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Release v5.11.0

Released on 07/09/21

We continue to focus on performance and accessibility for this release, adding accessible app store buttons, updating the video hero and more.


  • Video hero banner: Ability to disable the video at mobile, falling back to a standard hero banner, for when the video hero is not appropriate for small screens. This is acheived by the addtion of the modifier class m-hero-video--not-mobile.
  • Application and app store buttons: Component added to offer consistency across Abeille Assurances websites for application and app store buttons and their associated accessible states.


  • Adjustments have been made to the initial JavaScript setup to enable better error monitoring and additional security.
  • Video hero banner: To improve user experience, we now recommend that the autoplay attribute is no longer included; this ensures that motion preferences are guaranteed to be upheld, as well as having the added benefit of the video quality being updated prior to the video playing. The poster image should also now be a transparent svg rather than an image from the video, allowing for appropriate sized hero image to be displayed while the video is loading, when animation is turned off, or when JavaScript is not available.
  • Modal: The modal positioning code has been updated to make use of CSS Flexbox, rather than relying on JavaScript to position the modal correctly. This simplifies the code and also makes the positioning of the modal more reliable, particularly when elements inside the modal cause it to change size.
  • Show more: Update functionality to provide support for a wider range of content types where the original content need to remain in roughly the same position within the DOM. This helps to to ensure that anything tied functionally to the content continues to display correctly.


  • Various fixes have been put in place for Wallet, including:

    • Card replay now correctly shows the expiry date with the '/' when the value auto formatted.
    • Very long names on very narrow tablet displays now wrap rather than overflowing the content area.
    • 'Add card' button has now been disabled until all inputs have values.
    • Tabbing at mobile is now contained within the visible carousel area, rather bypassing the 'Next' button and jumping between them.
    • Various minor issues with the print stylesheet have been corrected.
  • Secondary navigation: Fix for JavaScript error occuring if current page text for 'in section' variant was clicked.
  • Predictive search: Fix for JavaScript incompatability with IE11.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v5.10.1; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v5.10.1.


CSS folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.11.0/aviva/2021/css/
Vendor CSS folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.11.0/shared/css/vendor/
Icon library folder path /assets/themes-icons/v2/aviva/default/
JavaScript folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.11.0/shared/js/
init.js SRI sha384-NIfb9qif0ahCRgGrT72zJUYtHtEclMt47C84Pldx102GgHf46lr/QcelNcjfWXND
standalone-init.js SRI sha384-jtuGj7DiBMXvg0ioriUSS3dlDgecKDAQ0da3vy1gYzDqKx6JC6klmXQg2sINMqe5

Patch release v5.10.1

Released on 19/08/21


  • Show more: Fix issue where JavaScript errors could occur if a show more started the non paragraph content.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v5.10.0; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v5.10.0.


CSS folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.10.1/aviva/default/css/
Vendor CSS folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.10.1/shared/css/vendor/
Icon library folder path /assets/themes-icons/v2/aviva/default/
JavaScript folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.10.1/shared/js/
init.js SRI sha384-pKnU/KF61jY6YD4HpFEGoJn0cnGoFnmxe/1WgmY6rPJv8BblPoI4u9bJFpF1h/59
standalone-init.js SRI sha384-iSnZJArbRkyOGqhv+wvkVUYuniXxZCTgI5HZlm/3rxkGh/x6cf9OjyZyMDqBInWk

Release v5.10.0

Released on 10/08/21


  • It is recommended that all landmark elements have a unique label to aid assistive technology users with their understanding of the page they are viewing and its structure. The following components have been updated to include unique labels:

  • The media player can now be controlled programatically to play, pause, mute, set and get volume, set and get captions and their settings and set and get a particular point within a media file.

    Components this affects are:

  • aria-live="polite" has been removed from notification cards as this function is already performed for screenreaders by role="status".

    Components this affects are:

  • FAQ panels can now be controlled programatically to open/close a single FAQ or open/close all open FAQs.

