• Molecule
  • Taxonomic name: M-RADIO-CARD-CONTROL
  • Added on: v2023.01 (25/05/23)
  • Updated on: v2023.01 (25/05/23)

Radio card controls


Design and usage

  • ...
  • ...


Radio card control - Default

Interactive example

Code example

<fieldset class="m-form-row m-form-row--full-width">
	<legend class="a-label">...</legend>
	<p class="m-form-row__explanatory-text" id="...">...</p>
	<div class="m-form-row__content">
		<ul class="m-form-row-group m-form-row-group-items--2-small m-radio-card-control [ Modifers ]">
			<li class="m-form-row-group-item m-form-row-group-item--full-width">
				<label class="a-radio" for="...">
					<input class="a-radio__input" type="radio" name="..." id="..." value="..." />
					<span class="a-radio__label">
						<span class="a-radio__label-image">
							<img src="..." decoding="async" width="150" height="75" alt="..." aria-label="...">
						<span class="a-radio__label-inner">...</span>
					<span class="a-radio__ui"></span>
			<li class="m-form-row-group-item m-form-row-group-item--full-width">
				<label class="a-radio" for="...">
					<input class="a-radio__input" type="radio" name="..." id="..." value="..." />
					<span class="a-radio__label">
						<span class="a-radio__label-image">
							<img src="..." decoding="async" width="150" height="75" alt="..." aria-label="...">
						<span class="a-radio__label-inner">...</span>
					<span class="a-radio__ui"></span>
		<div class="u-text--center">
			<button class="a-button a-button--tertiary a-button--add">
				<span class="a-button__inner">...</span>

Radio card control - Valid

Interactive example

Code example

<fieldset class="m-form-row m-form-row--full-width is-valid">
	<legend class="a-label">...</legend>
	<p class="m-form-row__explanatory-text" id="...">...</p>
	<div class="m-form-row__content">
		<p class="m-form-row__validation-message">...</p>
		<ul class="m-form-row-group m-form-row-group-items--2-small m-radio-card-control [ Modifers ]">
			<li class="m-form-row-group-item m-form-row-group-item--full-width">
				<label class="a-radio" for="...">
					<input class="a-radio__input" type="radio" name="..." id="..." value="..." />
					<span class="a-radio__label">
						<span class="a-radio__label-image">
							<img src="..." decoding="async" width="150" height="75" alt="..." aria-label="...">
						<span class="a-radio__label-inner">...</span>
					<span class="a-radio__ui"></span>
			<li class="m-form-row-group-item m-form-row-group-item--full-width">
				<label class="a-radio" for="...">
					<input class="a-radio__input" type="radio" name="..." id="..." value="..." />
					<span class="a-radio__label">
						<span class="a-radio__label-image">
							<img src="..." decoding="async" width="150" height="75" alt="..." aria-label="...">
						<span class="a-radio__label-inner">...</span>
					<span class="a-radio__ui"></span>
		<div class="u-text--center">
			<button class="a-button a-button--tertiary a-button--add">
				<span class="a-button__inner">...</span>

Radio card control - Error

Interactive example

Code example

<fieldset class="m-form-row m-form-row--full-width is-error" aria-invalid="true" aria-describedby="...">
	<legend class="a-label">...</legend>
	<p class="m-form-row__explanatory-text" id="...">...</p>
	<div class="m-form-row__content">
		<p class="m-form-row__error-message"><span class="u-hidden--visually">Error: </span>...</p>
		<ul class="m-form-row-group m-form-row-group-items--2-small m-radio-card-control [ Modifers ]">
			<li class="m-form-row-group-item m-form-row-group-item--full-width">
				<label class="a-radio" for="...">
					<input class="a-radio__input" type="radio" name="..." id="..." value="..." />
					<span class="a-radio__label">
						<span class="a-radio__label-image">
							<img src="..." decoding="async" width="150" height="75" alt="..." aria-label="...">
						<span class="a-radio__label-inner">...</span>
					<span class="a-radio__ui"></span>
			<li class="m-form-row-group-item m-form-row-group-item--full-width">
				<label class="a-radio" for="...">
					<input class="a-radio__input" type="radio" name="..." id="..." value="..." />
					<span class="a-radio__label">
						<span class="a-radio__label-image">
							<img src="..." decoding="async" width="150" height="75" alt="..." aria-label="...">
						<span class="a-radio__label-inner">...</span>
					<span class="a-radio__ui"></span>
		<div class="u-text--center">
			<button class="a-button a-button--tertiary a-button--add">
				<span class="a-button__inner">...</span>

