• Atom
  • Taxonomic name: A-VALUE-BAR
  • Extension: CHARTS
  • Added on: v4.11.0 (19/07/19)
  • Updated on: v5.5.0 (23/03/21)

Horizontal value bar

The horizontal value bar is a simple visual indicator used to depict quantities of an amount or attribute remaining. It enables recognition of any limits in place and amounts remaining, with basic, complex and comprehensive lockups available to maximise impact and flexibility.

Design and usage


  • Variants:

    • Variant 1 - Up to 4 data points (stand-alone).
    • Variant 2 - Up to 4+ data points (with accompanying line).
    • Variant 3 - Long label format.
    • Variant 4 - With contextual notification (for metrics without explanatory content or stand-alone usage* Design Notes – Contextual Notification).
  • Desktop: 5 cols or 8 cols.
  • Tablet: 5 cols or 8 cols.
  • Mobile: Full width.
  • Left aligned (centred if full width).
  • Labels:

    • Recommended to keep short and kept to a minimum (consider mobile).
    • 50 characters maximum limit.
    • Can accommodate up to 4 labels.
  • Content: Can be embedded with optional content including:

    • Bullets.
    • Notification tag (For policies: Active, Expiring, Expired, Retired).
    • Data replay.
  • Container: Value indicator bar to appear within container. See Design Notes.
  • Stacking:

    • Desktop: 5 cols (vertical or horizontal), 8 cols (horizontal).
    • Tablet: 5 cols (vertical).
    • Mobile: Full width (vertical).
  • Content: Can appear as stand-alone or in complex or comprehensive content lockups:

    • Complex: Can accommodate more detail and metrics than a basic indicator where more insights are beneficial. As a guide contains 5 different data points:

      • Title.
      • Start date/value.
      • End date/value.
      • Contextual insight.
      • Basic bullets.
    • Comprehensive: Can accommodate a more comprehensive at-a-glance view of a metric e.g. policy. As a guide contains 6-10 different data points:

      • Status badge* See Design Notes - Comprehensive - Status Badges.
      • Title.
      • Data replay (max 4 data points).
      • Start date.
      • End date.
      • Basic bullets.
      • Indented bullets.

Accessibility and screen readers

  • Left aligned (centre aligned if full width).
  • Stand-alone or with content:

    • In-line with left column grid of content.
    • Refer to lockup examples: Complex, Comprehensive lockups with content.
  • Desktop:

    • 5 cols: side-by-side or stacked permitted.
    • 8 cols: Stacked only.
  • Tablet:

    • Stacked only.
  • Mobile:

    • Stacked only.

Use case and exception scenarios

  • Not to be placed on dark accent colours.
  • Permitted on:

    • White.
    • Light Grey.
    • Light Blue.
  • Can be used in card containers in conjunction with background colours detailed above.
  • Labels: Keep styling consistent i.e. appearing on same line either Regular or Semi-bold.
  • Variant 2: Must be with an accompanying line of copy to reinforce indicator (see Content Lockups) or use of Contextual Notification or both.
  • Flexibility to highlight particular key words i.e. use status colour - Sans Source Pro, 16px, semi bold.
  • Status badges: Keep labels to a minimum (20 characters max).

Design notes:

  • Component container: #FFF, outline #CCC, rounded corner radius 5px.
  • Component labels: 20px in from edges of container (desktop, tablet and mobile).
  • Half point mark: Dotted key line 30px height, #CCC.
  • Desktop:

    • 5 column variant.