    Components this affects are:

  • All polyfill files used with Framework are now being loaded only if the browser requires them, and as part of the initial setup for RequireJS, meaning they will always be available to any components loaded without having to specifiy the dependancy within the JavaScript module. Stand-alone global nav continues to load the polyfill files for all browsers to ensure any required features are available for the module being loaded. These changes have been made in order to improve page performance by reducing page weight and processing time for modern browsers.
  • Accessibility settings: Accessibility settings can now be controlled programatically to turn animation preference on and off.
  • Notification patterns: Notification cards with close link can now be controlled programatically to close them.
  • Contextual help: Contextual help can now be controlled programatically to close the contextual help box/modal.
  • Forms introduction: Additional spacing has been added before the last button / button group on a form. The previous spacing means buttons appear to have a stronger relationship with the form elements immediately above them than all other form fields, which is misleading; this change offers a greater degree of cognitive separation from the element immediately above. The exceptions are when there is only one form input, and on login/register pages, where the spacing should be the standard 30px.
  • Textarea: aria-live="assertive" has been removed from the notification message created by the JavaScript as this function is already performed for screenreaders by role="alert"
  • Cookie policy: Cookie policy can now be closed programatically.
  • Masthead: The extra content area will now display within the masthead bar at desktop to reduce Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) for the majority of occurances of masthead.
  • Sticky CTA bar: The sticky CTA bar can now be controlled programatically to open and close the show/hide variant.
  • Opening times: Opening times can now be closed programatically.
  • Show more:

    • Now supports basic HTML elements within the introductory paragraph such as strong and sup.
    • Show more components can now be controlled programatically to open/close their content, as well as update their settings.
  • Chapter index: Chapter index can now be controlled programatically to scroll to a section by index or id.


  • Fix for masthead not supporting the logged in menu without any logged out menu items. The locale file now contains an additional entry ('menuText') for the masthead menu link label for if no menu link is provided within the markup. The following components have been updated:

  • Cards: Spacing issues corrected where margin removal rules were not sufficiently specific.
  • Contextual help: Issues where icons jumping rather than animating when triggered, and were not displaying correctly in Firefox.
  • Show more:

    • Issue where if the show more content length could be considered over the character limit for the breakpoint due to whitespace at either end of the content string, causing the show more button to be displayed when not required.
    • Issue where activating the show more/less button quickly in succession could result in the content being completely hidden from view.
    • Issue where spacing was too small when the content length was below the limit, when used within form rows, so no button is required to show more/less.
    • Issue where the default upper limits could potentially be overwritten by other show/more components on the page, causing the truncation of the introductory paragraph to be incorrect.


  • Cookie policy: Following legal changes surounding the use of cookies on websites, this component has been deprecated and replaced by a more comprehensive third party solution.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v5.9.1; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v5.9.1.


CSS folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.10.0/aviva/default/css/
Vendor CSS folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.10.0/shared/css/vendor/
Icon library folder path /assets/themes-icons/v2/aviva/default/
JavaScript folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.10.0/shared/js/
init.js SRI sha384-iio84YvoPbZFdMNjLxrLNq3LnenYHC+g0rsEhlKN3X6jekxa0w0mIMJK6KR1uHwJ
standalone-init.js SRI sha384-Dlf0n1vK3OBsp9aS2H2FUtkfHZkTSzhpkQHlIy0SJva4kQiZKXcrcGcuavJ6qtTp

Patch release v5.9.1

Released on 06/08/21


  • Stand-alone global navigation: Fix for close link not displaying and additional white space at the top of the megamenu area, when using the standalone version of the masthead, following the addition of the close link and position change to the view all link in v5.8.0.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v5.9.0; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v5.9.0.


CSS folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.9.1/aviva/default/css/
Vendor CSS folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.9.1/shared/css/vendor/
Icon library folder path /assets/themes-icons/v2/aviva/default/
JavaScript folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.9.1/shared/js/
init.js SRI sha384-6r2Dbb5GQtPXJmRaS2yzHdFSgRZxDkT1FSOJ8YiCz45b+lcSz6uURU6aL+x1GdD1
standalone-init.js SRI sha384-rvpsI1M4D/6Lxb7rP+waOwynpzNWA6zNQeh2r2DwRDDoruKUgtfu5p1jT+FF8E6A

Release v5.9.0

Released on 13/07/21


  • It is now recommended that the data attribute data-module-load="true" is added alongside data-module="o-modal" in order to force loading of the JavaScript on page load instead of it being lazy loaded. This helps mitigate issues where modal content could remain visible until the anchor it is associated with comes into view.

