• Utility
  • Taxonomic name: U-
  • Added on: v3.0.0 (15/09/17)
  • Updated on: v4.10.0 (21/06/19)

Utility classes reference

Classes overview

The following table gives you a quick overview of the CSS classes that can be applied to style elements.

Class Outcome Comments
.u-content-fade Fade content in as the user scrolls down the page Used in conjunction with data-module="u-content-fade" data-module-load="true" - see specific documentation on the content-fade page
.u-hidden Hides elements Only use this if the element is not required for a screen reader
.u-hidden--visually Hides element visually but still part of the document flow Especially good for hiding additional copy within buttons to make them accessible
.u-hidden--no-js Hides elements when JavaScript is not available Sets the element to display:block when JavaScript is available
.u-hidden--js Hides elements when JavaScript is available Sets the element to display:none when JavaScript is available
.u-no-print Hides elements when the page is printed  
.u-align--left Float the element to the left  
.u-align--center Align a block element with set width to the center of its container  
.u-align--right Float the element to the right  
.u-align--middle Centre the content of the element vertically This class relies on flexbox, so will only work on modern browsers and will need careful testing prior to release
.u-clear--both Clear all floated elements  
.u-clear--left Clear all left floated elements  
.u-clear--right Clear all right floated elements  
.u-clear--inner Clear all elements inside this element  
.u-text--left Aligne le texte à gauche  
.u-text--left-medium Aligne le texte à gauche à partir de Tablet  
.u-text--left-large Aligne le texte à gauche à partir du Desktop  
.u-text--center Centre le texte  
.u-text--center-medium Centre le texte à partir de Tablet  
.u-text--center-large Centre le texte à partir de Desktop  
.u-text--right Aligne le texte à droite  
.u-text--right-medium Aligne le texte à droite à partir de Tablet  
.u-text--right-large Aligne le texte à droite à partir de Desktop  
.u-text--word-wrap For wrapping long strings such as URLs when displayed as text  
.u-text--no-wrap For preventing wrapping of text that contains spaces  
.u-margin--none Removes all margin  
.u-margin--top-none Removes any top margin For use on the outer element of a organism, molecule or atom
.u-margin--bottom-none Removes any bottom margin For use on the outer element of a organism, molecule or atom
.u-margin--right-none Removes any right margin For use on the outer element of a organism, molecule or atom
.u-margin--left-none Removes any left margin For use on the outer element of a organism, molecule or atom
.u-margin--none-medium Removes all margin for tablet screens and up  
.u-margin--top-none-medium Removes any top margin for tablet screens and up For use on the outer element of a organism, molecule or atom
.u-margin--bottom-none-medium Removes any bottom margin for tablet screens and up For use on the outer element of a organism, molecule or atom
.u-margin--right-none-medium Removes any right margin for tablet screens and up For use on the outer element of a organism, molecule or atom
.u-margin--left-none-medium Removes any left margin for tablet screens and up For use on the outer element of a organism, molecule or atom
.u-margin--none-large Removes all margin for desktop screens  
.u-margin--top-none-large Removes any top margin for desktop screens For use on the outer element of a organism, molecule or atom
.u-margin--bottom-none-large Removes any bottom margin for desktop screens For use on the outer element of a organism, molecule or atom
.u-margin--right-none-large Removes any right margin for desktop screens For use on the outer element of a organism, molecule or atom
.u-margin--left-none-large Removes any left margin for desktop screens For use on the outer element of a organism, molecule or atom
.u-margin--x-none Removes any left and right margin For use on the outer element of a organism, molecule or atom
.u-margin--x-none-medium Removes any left and right margin for tablet screens and up For use on the outer element of a organism, molecule or atom
.u-margin--x-none-large Removes any left and right margin for desktop For use on the outer element of a organism, molecule or atom
.u-margin--y-none Removes any top and bottom margin For use on the outer element of a organism, molecule or atom
.u-margin--y-none-medium Removes any top and bottom margin for tablet screens and up For use on the outer element of a organism, molecule or atom
.u-margin--y-none-large Removes any top and bottom margin for desktop For use on the outer element of a organism, molecule or atom
.u-margin--direction-size add the amount margin in the desired direction For use on the outer element of a organism, molecule or atom
direction could be the classics top, left, bottom, right
size could be:
.3125rem which makes 5px with default text zoom
.625rem which makes 10px with default text zoom
.9375rem which makes 15px with default text zoom
1.25rem which makes 20px with default text zoom
1.875rem which makes 30px with default text zoom
2.5rem which makes 40px with default text zoom
3.125rem which makes 50px with default text zoom
3.75rem which makes 60px with default text zoom
4.375rem which makes 70px with default text zoom
5rem which makes 80px with default text zoom
.u-margin--direction-size-medium same as .u-margin--direction-size for tablet screens and up For use on the outer element of a organism, molecule or atom
.u-margin--direction-size-large same as .u-margin--direction-size for desktop screens For use on the outer element of a organism, molecule or atom
.u-padding--direction-size add the amount padding in the desired direction For use on the outer element of a organism, molecule or atom
direction could be the classics top, left, bottom, right
size could be:
.3125rem which makes 5px with default text zoom
.625rem which makes 10px with default text zoom
.9375rem which makes 15px with default text zoom
1.25rem which makes 20px with default text zoom
1.875rem which makes 30px with default text zoom
2.5rem which makes 40px with default text zoom
3.125rem which makes 50px with default text zoom
3.75rem which makes 60px with default text zoom
4.375rem which makes 70px with default text zoom
5rem which makes 80px with default text zoom
.u-padding--direction-size-medium same as .u-padding--direction-size for tablet screens and up For use on the outer element of a organism, molecule or atom
.u-padding--direction-size-large same as .u-padding--direction-size for desktop screens For use on the outer element of a organism, molecule or atom
.u_bgs-ct Redimensionne l'image de fond afin qu'elle soit la plus grande possible, sans la rogner, et que l'image conserve ses proportions.
.u_bgs-cv Redimensionne l'image de fond afin qu'elle couvre tout son conteneur, y compris en la rognant, et que l'image conserve ses proportions.
.u_bgpx-left Positionne l'image de fond à gauche
.u_bgpx-center Positionne l'image de fond au centre de l'axe horizontal
.u_bgpx-right Positionne l'image de fond à droite
.u_bgpy-top Positionne l'image de fond en haut
.u_bgpy-center Positionne l'image de fond au centre de l'axe vertical
.u_bgpy-bottom Positionne l'image de fond en bas

Component releases

  • Added on: v3.0.0 (15/09/17)
  • Updated on: v4.10.0 (21/06/19)

Latest update:

  • Class .u-text--no-wrap added to prevent wrapping of text, ie. numbers with spaces.

Full version history

A full history of changes and enhancements detailing all minor and major updates to the component.

View full version history

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