      • 495px container width.
      • Indicator:

        • 455px width.
        • 12px height.
        • Background mask: #ececec.
        • Coverage fill: See Comprehensive - Badge Statuses.
        • Rounded corner radius 5px.
      • Labels:

        • Type 1: Sans source pro 16px, #444444, Regular.
        • Type 2: Sans source pro 16px, #444444, Semi-bold.
        • Padding: From indicator 10px above and below, aligned to edges.
      • Stacking:

        • Horizontal: Can be a minimum of 30px or maximum of 130px apart (1 col width 75px with 30px/30px padding either side). NB: Flexible depending on content component is appearing with to retain legibility and clean UI.
        • Vertical: 30px vertical padding.
      • 8 column variant:

        • 810px container width.
        • Indicator:

          • 770px width.
          • 12px height.
          • Background mask: #ececec.
          • Coverage fill: See Comprehensive - Badge Statuses.
          • Rounded corner radius 5px.
        • Labels:

          • Type 1: Sans source pro 16px, #444444, Regular.
          • Type 2: Sans source pro 16px, #444444, Semi-bold.
          • Padding: From indicator 10px above and below, aligned to edges.
        • Stacking: 30px vertical padding between indicators or lockups with indicators and content.
  • Tablet:

    • 5 columns:

      • 525px container width.
      • Indicator:

        • 485px width.
        • 12px height.
        • Background mask: #ececec.
        • Coverage fill: See Comprehensive - Badge Statuses.
        • Rounded corner radius 5px.
      • Labels:

        • Type 1: Sans source pro 16px, #444444, Regular.
        • Type 2: Sans source pro 16px, #444444, Semi-bold.
        • Padding: From indicator 10px above and below, aligned to edges.
      • Stacking: 30px vertical padding between indicators or lockups with indicators and content.
    • 8 columns:

      • 708px container width.
      • Indicator:

        • 668px width.
        • 12px height.
        • Background mask: #ececec.
        • Coverage fill See Comprehensive - Badge Statuses.
        • Rounded corner radius 5px.
      • Labels:

        • Type 1: Sans source pro 16px, #444444, Regular.
        • Type 2: Sans source pro 16px, #444444, Semi-bold.
        • Padding: From indicator 10px above and below, aligned to edges.
      • Stacking: 30px vertical padding between indicators or lockups with indicators and content.
  • Mobile:

    • 4 columns:

      • 280 container width.
      • Indicator:

        • 240px width.
        • 12px height.
        • Background mask: #ececec.
        • Coverage fill: See Comprehensive - Badge Statuses.
        • Rounded corner radius 5px.
      • Labels:

        • Type 1: Sans source pro 16px, #444444, Regular.
        • Type 2: Sans source pro 16px, #444444, Semi-bold.
        • Padding: From indicator 10px above and below, aligned to edges.
      • Stacking: 30px vertical padding between indicators or lockups with indicators and content.
    • Content lockup padding rules:

      • Complex:

        • Title: 15px vertical padding to indicator component.
        • Bullets/copy: 20px vertical padding from indicator component.

          • 10p between bullets.
      • Comprehensive:

        • Badge: Statuses (from FW 'Notifications' pattern) - 'Active', 'Expiring', 'Expired' and 'Retired':

          • Label: Sans Source Pro, 16px, semi bold, #5C596D.
          • 15px rounded corner rectangle.
          • Active: Fill #EDF5EA.
          • Expiring: Fill #FFF5E5.
          • Expired: Fill #F8E9E9.
          • Retired: Fill #EEE.
          • 35px height.
          • Symbol icons: Based on status. Adapted from FW 'Notifications' pattern, 25px x 25px.
          • Symbol padding: Horizontal 5px in from left edge of rounded corner rectangle.
          • Symbol label padding: Horizontal 10px from left edge of badge.
        • Title: 15px vertical padding between badge.
        • Data replay: Key line #cccccc, 15px vertical padding from title, FW pattern adapted for component width.
        • Indicator: 10px vertical padding from Data Replay.
        • Bullets/copy: 20px vertical padding from indicator component:

          • 10px between bullets/sub-bullets.
        • Contextual Notifications: For use with Start/End type indicators without accompanying content or context:

          • Standard:

            • Desktop: 455px width, fill #ECf8FF (FW Palette - Accent Light Blue).
            • Text link (optional): As per FW standards - text only variant.
          • Retired:

            • Desktop: 455px width, fill #EEE (FW Palette - Light Grey).
            • Text link (optional): As per FW standards - text only variant.