Radio card control - Disabled

Interactive example

Code example

<fieldset class="m-form-row m-form-row--full-width is-disabled" disabled>
	<legend class="a-label">...</legend>
	<p class="m-form-row__explanatory-text" id="...">...</p>
	<div class="m-form-row__content">
		<ul class="m-form-row-group m-form-row-group-items--2-small m-radio-card-control [ Modifers ]">
			<li class="m-form-row-group-item m-form-row-group-item--full-width">
				<label class="a-radio" for="...">
					<input class="a-radio__input" type="radio" name="..." id="..." value="..." />
					<span class="a-radio__label">
						<span class="a-radio__label-image">
							<img src="..." decoding="async" width="150" height="75" alt="..." aria-label="...">
						<span class="a-radio__label-inner">...</span>
					<span class="a-radio__ui"></span>
			<li class="m-form-row-group-item m-form-row-group-item--full-width">
				<label class="a-radio" for="...">
					<input class="a-radio__input" type="radio" name="..." id="..." value="..." />
					<span class="a-radio__label">
						<span class="a-radio__label-image">
							<img src="..." decoding="async" width="150" height="75" alt="..." aria-label="...">
						<span class="a-radio__label-inner">...</span>
					<span class="a-radio__ui"></span>
		<div class="u-text--center">
			<button class="a-button a-button--tertiary a-button--add">
				<span class="a-button__inner">...</span>

Development and test

Notes for developers

Inline icon images should be made up as a single sprite with a fixed size of 150px x 75px, or larger, while maintaining the same ratio, e.g. 300px x 150px, with the two versions of the individual icons within it being no more than 75px x 75px and centred horizontally and vertically.

Notes for testers


Classes overview

The following table gives you a quick overview of the CSS classes that can be applied.

Class Outcome Required Applied to Comments
.m-form-row-group Base styling for a group of form inputs Yes .m-form-row__content > ul  
.m-form-row-group-items--size-breakpoint Modifier to place radios in multiple columns for each breakpoints
size: from 1 to 6
breakpoint: small, medium, large
.m-form-row-group-item Base for individual radios Yes .m-form-row-group > li  
.m-form-row-group-item--full-width Modifer to force radios to be full width (not natural width) when not in column system   .m-form-row-group-item Only exclude if using a group of standalone checkboxes
.m-radio-card-control Base styling for a group of radio card controls Yes .m-form-row-group  
.a-radio Additional styles for radios Yes span  
.a-radio__input Additional styles for radios Yes .a-radio > input  
.a-radio__label Styles for the label Yes .a-radio__input + span  
.a-radio__label-image Wrapper to mask inline sprite image   .a-radio__label + span Place inline image within this wrapper to ensure only selected spite image is visible
.a-radio__label-inner Styles in order to keep the label centered when multiple lines are needed Yes .a-radio__label > span  
.a-radio__ui Animations for the radio Yes .a-radio__label + span  

Keyboard operations


Tabbing to an group of radio should make the radio option clearly visually different so that the focus point on the page is obvious to the user.


With focus on the radio option, pressing SPACE will select/de-select the radio option.


With focus on the radio option, pressing any CURSOR KEY will move the focus to the next/previous option within the radio option group.

Component releases

  • Added on: v2023.01 (25/05/23)
  • Updated on: v2023.01 (25/05/23)

Latest update:

  • updated: Component added.

Full version history

A full history of changes and enhancements detailing all minor and major updates to the component.

View full version history

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