    Components this affects are:

  • Checkbox multicard selects (all variants) can now be controlled programatically to to deselect all or to select/deselect a set of multicard select cards.

  • Slider and slider range can now be controlled programatically to set and get the value of the slider, as well as to update the slider settings. It is also now possible to initialise a slider or slider range via JavaScript by providing the slider settings as an object instead or data attributes on the slider element.

  • Carousel: Carousels can now be controlled programatically to move forward and backwards by a single slide or move to a particular slide.
  • Checkbox multiselect: Checkbox multiselect can now be controlled programatically to select/deselect all, select/deselect a selection of checkboxes and close the multiselect.
  • Plus/minus number textbox: Plus/minus number textbox can now be controlled programatically to set the displayed value and the minimum and maximum possible values.
  • Radio segmented controls: Radio segmented controls can now be controlled programatically to select a particular option or clear any current selection.
  • Textarea: Textarea with optional character count can now be controlled programatically to set and clear the value, as well as update the maximum number of characters allowed.
  • Textbox format: Textbox format can now be controlled programatically to set and clear the value.
  • Wallet: Credit card number field can now be controlled programatically to set and clear the value.
  • Modal: Modals can now be controlled programatically to open, close or destroy a particular modal.
  • Full screen modal: Modals can now be controlled programatically to open, close or destroy a particular modal.
  • Opening times: The markup for the actual definition list has changed to use the standard a-list-opening-times markup. This also provides a minor styling change, in that the days become bold.
  • Show/hide: Show/hide controls can now be controlled programatically to open, open all, close and close all controls within a group.
  • Primary tabs: Primary tabs can be controlled programatically to open a specified tab and optionally scroll to it.
  • Tabs: Section tabs can be controlled programatically to open a specified tab and optionally scroll to it.
  • List: Markup for opening times lists has been updated to include additional meta schemae to assist with SEO. Minor spacing changes have also been made to ensure consistency with the show/hide component variant (5px fewer for the right padding and 5px bottom margin added, both for the days).


  • Slider and slider range inline playback variant was not displaying the playback at all.

  • Show more: Fix for default description not being replaced by the one set within the locale settings for the website.
  • Show/hide:

    • Issue where sections may not have correctly auto opened on initial load when nested within other show/hide sections.
    • Issue where show/hide chevron could end up displaying the opposite way to the others within the same component.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v5.8.1; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v5.8.1.


CSS folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.9.0/aviva/default/css/
Vendor CSS folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.9.0/shared/css/vendor/
Icon library folder path /assets/themes-icons/v2/aviva/default/
JavaScript folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.9.0/shared/js/
init.js SRI sha384-Agm3wQP25xnJGsDBYqXy7+ZMhzI/+W9NzrvmfdEjpZLP3UlkYxNBQ1x5/ajWUPC6
standalone-init.js SRI sha384-iKtMUj6E6C+VTD7AAgKUKeYLLVAO4OQumml/KGDHJO3MzGYOvD1sjvOUEYKXPPyi

Patch release v5.8.1

Released on 28/06/21


  • Masthead: Fix for the megamenu not closing when the skip to content link is pressed while the megamenu is open.
  • Tabs: Fix for issue with the lazy loading tabs where a duplicate tabs would be created with the first throwing JavaScript errors if used, if a tab heading was included outside of the static tab content area.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v5.8.0; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v5.8.0.


CSS folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.8.1/aviva/default/css/
Vendor CSS folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.8.1/shared/css/vendor/
Icon library folder path /assets/themes-icons/v2/aviva/default/
JavaScript folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.8.1/shared/js/
init.js SRI sha384-Ka33Nixd1KPTz1Kv48HMHVAnXej5l7HPTWIx2PeRR9yReXTjwk3oQlxy/SDxJhH+
standalone-init.js SRI sha384-ZTll/m9xbMgonQ0pJOdDHFiQhv0UeHuTGlw5p5L5Rux1/+eFZFUSZdgvz/QtrC9x

Release v5.8.0

Released on 15/06/21

This release ushers in a new breadcrumb, masthead updates, accessibility enhancements and more.


