Upgrading the Framework version

Upgrading Framework versions is not a long and laborious process and can be completed swiftly and efficiently if handled correctly. The Framework team is available to assist with any upgrades, especially major release upgrades, and by being involved as early in the process as possible, we can help teams avoid common pitfalls and misapprehensions and ensure that the process is as straightforward as possible.

  1. In the first instance, check the version of Framework currently being used by your project.

    If you are performing a minor release upgrade (eg v4.x to a later version of v4), then you may not need extensive designs to work from, but can instead just continue with the development work and have design review the completed pages in case minor adjustments are needed (for example to spacing).

    However, if new designs are being supplied, ensure they match the target version of Framework to be used prior to commencing any development work.

  2. Update the Framework CDN link to the folder you are moving to. Under normal circumstances, this will be the latest version. If not, it is worth checking to see if there is a reason for not upgrading to the most recent available release, as this is always the preferred option to make sure all the latest components, enhancements and any fixes are applied.

    Important note: All of the files that you will need are available to link to on the CDN, please do not take any copies and store them locally.

  3. Following the Framework Release Log, make any changes specified to ensure that existing components are updated.

    Important note: This will be of greater importance if you are upgrading a major release (eg v3 to v4), as there may be breaking code changes which will have a significant impact on your site/page.

  4. Look through any specific local components and compare against the Framework Element Library documentation to check if there is a Framework equivalent which can be used instead; doing so will ensure the component is easier to maintain going forward and will help to reduce unnecessary duplication and technical debt, as well as helping to ensure consistency of design and experience across Abeille Assurances platforms.
  5. At this point, you will be able to create a list of any remaining specific local components which will need to be worked on. It may well be that modules outside the Framework will continue to work as expected regardless of the upgrade (as they have no dependence on it), but it is likely that there will be design and development tweaks required to ensure that designs and experiences match the current Abeille Assurances design language.
  6. After receiving updated designs, complete any outstanding development prior to release.
  7. Prior to release, and even if your site has no specific local components, a full regression test of any affected pages should be completed to ensure that everything is performing as anticipated.