• Atom
  • Taxonomic name: A-HEADING
  • Added on: v3.0.0 (15/09/17)
  • Updated on: v4.10.0 (21/06/19)


Heading elements implement five levels of document headings; <h1> is the most important and <h5> is the least. A heading element briefly describes the topic of the section it introduces.

Design and usage

  • All headings are built to work on light and dark accent colours.


Standard headings

Interactive example

Code example

<p class="a-heading a-heading--0 [ Modifier ]>...</p><h1>...</h1>
<!-- or --->
<p class="a-heading a-heading--1 [ Modifier ]">...</p><h2>...</h2>
<!-- or --->
<p class="a-heading a-heading--2 [ Modifier ]">...</p><h3>...</h3>
<!-- or --->
<p class="a-heading a-heading--3 [ Modifier ]">...</p><h4>...</h4>
<!-- or --->
<p class="a-heading a-heading--4 [ Modifier ]">...</p><h5>...</h5>
<!-- or --->
<p class="a-heading a-heading--5 [ Modifier ]">...</p>

Heading with icon

Interactive example

Code example

<h2 class="a-heading a-heading--2 a-heading--light a-heading-icon [ Modifier ]">...</h2>

Development and test

Notes for developers

There should always be one heading on the page which is larger than other headings; the size of this heading will depend on the type of page, for example, whether the heading overlays a hero image or not. The hierarchy of heading styles should be applied consistently both within and across pages.

Ensure that the correct level heading is used wherever appropriate to maintain the semantics of the document.

Notes for testers

  • Ensure that headings flow in a logical order / hierarchy.
  • Use a screen reader to confirm that the headings are announced in the correct order.

Classes overview

The following table gives you a quick overview of the CSS classes that can be applied.

Class Outcome Required Applied to Comments
.a-heading Base styles for a heading Yes
  • h1
  • h2
  • h3
  • h4
  • h5
  • p
  • span
  • strong
  • em
.a-heading--0 Level 0 heading for hero space   .a-heading  
.a-heading--1 Level 1 heading   .a-heading  
.a-heading--2 Level 2 heading   .a-heading  
.a-heading--3 Level 3 heading   .a-heading  
.a-heading--4 Level 4 heading   .a-heading  
.a-heading--5 Level 5 heading   .a-heading  
.a-heading--bold Modifier for H0, H1, H2 and H3 styling for heavier weight font  
  • .a-heading--0
  • .a-heading--1
  • .a-heading--2
  • .a-heading--3
  • h1
  • h2
  • h3
.a-heading--light Modifier for H0, H1, H2 and H3 styling for lighter weight font  
  • .a-heading--0
  • .a-heading--1
  • .a-heading--2
  • .a-heading--3
  • h1
  • h2
  • h3
.a-heading-icon Base styles for a heading with icon centered above  
  • h1
  • h2
  • h3
  • h4
  • h5
  • .a-heading
.a-heading-icon--health Modifier to add the health product icon   .a-heading-icon
.a-heading-icon--home Modifier to add the home product icon   .a-heading-icon
.a-heading-icon--life Modifier to add the life product icon   .a-heading-icon
.a-heading-icon--motor Modifier to add the motor product icon   .a-heading-icon
.a-heading-icon--pensions Modifier to add the pensions product icon   .a-heading-icon
.a-heading-icon--pet Modifier to add the pet product icon   .a-heading-icon
.a-heading-icon--savings Modifier to add the savings product icon   .a-heading-icon
.a-heading-icon--travel Modifier to add the travel product icon   .a-heading-icon

Component releases

  • Added on: v3.0.0 (15/09/17)
  • Updated on: v4.10.0 (21/06/19)

Latest update:

  • updated: Hyperlinks not permitted for use in heading 0 and heading 1. Reduces visual noise and aids a clearer distinction with headings for prominent page heading components where applicable. Associated call to actions are signposted with links and or/buttons.

Full version history

A full history of changes and enhancements detailing all minor and major updates to the component.

View full version history

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