• Atom
  • Taxonomic name: A-SOCIAL-LINKS
  • Added on: v3.0.0 (15/09/17)
  • Updated on: v5.4.0 (23/02/21)

Social links

Social media icons can be used to link to Abeille Assurances' social media sites, including Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and YouTube.

Design and usage

Accessibility and screen readers

  • Icon contrast inline with pre-existing WCAG guidelines and established Framework components
  • Link dimensions a minimum of 44px by 44px in-line with pre-existing WCAG guidelines and established Framework components
  • Hover and focus states inline with pre-existing WCAG guidelines and established Framework components
  • Hidden descriptive text must be descriptive of what the link is doing eg. "Abeille Assurances' Facebook page" or "Share this article on Facebook"

Design anatomy

  • Designed for use with light or dark backgrounds (see footer style example below).


Interactive example

Code example

<ul class="a-social-links a-list-plain">
	<li><a class="a-social-links__icon [ Modifier ]" href="..." itemprop="sameAs"><span>...</span></a></li>

Development and test

Notes for testers

  • Ensure that links can be accessed via the mouse as well as via tabbing using the keyboard.
  • Use a screen reader to confirm that the links are understandable as to where they will be going when listed out of context of the page.
  • Ensure that when hovering over a link, the style changes noticeably.
  • Ensure that when a link has focus, the style changes noticeably.
  • Ensure that text within links is descriptive of what or where the link is going such as "Abeille Assurances' Facebook page" or "Share this article on Facebook".

Classes overview

The following table gives you a quick overview of the CSS classes that can be applied.

Class Outcome Required Applied to Comments
.a-social-links Base style for social icon list Yes ul  
.a-social-links__icon Base style for social icon within a list Yes .a-social-links > li  
.a-social-links__icon--facebook Facebook icon   .a-social-links__icon
.a-social-links__icon--twitter Twitter icon   .a-social-links__icon
.a-social-links__icon--x X icon   .a-social-links__icon
.a-social-links__icon--google Google icon   .a-social-links__icon
.a-social-links__icon--youtube YouTube icon   .a-social-links__icon
.a-social-links__icon--linkedin LinkedIn icon   .a-social-links__icon
.a-social-links__icon--instagram Instagram icon   .a-social-links__icon
.a-social-links__icon--email Email icon   .a-social-links__icon
.a-social-links__icon--messenger Messenger icon   .a-social-links__icon

Keyboard operations


Tabbing to an anchor should make the social link clearly visually different so that the focus point on the page is obvious to the user.


With focus on an anchor, pressing SPACE or ENTER will open the relevant social page.

Component releases

  • Added on: v3.0.0 (15/09/17)
  • Updated on: v5.4.0 (23/02/21)

Latest update:

  • updated: Guidance regarding social sharing links has been updated to recommend containing more descriptive text eg. "Abeille Assurances' Twitter feed" or "Share this article on Twitter" instead of simply "Twitter" in order to make it clearer to users of assistive technologies what the link will do.

Full version history

A full history of changes and enhancements detailing all minor and major updates to the component.

View full version history

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