• Molecule
  • Taxonomic name: M-TABLE
  • Added on: v3.0.0 (15/09/17)
  • Updated on: DESY v.2023.01 (26/10/23)


Les tableaux peuvent être utiles pour comparer, montrer les relations entre les éléments d'information ou trouver des éléments d'information spécifiques.

Design and usage


  • Les colonnes du tableau sont fixés pour avoir la même largeur
  • Les icônes haut/bas sont utilisées pour indiquer les valeurs positives ou négatives.
  • Les icônes des indicateurs numériques se trouvent uniquement à droite du chiffre.
  • Une seule icône peut être utilisée par cellule
  • INTERDIT : changer la couleur de la police
  • Pour les tableaux longs ou complexes, envisagez l'utilisation de la pagination afin de fournir aux utilisateurs des parties plus faciles à gérer, plus facile à gérer pour les utilisateurs.


  • L'utilisation de l'icône de l'indicateur numérique transmet l'indication positive/négative et dans ce cas d'utilisation, un indicateur séparé n'est pas nécessaire.
  • Donner aux titres des libellés concis, clairs et significatifs


  • Les tableaux non empilables défilent horizontalement dans une vue mobile.
  • Utilisez des tableaux empilables et mettez-les en œuvre correctement pour que les utilisateurs mobiles puissent accéder à l'information.

Cas d'utilisation et scénarios d'exception

  • Des indicateurs numériques devraient être utilisés pour mettre en évidence les performances des fonds à l'aide de flèches vers le haut ou vers le bas.
  • INTERDIT : Les fonctions Afficher/Masquer (Show/hides) ne doivent pas être utilisées dans les tableaux.


Scrollable table

Interactive example

Code example

										<div class="m-table" tabindex="0" data-module="u-scrollable">
														<th scope="col">...</th>
														<th scope="col">...</th>
														<th scope="row">...</th>
														<td><span class="m-table__icon m-table__icon--tick">Included</span></td>
														<td><span class="m-table__icon m-table__icon--cross">Not included</span></td>

Scrollable comparison table (first column fixed)

Interactive example

Code example

										<div class="m-table" tabindex="0" data-module="m-comparison-table">
														<th scope="col">...</th>
														<th scope="col">...</th>
														<th scope="row">...</th>
														<td><span class="m-table__icon m-table__icon--tick">Included</span></td>
														<td><span class="m-table__icon m-table__icon--cross">Not included</span></td>

Comparison table (stacked at mobile)

This table is only designed to work with icons.

Interactive example

Code example

										<div class="m-table m-table--comparison" tabindex="0" data-module="u-scrollable">
														<th scope="col">[ Title 1 ]</th>
														<th scope="col">[ Title 2 ]</th>
														<th scope="row">...</th>
														<td data-th="[ Title 1 ]"><span class="m-table__icon m-table__icon--tick">Included</span></td>
														<td data-th="[ Title 2 ]"><span class="m-table__icon m-table__icon--cross">Not included</span></td>

Table with numeric indicators

Interactive example

Code example

										<div class="m-table m-table--no-fixed" tabindex="0" data-module="u-scrollable">
													<col />
													<col width="..." />
													<col width="..." />
														<th scope="col">...</th>
														<th scope="row">...</th>
														<td class="a-numeric-indicator--positive-icon">...</td>
														<th scope="row"> ... </th>
														<td class="a-numeric-indicator--negative-icon">...</td>

Table stacking at mobile by row

Interactive example

Code example

										<div class="m-table m-table--stackable-row">
														<th scope="col">[ Title 1 ]</th>
														<th scope="col">[ Title 2 ]</th>
														<th scope="row">[ Label 1 ]</th>
														<td data-th="[ Title 1 ]">[ Content 1 ]</td>
														<td data-th="[ Title 2 ]">[ Content 2 ]</td>
														<th scope="row">[ Label 2 ]</th>
														<td data-th="[ Title 1 ]">[ Content 1 ]</td>
														<td data-th="[ Title 2 ]">[ Content 2 ]</td>

Table stacking at mobile by column

In mobile view this table stacks by column using javascript. Without javascript, the table becomes scrollable when in mobile view.

Interactive example

Code example

										<div class="m-table m-table--stackable-column" data-module="m-stackable-column-table">
												<thead class="m-table--text-left">
														<th scope="col">[ Title 1 ]</th>
														<th scope="col">[ Title 2 ]</th>
														<th scope="row">[ Label 1 ]</th>
														<td>[ Content 1 ]</td>
														<td>[ Content 2 ]</td>
														<th scope="row">[ Label 2 ]</th>
														<td>[ Content 1 ]</td>
														<td>[ Content 2 ]</td>

Development and test

Notes for developers

All th elements must have the scope attribute set appropriately.

Numeric icons are coded as an:after. To prevent the icon repeating within a table cell ensure that only the text is included within a td containing the class a-numeric-indicator--negative-icon or a-numeric-indicator--positive-icon.

Classes overview

The following table gives you a quick overview of the CSS classes that can be applied.

Class Outcome Required Applied to Comments
.m-table Base style for tables Yes div  
.m-table--no-fixed Désactive la largeur égale pour les colonnes   .m-table
.m-table--comparison Modifier for creating a stacked comparison table on small screens   .m-table Not for use in conjunction with scrollable tables
.m-table--stackable-row Modifier for creating a stackable table by row label in mobile view   .m-table Not for use in conjunction with comparison tables or scrollable tables
.m-table--stackable-column Modifier for creating a stackable table by column header in mobile view   .m-table Not for use in conjunction with comparison tables or scrollable tables
.m-table--zebra-stripes Modifier for applying zebra stripes to a table   .m-table Can be used on any table.
.m-table--no-content-keylines Modifier to remove the keylines in the table   .m-table Leaves the vertical keyline between the table row label and the table data
.m-table__standard-icon Base style for functional and solid icons   img Applies sizing to icon and when in mobile view, puts the icon inline to the text.
.m-table__icon Base style an icon displayed within a table cell   span Ensure the text within the element is meaningful if the icon was not there
.m-table__icon--tick Modifier to set the icon to a tick   .m-table__icon  
.m-table__icon--cross Modifier to set the icon to a cross   .m-table__icon  
.a-numeric-indicator--positive-icon Modifier to add a positive numeric indicator icon   td  
.a-numeric-indicator--negative-icon Modifier to add a negative numeric indicator icon   td  
.m-table--text-center Modifier to set text align in the element to centre   .m-table, thead, tbody, tr  
.m-table--text-left Modifier to set text align in the element to left   .m-table, thead, tbody, tr  
.m-table__body-row-data--text-center Modifier to set the td text align to centre   tbody  
.m-table__body-row-header--text-center Modifier to set the th text align to centre   tbody  
.m-table__body-row-data--text-left Modifier to set the td text align to left   tbody  
.m-table__body-row-header--text-left Modifier to set the th text align to left   tbody  

Component releases

  • Added on: v3.0.0 (15/09/17)
  • Updated on: v5.0.0 (05/10/20)

Latest update:

  • updated: Data module used for scrollable was renamed to match standard naming conventions for scrollable to u-scrollable.
  • updated: The m-table element must have tabindex="0" set on it to ensure that if the table becomes scrollable at any screen size the area is accessibile via the keyboard.
  • updated: Tables stacked by column no longer require a data attribute setting for each table cell mirroring the value of the row header.

Full version history

A full history of changes and enhancements detailing all minor and major updates to the component.

View full version history

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