Acceptance criteria

Basic guidance for Framework stories

Acceptance criteria must describe what is required to be delivered;s this can include design requirements and/or functional requirements.

When requesting a new component to be designed and built, the initial ACs to be supplied should cover what problems need to be solved, rather than offering a final solution, in order to allow UX and Design to produce the appropriate solution:

  • A message must be clearly displayed to a user, reasonable amount of time prior to their session timing out to warn them that their session will expire
  • Users must be able to renew/prevent their session from timing out

When UX and design has already been completed, or this is a functional enhancement to an existing component, ACs must be more functional, describing how the component should behave:

  • A timeout warning message must be displayed to a user, within a modal window, 5mins before their session will timeout
  • The session timeout modal must contain an appropriate message to the user and continue button
  • On interaction with the continue button, prior to session time out, the modal must close and the session renewed

Example basic development ACs:

  • Component built as per attached designs and UGs
  • Aria included where appropriate
  • Print styles updated to ensure component prints correctly
  • Microdata included where appropriate
  • Component documentation created/updated along with relevant release log and archive updated
  • If modifying or updating an existing component, the component must continue to function as expected
  • Write unit test (if required)
  • Write integration test (including Axe and visual regression)