  • Breadcrumb: New breadcrumb variant for use at the top of pages, replacing the wayfinder and footer variant of the breadcrumb, designed to help with user orientation whilst navigating Abeille Assurances' websites. Note that the class a-breadcrumb-list__item--parent is required for the new breadcrumb variant to correctly hide all but the parent level link at mobile and tablet screens sizes.


  • The controls for various components have been updated from anchors to buttons following feedback from accessibility audits which flagged that our current pattern for elements which show and hide content are potentially confusing to screen reader users. These alterations have been made within the JavaScript, so no markup changes are required. The components affected are:

  • Support for inclusion of a full breacrumb within the following components has now been added to maintain cross site navigation consistency when using the a breadcrumb at the top of pages instead of the now deprecated footer variant of the breadcrumb.

  • Carousel: Card carousels should revert to using div elements rather than ul elements due to an issue with Javascript-injected code breaking semantic markup patterns. This does not affect functionality, but could cause testing errors due to the incorrect nesting of list items within lists.
  • Breadcrumb: The chevrons used within the footer variant of the breadcrumb have been reduced in size slightly to match with the new breadcrumb variant.
  • Secondary navigation: Basic markup for the nav element has been updated to include aria-label="Secondary navigation" to help with landmark signposting for assistive technologies. This is not a breaking change, but we recommend making the addition where possible.
  • Masthead:

    • Addition of a close menu link within the mega menu to aid users in closing the menu.
    • The menu link text no longer changes to "Close" when the menu is open to maintain consistency of navigation, for screen reader users in particular.
    • The section landing page links at tablet and desktop are now displayed at the top of the mega menu area for each relevant section; this change responds to user research which showed users were struggling to find them in their current location (at the bottom, above the "Get support" bar). It is possible to revert the links to their original location, in order to maintain consistency across an application, by applying the class o-masthead--landing-page-bottom to o-masthead.
  • Modal: An additional label has been added to the modal content container to better identify it to assistive technologies. This can be altered via the locale settings, but will default to 'Modal content' or equivalent where no specific entry is included.


  • Video hero banner: Fix for dark overlay, used for ensuring colour contrast, not being correctly applied to the hero video.
  • Wayfinder: Fix for spacing above wayfinder when placed within different l-section areas.
  • Filter tags: Fix for issue where select all checkboxes would not always be cleared on smaller screens when tags were removed from the filter. Some adjustments have been made in order to improve support for IE11, where it was struggling to reliably draw the modal view correctly.
  • Full screen modal: Fix for extra large gap below the full screen modal when modal close is disabled.
  • Show more: Fix for page always scrolling on close of show more, the scroll position will now only adjust if open/close button has been pulled off the top of the screen.
  • Tabs:

    • Fix for nested tab modifier no longer working as documented.
    • Fix for lazy loading tabs colouring incorrectly when placed on a dark accent colour and JavaScript off.
  • Long form hero: Fix for double dark overlay being applied to the hero when JavaScript is loaded.


  • Breadcrumb: The footer variant of the breadcrumb has been deprecated and replaced by a new version of the breadcrumb that should be used at the top of pages in place of the wayfinder and the footer variant of the breadcrumb. This change has been made to help with user orientation whilst navigating Abeille Assurances' websites.
  • Wayfinder: Wayfinder has been deprecated and been replaced by a new version of the breadcrumb that should be used at the top of pages in place of the wayfinder and the footer variant of the breadcrumb. This change has been made to help with user orientation whilst navigating Abeille Assurances' websites.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v5.7.1; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v5.7.1.


