items at mobile only   .m-data-replay Over-rides default mobile 60:40 or 40:60 column widths to stacked data, see guidelines
.m-data-replay--stacked-tablet Stack data items at tablet and mobile   .m-data-replay Over-rides default data column widths to stack data at tablet and mobile, see guidelines
.m-data-replay--highlight-last-line Highlights the last data row   .m-data-replay  
.m-data-replay--no-keyline Remove keyline from data rows   .m-data-replay  
.m-data-replay--reversed-bold Moves the semi-bold from the terms column to the descriptions column   .m-data-replay  
.m-data-replay--larger-font Modifies standard regular/semi-bold data to H3 regular/H3 semi-bold data   .m-data-replay  
.m-data-replay--zebra-stripes Highlights odd-numbered data rows   .m-data-replay  

Component releases

  • Added on: v3.0.0 (15/09/17)
  • Updated on: v2023.01 (26/06/23)

Latest update:

  • updated: Add zebra stripes and 40:40:20 column width modifiers.

Full version history

A full history of changes and enhancements detailing all minor and major updates to the component.

View full version history

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