Utility functions

There are a selection of utility functions that are available for use through Framework. These have been produced to help replace common functions that jQuery provided eg. show/hide, fadeIn/fadeOut, slideIn/slideOut etc.

Load in the functions to use in your own modules by referencing 'utility' and pass utility into your module eg.

define( [ 'utility' ], function run( utility ) {


Returns 'small' which matches the response of the getBreakpoint function when at mobile
Returns 'medium' which matches the response of the getBreakpoint function when at tablet
Returns 'large' which matches the response of the getBreakpoint function when at desktop
Regexp to validate if a string is a valid URL
Regexp to validate/search for anchor tags within a url. It only validated to HTML4 compatible characters

Trigger event

Helps with triggering an event on a particular Node.

utility.trigger( target, eventName );

Add class

Add multiple classes (provided in a space separated string) onto a Node.

utility.addClass( target, classNames );

Add measurements

Adds an array of measurements that can include suffixs together and return a number. If any of the measurements are NaN it will return 'auto'.

utility.addMeasurements( measurementArray );

Convert to pixel value

Converts a number to a pixel value for use when setting size on Nodes and will not add 'px' if the value is 0. If 'noAuto' is not set or false then if the value passed in is 'auto' or NaN then the function will return 'auto'. If 'noAuto' is set to true the function will return 0 instead.

utility.convertToPx( number, noAuto );


Method for preventing functions being called too rapidly eg. on page resize. Wait is set in milliseconds.

utility.debounce( function, wait );

Escape HTML

Safely escape HTML strings to prevent XSS attacks.

utility.escapeHtml( HTMLstring );


To deep merge two or more objects together

utility.extend( targetObject [, object1 ] [, objectN ] );


Function to fade in/out/toggle.

Duration of animation in ms.

Object containing any settings that need changing from defaults.

  • variant - 'in', 'out' or 'toggle', default is toggle
  • displayNone - boolean, default is true
  • minFade - Number 0-1, default 0
  • maxFade - Number 0-1, default 1
  • callback - Function to be called when animation complete
utility.fade( target, duration, options );


Find elements within a array of Nodes using a given selector. Function returns an array of matched Nodes.

utility.find( elements, selector );

Get anchor

Get any anchor from the current pages href.


Get breakpoint

Get the current breakpoint for the page. Returns 'small', 'medium' or 'large'.


Get data

Get data attributes as an object from the Node.

utility.getData( target );

Hex to RGBA

Covert a Hexidecimal value to RGBA.

utility.hexToRgba( HexValue );

HTML string to element

Returns a single Node from an HTML string passed in.

utility.htmlStringToElement( HTMLstring );

HTML string to elements

Returns a array of Nodes from an HTML string passed in.

utility.htmlStringToElements( HTMLstring );

In range

Check if a number is within a specified range of another number.

utility.inRange( originalNumber, comparitorNumber, plusMinusNumber, inclusiveBoolean );

Is Node

Check for if something is a Node or not, returns boolean value.

utility.isNode( target );

Is overflown

Check if an Node has overflown (has scroll bars). The axis can be optionally set to 'x' or 'y' for an overflow check on a particular axis otherwise the function will check if either axis is scrolling.

utility.isOverflown( target, axis );

Is visible

Check if an Node a Node is visible (has height or width of 0 or is set to display none). Returns boolean.

utility.isVisible( target );

Make unique ID

Create a unique ID with optional prefix.

utility.makeId( prefix );


Checks if an Node matches a given selector eg. ':checked'. Returns boolean.

utility.matches( target, selector );


Get the offset of the current Node. Returns an object with 'top' and 'left' values.

utility.offset( target );

Get outer height

Get height of the given Node including its margins.

utility.outerHeightTrue( target );

Get outer width

Get width of the given Node including its margins.

utility.outerWidthTrue( target );


Get array of matching parent Nodes for the given Node.

utility.parents( target, selector );

Function finds all links that are anchoring within the current page and calls the provided function, passing in the matched Node.

utility.processInPageLinks( selector, function );

Remove class

Remove multiple classes (provided in a space separated string) from a Node.

utility.removeClass( target, classNames );

Remove measurement suffix

Remove any measurement suffix eg. px, em etc and return a number. Will return 'auto' if 'auto' is received unless 'noAuto' is set to true, it will return 0 in this case.

utility.removeMeasurementSuffix( value, noAuto );

Reset styles

Set styles in provided object on Node provided. If a style value is set to null the style will be removed from the Node.

utility.resetStyles( target, styles );

Request AJAX content load into Node

Request content from another URL is loaded into the provided Node. Optional callback can be provided for after content has successfully loaded.

utility.requestLoadInto( target, href, callback );

Get scroll parent

Get the scroll parent for the given Node. Optional boolean can be provided to set if to include currently hidden parent Nodes or not.

utility.scrollParent( target, isHidden );

Set attributes

Set multiple attributes on a single Node. Pass in object with the attributes to be set and their values.

utility.setAttributes( target, attributes );

Get siblings

Get all siblings of provided Node. Can optionally supply a selector for them to match, if no selector supplied all sibling Nodes will be returned.

utility.siblings( target, selector );

Slide up/down/toggle

Function to slide a Node in/out/toggle.

Duration of animation in ms.

Object containing any settings that need changing from defaults.

  • variant - 'up', 'down' or 'toggle', default is toggle
  • overlapMargin - boolean, default is false
  • customStartHeight - Number, default null
  • customEndHeight - Number, default null
  • minFade - Number 0-1, default 0
  • maxFade - Number 0-1, default 1
  • fade - boolean, default false
  • callback - Function to be called when animation complete
utility.slideToggle( target, duration, options );

Smooth scroll

Smoothly scroll to the given coordinates. Duration time (in millisecnds) is use for browsers that do not natively support smooth scrolling.

By default the function with scroll the window, an alterntive scrollable area can be set if required. Callback function is optional.

utility.smoothScroll( xCoord, yCoord, duration, scrollArea, callbackFn );

Subtract measurements

Subtracts an array of measurements that can include suffixs and return a number. If any of the measurements are NaN it will return 'auto'.

utility.subtractMeasurements( measurementArray );


Unwrap provided Nodes children and remove original Node.

utility.unwrap( target );

Update history

Update the browser history with the provided anchor.

utility.updateHistory( anchor );


Wrap target Node with provided Node element, if no Node element is provided to wrap the target a div will be wrapped around the target.

utility.wrap( target, wrappingNode );

Wrap Inner

Wrap target Node children with provided Node element. Optional list of class names can be proved in the format of a space separated string.

utility.wrapInner( target, wrappingNode, classNames );