Primary questions
Enhanced version - king question

Nullam ac elit eu enim ultricies maximus vitae et felis. Morbi vitae lectus at nunc elementum porttitor.

Changing the answer to the question above could effect the questions below when using the 'Next' button.

Level 1 - Question 1

Level 1 - Question 1

Please use the format MM/YYYY

Question 1.2

If you answered 'One' or 'Two' to the question above, please proceed to question 2; if you answered 'Three', please proceed to question 5.

Level 2 - Question 2

Level 2 - Question 2

Please use the format MM/YYYY

Question 2.2

Nunc quis feugiat ligula. Curabitur lorem magna, eleifend porta justo eget, finibus pellentesque diam. Nam imperdiet eros id augue tempus imperdiet vitae eget lectus. Sed id euismod massa, eget iaculis nisl.

Nulla nulla diam, interdum ut posuere at, commodo nec ante. Nullam fringilla sapien at nisi condimentum, a tempor arcu mollis. Suspendisse at massa convallis justo mattis elementum sit amet quis elit.

Etiam non enim facilisis

Ut rutrum venenatis sem sit amet ornare. Sed vitae pharetra justo, vel rutrum nisl. Mauris ex libero, viverra vitae molestie id, fermentum nec augue. Maecenas quis congue augue, vel vulputate leo. Mauris in euismod eros. Praesent odio metus, sagittis semper mi id, dignissim pellentesque libero. Nullam luctus a diam eget aliquet.

If you answered 'One' or 'Two' to the question above, please proceed to question 3; if you answered 'Three', there are no further questions to answer in this section.

Level 3 - Question 3

Level 3 - Question 3
Question 3.1

If you selected 'other' for the question above, please answer the following question.

Question 3.1 other information
Question 3.2

Changing the answer to the question above could effect the response below when using the 'Next' button.

Hey hey we have content here (endpoint 1)

Changing the answer to the question above could effect the questions below when using the 'Next' button.

Level 2 - Question 4

Level 2 - Question 4

Please use the format MM/YYYY

Question 4.2

Changing the answer to the question above could effect the questions below when using the 'Next' button.

Level 3 - Question 5

Level 3 - Question 5

If you selected 'Option 1.1' for the question above, please answer the following question.

Level 4 - Option 1.1

Level 4 - Option 1.1

If you selected 'Option 2.1' for the question above, please answer the following questions.

Level 4 - Option 2.1

Level 4 - Option 2.1

If you selected 'yes' for the question above, please answer the following question.

Level 5

Changing the answer to the question above could effect the questions below when using the 'Next' button.

Level 3 - Question 6

Level 3 - Question 6

Please use the format MM/YYYY

Question 6.2

Changing the answer to the question above could effect the response below when using the 'Next' button.

Hey hey we have content here (endpoint 2)