CSS folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.8.0/aviva/default/css/
Vendor CSS folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.8.0/shared/css/vendor/
Icon library folder path /assets/themes-icons/v2/aviva/default/
JavaScript folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.8.0/shared/js/
init.js SRI sha384-21az6Ny9BlwfDnj8MmooQpxc0f/4n9vtGehQW4m6Op1wyQmQ/w314ggR1EjjbKe1
standalone-init.js SRI sha384-gUwZdWhCjZWdNS0DMmXdNrFyjCqOs5+W/kfYuda3t9Cuoox6wwgAAlWXXHNlJbDN

Patch release v5.7.1

Released on 25/05/21


  • Buttons: Fix for disabled button text colour being incorrectly set for default, legacy, business and b2b themes in v5.7.0.
  • Masthead: Fix for all icons within the 'Get support' bar displaying with the edit icon.
  • Stand-alone global navigation: Additional reset styles have been added to standalone to help counteract styles being included on some MyAviva pages.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v5.7.0; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v5.7.0.


CSS folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.7.1/aviva/default/css/
Vendor CSS folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.7.1/shared/css/vendor/
Icon library folder path /assets/themes-icons/v2/aviva/default/
JavaScript folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.7.1/shared/js/
init.js SRI sha384-GmnwIJ6uKEN7o5CXMYre7E9UXGJDMlPqy4++WsH2nku6Z4pcDvn/mTlnESBzuYQB
standalone-init.js SRI sha384-U3uBBdIhgfG+DnxzEye+nbogLgyuOjGh/387INGfqvFbpTuIxgrXo7ShuaCGOMHq

Release v5.7.0

Released on 18/05/21


  • Managed themes: Latest brand theme, named "2021" is now available for use. This theme will be made the default theme in v6.0.0.


  • Download cards: Fix for the colour of the download icon when placed on some accent colour combinations.
  • Keyline cards: Fix to remove keylines from any cards with dark accents applied to them.
  • Filter tags: Fix for issue where if any additional markup was included between any of the checkboxes and their associated label, the filter tags would not populate correctly.
  • Show more: Fix for content from show more component invisibily overlaying the page obstructing interaction with the top portion on the page.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v5.6.1; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v5.6.1.


CSS folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.7.0/aviva/default/css/
Vendor CSS folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.7.0/shared/css/vendor/
Icon library folder path /assets/themes-icons/v2/aviva/default/
JavaScript folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.7.0/shared/js/
init.js SRI sha384-5zt1E14/U35reD5ZXfUi4d9/CSCseJcZx6GQO5X06wrzf1jNlYSSpizJz7qp6VOv
standalone-init.js SRI sha384-CLRlFUQpjye3/hzN9vrQPzGWQLBxeutPdsBgpL5r6QYDqegpB+MrOFXsiRKmY/T2

Patch release v5.6.1

Released on 26/04/21


  • Cards: Fix for 50/50 cards which was causing the image to not fill the full depth of the card as required.
  • Checkbox: Positioning for pictorial checkbox sprites has been updated.
  • Radio buttons: Positioning for pictorial radio sprites has been updated.
  • Radio segmented controls: Positioning for pictorial radio sprites has been updated, and the padding for the labels has changed to sneure that the minimum height of the controls is 50px, to match other form controls.
  • Masthead: The JavaScript has been updated so that it does not error if the required hidden text element for skip links has been omitted.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v5.6.0; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v5.6.0.


CSS folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.6.1/aviva/default/css/
Vendor CSS folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.6.1/shared/css/vendor/
Icon library folder path /assets/themes-icons/v2/aviva/default/
JavaScript folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.6.1/shared/js/
init.js SRI sha384-WVkOwwOwnOK83LnZNSMw9HQ+rd0pqBCuFZkYU1qZqRHJ96SzIZx0g5v5yO3082UL
standalone-init.js SRI sha384-A91ok9zLVANE3c6cZTjOYLPsbUHaDrxb/nQ8AhU8c3y1XrqJQ6jCSzxDVEtLL7/r

Release v5.6.0

Released on 20/04/21


No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v5.5.0; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v5.5.0.


