• Taxonomic name: MAP
  • Added on: v3.1.0 (08/12/17)
  • Updated on: v5.0.0 (05/10/20)

Map styling

Customisation code and assets for Google map styling.

Design and usage

  • Standardised map styling
  • Centrally available custom markers
Example of Google map with Abeille Assurances styling and icons applied

Code examples

Map styling JSON code

		"featureType": "administrative.land_parcel",
		"elementType": "labels",
		"stylers": [{"visibility": "off"}]
		"featureType": "landscape",
		"stylers": [{"visibility": "on"}]
		"featureType": "landscape",
		"elementType": "geometry.fill",
		"stylers": [{"color": "#f9f9f9"}]
		"featureType": "landscape.man_made",
		"stylers": [{"color": "#eeeeee"},{"visibility": "on"}]
		"featureType": "poi.business",
		"elementType": "geometry.fill",
		"stylers": [{"color": "#cceac1"},{"visibility": "on"}]
		"featureType": "poi.park",
		"elementType": "geometry.fill",
		"stylers": [{"color": "#cceac1"}]
		"featureType": "road.arterial",
		"elementType": "geometry",
		"stylers": [{"color": "#cccccc"}]
		"featureType": "road.arterial",
		"elementType": "labels",
		"stylers": [{"visibility": "on"}]
		"featureType": "road.highway",
		"stylers": [{"color": "#aaaaaa"}]
		"featureType": "road.highway",
		"elementType": "labels",
		"stylers": [{"visibility": "off"}]
		"featureType": "road.local",
		"elementType": "geometry.fill",
		"stylers": [{"color": "#cccccc"}]
		"featureType": "road.local",
		"elementType": "labels",
		"stylers": [{"visibility": "on"}]
		"featureType": "water",
		"stylers": [{"color": "#7ca6dc"}]

Google API code

Don't forget to replace your YOUR_API_KEY with a valid key when adding the code below


Custom markers overview

The following table gives you a quick overview of the custom marker icons that can be applied.

Icon image URL Comments Example
/assets/themes-icons/v2/[ organisation ]/[ theme name ]/functional/maps/pins/pin-location.svg Location individual pin icon used to replace the standard location map marker
/assets/themes-icons/v2/[ organisation ]/[ theme name ]/functional/maps/pins/pin-start.svg Route start individual pin icon used to replace the standard route start map marker
/assets/themes-icons/v2/[ organisation ]/[ theme name ]/functional/maps/pins/pin-end.svg Route end individual pin icon used to replace the standard route end map marker
/assets/themes-icons/v2/[ organisation ]/[ theme name ]/functional/maps/pins/pin-cluster-single.svg Single digit cluster pin icon used to replace the standard single digit cluster pin map marker where there is a cluster of 1-9 markers in a particular location on the map
/assets/themes-icons/v2/[ organisation ]/[ theme name ]/functional/maps/pins/pin-cluster-double.svg Double digit cluster pin icon used to replace the standard double digit cluster pin map marker where there is a cluster of 10-99 markers in a particular location on the map 50
/assets/themes-icons/v2/[ organisation ]/[ theme name ]/functional/maps/stamps/stamp-agent-default.svg Custom Agent POI map marker
/assets/themes-icons/v2/[ organisation ]/[ theme name ]/functional/maps/stamps/stamp-agent-hover.svg Custom Agent POI map marker - hover state
/assets/themes-icons/v2/[ organisation ]/[ theme name ]/functional/maps/stamps/stamp-agent-selected.svg Custom Agent POI map marker - selected state
/assets/themes-icons/v2/[ organisation ]/[ theme name ]/functional/maps/stamps/stamp-branch-default.svg Custom Branch POI map marker
/assets/themes-icons/v2/[ organisation ]/[ theme name ]/functional/maps/stamps/stamp-branch-hover.svg Custom Branch POI map marker - hover state
/assets/themes-icons/v2/[ organisation ]/[ theme name ]/functional/maps/stamps/stamp-branch-selected.svg Custom Branch POI map marker - selected state
/assets/themes-icons/v2/[ organisation ]/[ theme name ]/functional/maps/stamps/stamp-garage-default.svg Custom Garage POI map marker
/assets/themes-icons/v2/[ organisation ]/[ theme name ]/functional/maps/stamps/stamp-garage-hover.svg Custom Garage POI map marker - hover state
/assets/themes-icons/v2/[ organisation ]/[ theme name ]/functional/maps/stamps/stamp-garage-selected.svg Custom Garage POI map marker - selected state
/assets/themes-icons/v2/[ organisation ]/[ theme name ]/functional/maps/stamps/stamp-medic-default.svg Custom Medic POI map marker
/assets/themes-icons/v2/[ organisation ]/[ theme name ]/functional/maps/stamps/stamp-medic-hover.svg Custom Medic POI map marker - hover state
/assets/themes-icons/v2/[ organisation ]/[ theme name ]/functional/maps/stamps/stamp-medic-selected.svg Custom Medic POI map marker - selected state

Component releases

  • Added on: v3.1.0 (08/12/17)
  • Updated on: v5.0.0 (05/10/20)

Latest update:

  • updated: Ability to use PNG icons removed and the icons have been moved to sit within the central icon library.

Full version history

A full history of changes and enhancements detailing all minor and major updates to the component.

View full version history

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