This component has been removed from the Framework.

  • Theme
  • Added on: v4.0.0 (20/07/18)
  • Removed on: v5.0.0 (05/10/20)

Partner themes

The partner theme currently allows modifications to the global masthead to enable the addition of a custom logo, with an option of either a light grey or white background. With this theme, the masthead becomes deeper (80px instead of 60px), and down/up chevrons are added to indicate where menu options are expandable.

Design and usage


  • The custom masthead adopts the same structure as the standard global masthead.
  • The background colour of the masthead is either light grey (#F9F9F9) or white (#FFF).
  • The custom masthead can also house different sizes / ratios of brand logos; this is to allow for the flexibility to cater for all logo types. The maximum logo size is 180px wide or 60px deep, whichever is the greater.


  • The labels for the links within the custom masthead adopt the same structure, padding, and styling as the standard global masthead.


  • Error messages and notifications adopt the same structure, padding, and styling as the standard global masthead.

Accessibility and screen readers

  • The custom masthead adopts the accessibility and screen reader guidance from the standard global masthead.

Non-JS requirements and considerations

  • Follows standard global masthead rules for non-JS.


  • The custom masthead must be placed at the top of the browser window.
  • The custom masthead can be pushed down by our default cookie acceptance message.

Use case and exception scenarios

  • The custom masthead should only be used on co-branded workplace pensions microsites/pages.
  • The custom masthead should not be used on Abeille Assurances webpages.

Interactive examples

Grey background, deep logo (logged in)

A static example is shown below, and a working example can be seen on the partner theme - grey background, deep logo (logged in) page.

Partner theme - grey background, deep logo (logged in)

White background, wide logo (logged out)

A static example is shown below, and a working example can be seen on the partner theme - white background, wide logo (logged out) page.

Partner theme - white background, wide logo (logged out)

Grey background, standard logo (logged out, no search)

A static example is shown below, and a working example can be seen on the partner theme - grey background, standard logo (logged out, no search) page.

Partner theme - grey background, standard logo (logged out, no search)

Code examples

Change masthead background colour


<div class="o-masthead u-clear--inner t-accent-light t-accent-light--5" data-module="o-masthead" data-module-load="true">


<div class="o-masthead u-clear--inner t-accent-light t-accent-light--5 o-masthead--white" data-module="o-masthead" data-module-load="true">

Change partner logo


<a class="o-masthead-logo__link" href="..." aria-label="...">
	<img class="o-masthead-logo__image" src="..." alt="...">

Development and test

Notes for developers

Theme css file locations

Themes work by replacing the default CSS with customised versions of the files which are located in a different directory. To access these files, update links to any Framework CSS files by altering:

<link media="all" href="[ CDN Folder Path ]/css/customer/[ CSS file name ]" rel="stylesheet" />


<link media="all" href="[ CDN Folder Path ]/css/partner/[ CSS file name ]" rel="stylesheet" />

Theme-specific information

The default styling for the partner theme extends the height of the masthead area to 80px and changes its background colour to lightest grey (#F9F9F9).

To change the background colour to white, add the .o-masthead--white class to the .o-masthead div.

To change the partner logo, update the href link and aria details for the .o-masthead-logo__link anchor tag and update the src and alt tags for its child img.

Classes overview

The following table gives you a quick overview of the CSS classes that can be applied.

Class Outcome Required Applied to Comments
.o-masthead--white Modifier to change the masthead background colour to white   .o-masthead Partner them default: lightest grey #F9F9F9

Component releases

  • Added on: v4.0.0 (20/07/18)
  • Removed on: v5.0.0 (05/10/20)

Latest update:

  • Partner theme removed from use as automated theming and the new variants added to masthead allow for the creation of matching themes and even greater customisation.

Full version history

A full history of changes and enhancements detailing all minor and major updates to the component.

View full version history

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