Basic value bar

Interactive example

Code example

<div class="a-value-bar [ Modifiers ]">
	<progress max="100" value=" [ value ] " class="a-value-bar__graph"><span> [ text value ] </span></progress>
	<p class="a-value-bar__min-value"><span>Min</span></p>
	<p class="a-value-bar__max-value"><span>Max</span></p>

Complex and comprehensive eight column variant

Interactive example

Code example

<div class="m-value-bar-wrapper">
	<p class="a-notification-tag [ Modifiers ]">...</p>
	<hr class="a-divider-line a-divider-line--horizontal-solid a-divider-line--15-all">
	<div class="m-data-replay">
			<div class="m-data-replay-item">
				<dt class="m-data-replay-item__title">...</dt>
				<dd class="m-data-replay-item__data">...</dd>
	<div class="a-value-bar [ Modifiers ]">
		<progress max="100" value=" [ value ] " class="a-value-bar__graph"><span> [ text value ] </span></progress>
		<p class="a-value-bar__min-value"><span>Min</span>Value</p>
		<p class="a-value-bar__max-value"><span>Max</span>Value</p>
		<p class="a-value-bar__notification" role="status">...</p>
	<ul class="a-list-unordered">

Development and test

Notes for developers

  • Use columns to set out five or eight column horizontal value bars:

    • l-max l-max--left l-max--5-column-medium l-columns l-columns--2-large
    • l-max l-max--left l-max--8-column-large

Note: Use the value to adjust the percentage of the value bar: value="[ value ]", but also add a meaningful text value between the spans for older browsers: <span> [ text value ] </span>.

Extension component

This component forms part of the 'charts' extension and so requires an additional stylesheet to be loaded in order to be used; include the following code in the header of your page to attach the relevant additional stylesheet:

<link media="all" href="./assets/[ theme type ]/[ release version ]/[ organisation ]/[ theme name ]/css/charts.css" rel="stylesheet" />

Notes for testers

IE9 and below will not display the coloured bar but will display a number above the grey bar.

Classes overview

The following table gives you a quick overview of the CSS classes that can be applied.

Class Outcome Required Applied to Comments
.a-value-bar Base wrapper style for value bar Yes div  
.a-value-bar__graph Base style for value bar graph Yes .a-value-bar > div  
.a-value-bar__min-value Style for min value labels Yes .a-value-bar > p  
.a-value-bar__max-value Style for max value label columns Yes .a-value-bar > p  
.a-value-bar__notification Style for value notification if required   .a-value-bar > p  
.a-value-bar--active Modifier style for value bar status   .a-value-bar Indicates status of value bar
.a-value-bar--expiring Modifier style for value bar status   .a-value-bar Indicates status of value bar
.a-value-bar--expired Modifier style for value bar status   .a-value-bar Indicates status of value bar
.a-value-bar--retired Modifier style for value bar status   .a-value-bar Indicates status of value bar
.m-value-bar-wrapper Base style for value bar molecule   div Use on outer element when used in complex or comprehensive molecule
.a-notification-tag Style for value bar status badge   .m-value-bar-wrapper > p Styles the value bar status badge when used
.a-notification-tag--success Modifier style for value bar status badge - active   .a-notification-tag Indicates status of the value bar badge when used in complex/comprehensive molecule
.a-notification-tag--information Modifier style for value bar status badge - expiring   ..a-notification-tag Indicates status of the value bar badge when used in complex/comprehensive molecule
.a-notification-tag--warning Modifier style for value bar status badge - expired   .a-notification-tag Indicates status of the value bar badge when used in complex/comprehensive molecule
.a-notification-tag--inactive Modifier style for value bar status badge - retired   .a-notification-tag Indicates status of the value bar badge when used in complex/comprehensive molecule

Component releases

  • Added on: v4.11.0 (19/07/19)
  • Updated on: v5.5.0 (23/03/21)

Latest update:

  • updated: The colour for the inactive status badge and value bar have been updated from #aaa to #858392, to provide better consistency in the colours used within Framework.

Full version history

A full history of changes and enhancements detailing all minor and major updates to the component.

View full version history

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