Your policies

Ford Fiesta


  • Policy number


  • Premium


  • Cover

    Third party

  • End Date

    17th May 2018

Honeysuckle cottage


  • Policy number


  • Premium


  • Cover


  • End Date

    7th April 2016

Audi A4


  • Policy number


  • Premium


  • Cover


  • End Date

    8th August 2018

Critical Illness

  • Policy number


  • Premium


  • Monthly payment


  • Next payment

    23rd July

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Your monthly price £912.00

Travel insurance

As an existing customer you save 15%

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What you get

  • Pre-travel advice available through our travel assistant helplin
  • Up to 9 people covered – ideal for family travel insurance
  • Cancellation or abandonment of your trip – up to S$5,000 per person
  • Emergency medical treatment – up to S$10 million
  • Missed international departures – up to S$1,000
  • Replace essential items if baggage is delayed more than 12 hours – up to S$150

24 hour helpline with an experienced team on hand to help you with

  • Worldwide medical emergencies
  • Replacement of lost or stolen travel documents
  • Tracing lost or delayed luggage

We'll deal with your claim quickly and fairly. We'll pay hospital fees direct if we can so you get the treatment you need without having to worry about how to pay the medical bills.

  Abeille Assurances AXA Direct Line Post Office Virgin
Online discount Included Not included Not included Not included Not included
Pre-travel service Included Not included Not included Not included Not included
Daily £ benefit when in hospital Included Not included Not included Not included Not included
Payment for loss of driving licence Included Not included Not included Not included Not included

Your monthly price £912.00

Tab 5

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