• Atom
  • Taxonomic name: A-LIST
  • Added on: v3.0.0 (15/09/17)
  • Updated on: v5.9.0 (13/07/21)


Lists are available either as unordered lists (bullet points are used to define a list of points or to highlight key issues) or ordered (numbered points are used when the list of items needs to be in a particular order).

Design and usage


  • Bullet points are used to define a list of points or to highlight key issues. Usually, bulleted lists are used when the list of items doesn't need any particular order.
  • Plus denotes optional cover items that can be added.
  • Use the list style which is appropriate to the content. Use lists with ticks and crosses sparingly so as not diminish their visual impact.
  • Minus denotes optional cover items can be removed.
  • All lists built to work on light and dark accent colours.


  • First level bullet shows with the same left padding as body text.
  • Second level bullet is intended.
  • Ordered lists with Roman numeral list should only be used for lists which have up to ten items within them, as Roman numerals become difficult to read above this.
  • Do not have lists spanning more than eight columns at tablet or desktop screen sizes.


  • Second level bullets always need a first level parent.
  • Do not use the second level bullets without a first level before it.



Interactive example

Code example

<ul class="a-list-unordered">
	<!-- to add a sub bullet point -->
	<ul class="a-list-unordered">
	<!-- to add a tick -->
	<li class="a-list-unordered__item--tick">...</li>
	<!-- to add a cross -->
	<li class="a-list-unordered__item--cross">...</li>
	<!-- to add a plus -->
	<li class="a-list-unordered__item--plus">...</li>
	<!-- to add a minus -->
	<li class="a-list-unordered__item--minus">...</li>


Interactive example

Code example

<ol class="a-list-ordered [ Modifiers ]">

Ordered - Roman Modifier

This list variant should only be used for lists that have up to ten items within them as roman numerals become difficult to read above this.

Note: When an ordered list with roman modifier is used within another ordered list it will automatically change to lower case roman numerals.

Interactive example

Code example

<ol class="a-list-ordered a-list-ordered--roman [ Modifiers ]">

Ordered - Alphabetical Modifier

Note: When an ordered list with alphabetical modifier is used within another ordered list it will automatically change to lower case alphabetical characters.

Interactive example

Code example

<ol class="a-list-ordered a-list-ordered--alpha [ Modifiers ]">

Plain ordered or unordered list

Interactive example

Code example

<ul class="a-list-plain">


Interactive example

Code example

<dl class="a-list-definition">

Opening times

Interactive example

Code example

<dl class="a-list-opening-times">
	<dt class="a-list-opening-times__days">...</dt>
	<dd class="a-list-opening-times__hours" itemtype="https://schema.org/OpeningHoursSpecification">
		<meta itemprop="dayOfWeek" content="..." />
		<meta itemprop="opens" content="..." />
		<meta itemprop="closes" content="..." />

News category unordered list

Interactive example

Code example

<ul class="a-list-unordered a-list-news">
	<li class="a-list-news__item--author">...</li>
	<li class="a-list-news__item--calendar">...</li>
	<li class="a-list-news__item--clock">...</li>
	<li class="a-list-news__item--duration">...</li>
	<li class="a-list-news__item--location">...</li>
	<li class="a-list-news__item--view">...</li>

Tertiary shallow button list

This variant should be used with lists of links to provide a larger than standard hit target but avoid excessive white space and physical length of each list. See buttons for more detail.

Interactive example

Code example

<ul class="a-list-plain a-list-plain--tertiary-buttons">
	<li><button class="a-button a-button--tertiary a-button--tertiary-shallow [ Modifier ]"><span class="a-button__inner">...</span></button></li>
	<li><a class="a-button a-button--tertiary a-button--tertiary-shallow [ Modifier ]" href="..."><span class="a-button__inner">...</span></a></li>

Development and test

Notes for developers

Ordered lists

  • If any list item's numbering extends into the copy, add .a-list-ordered--long to .a-list-ordered to increase the padding to 60px.

Classes overview

The following table gives you a quick overview of the CSS classes that can be applied.

Class Outcome Required Applied to Comments
.a-list-unordered Base standard styling for a bulleted list Yes ul  
.a-list-unordered__item--tick Modifier to change bullet to tick   .a-list-unordered > li  
.a-list-unordered__item--cross Modifier to change bullet to cross   .a-list-unordered > li  
.a-list-unordered__item--plus Modifier to change bullet to plus   .a-list-unordered > li  
.a-list-unordered__item--minus Modifier to change bullet to minus   .a-list-unordered > li  
.a-list-ordered Base standard styling for a numbered list Yes ol  
.a-list-ordered--roman Modifier to display roman numerals instead of numbers   .a-list-ordered  
.a-list-ordered--alpha Modifier to display alphabetical characters instead of numbers   .a-list-ordered  
.a-list-ordered--long Adds additional space to the left to allow for much longer to ordered list numbers   .a-list-ordered  
.a-list-plain Removes all styling from a list apart from some base margins Yes ul, ol  
.a-list-definition Base styling for a basic definition list Yes dl  
.a-list-opening-times Base styling for a list of opening times Yes dl  
.a-list-opening-times__days Base styling for a list of opening times Yes .a-list-opening-times > dt  
.a-list-opening-times__hours Base styling for a list of opening times Yes .a-list-opening-times > dd  
.a-list-news Base style for news icon list Yes .a-list-unordered  
.a-list-news__item--author List element icon styling   .a-list-news > li Author icon
.a-list-news__item--calendar List element icon styling   .a-list-news > li Calendar icon
.a-list-news__item--clock List element icon styling   .a-list-news > li Clock icon
.a-list-news__item--duration List element icon styling   .a-list-news > li Duration icon
.a-list-news__item--location List element icon styling   .a-list-news > li Location icon
.a-list-news__item--view List element icon styling   .a-list-news > li View icon
.a-list-plain--tertiary-buttons Modifier class for use with tertiary shallow button lists   .a-list-plain  

Component releases

  • Added on: v3.0.0 (15/09/17)
  • Updated on: v5.9.0 (13/07/21)

Latest update:

  • updated: Markup for opening times lists has been updated to include additional meta schemae to assist with SEO. Minor spacing changes have also been made to ensure consistency with the show/hide component variant (5px fewer for the right padding and 5px bottom margin added, both for the days).

Full version history

A full history of changes and enhancements detailing all minor and major updates to the component.

View full version history

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