CSS folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.6.0/aviva/default/css/
Vendor CSS folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.6.0/shared/css/vendor/
Icon library folder path /assets/themes-icons/v2/aviva/default/
JavaScript folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.6.0/shared/js/
init.js SRI sha384-6PUVsWgyPxkNB/7QmVUiVmsnBKJn8Q5cLQ7jt2ywP0q6NDB8bXMfy0BAQKx2IoFV
standalone-init.js SRI sha384-r9zqOsP1YfL61z83/bTIYRCeHBwLV1GwH36hUbVvdCEvyJcN2NVxaZ/JveDRzD/J

Release v5.5.0

Released on 23/03/21


  • v9.0.1 of Highcharts and Highstock is now available for use. See core javascript files for reference.
  • Link cards: Component added as an accessible replacement for navigation cards. This variant presents less verbose content to screenreaders, which means they do not fail WCAG 1.3.1.
  • Timeline: Additional statuses have been added for inactive and rejected items, while heading groups (including those with icons) can now be used in place of simple h2 and h3 tags; guidance for these has been included in the documentation.



  • jquery.validate.unobtrusive was failing to load due to incorrect references to file dependancies. These references have now been corrected resolving the errors.
  • Timeline: JavaScript for controlling the background colour of large timeline items when expanded was not working, this has now been fixed.
  • Masthead: Coloured border at the bottom of the masthead bar was not being overlaid by menu items.
  • Audio card: Soundcloud audio player width was being contstrained on small tablets even if no image was being used with the component.


  • Navigation cards: Alternative markup has been created to allow cards to be better linked semantically and to prevent failure of WCAG 1.3.1. These changes are currently optional, but although the old code will continue to work for Framework v5, it has been deprecated and will be removed from v6; instead, move to using link cards.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v5.4.0; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v5.4.0.


CSS folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.5.0/aviva/default/css/
Vendor CSS folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.5.0/shared/css/vendor/
Icon library folder path /assets/themes-icons/v2/aviva/default/
JavaScript folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.5.0/shared/js/
init.js SRI sha384-GtJ4V8CWGEsgBgGNuxnp6SPanfyF08FHm09GULyANJE8iVktNCNmhCI5Li5wMona
standalone-init.js SRI sha384-TMwMRmccMUl+ZA29kYf6CFy1dqRyBzMPdOhZLQdByrI2B+Xtyf+vhGi0imP3h1Uf

Release v5.4.0

Released on 23/02/21



  • Textarea: Styling for optional character count was not being correctly included in the CSS files.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v5.3.0; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v5.3.0.


CSS folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.4.0/aviva/default/css/
Vendor CSS folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.4.0/shared/css/vendor/
Icon library folder path /assets/themes-icons/v2/aviva/default/
JavaScript folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.4.0/shared/js/
init.js SRI sha384-aCnhFmqhlqNUPJj8bd34QHWMkvjmaNZbCaMn5AQXc42dNCCToOq+NerShUC+qGWc
standalone-init.js SRI sha384-1alTkWqK1B9tRK9+bPdCJ6YgfO942GJlthhOSl5BtmLq1U2kSdZbJBcH+GH6KB9b

Release v5.3.0

Released on 26/01/21


  • Ability to force hidden components to load their JavaScript modules in order to fix issues with layout calculation issues due to JavaScript having not loaded prior to being made visible. See how to extend the Framework JavaScript for reference.
  • Form row instruction: Form row instruction component added to replace the use of placeholder text across all form components in order to improve accessibility. The use of placeholder text can increase cognitive load due to requiring the user to remember the information provided as the placeholder eg. the format required for date entry, as the placeholder text is not visible once any value is entered into the field. Placeholder text can also cause information to be read out twice, where the value of the placeholder has the same or similar value to that of the field's associated label. It is now recommended that where an input requires a specific format to be used, this information is displayed permanently between the label and the field, thus ensuring compliance with WCAG 3.3.2.
  • Heading group: Heading groups with icons added as an option to help enhance understanding of headings through visual association and improved at-a-glance comprehension.


  • The font size used for checkbox, checkbox toggle, international contact, preferred contant, radio and segmented controls has been reduced from 20px to 16px following the darkening of the green used on forms so that it now passes WCAG AA contrast levels for standard sized text. See checkbox, checkbox toggle, international contact, preferred contant, radio and segmented controls for reference.
  • As a result of the change in guidance around the use of placeholder text and the addition of the form row instruction, Date, Textarea, Textbox, Textbox format, Wallet and Wallet - Add card no longer use placeholder text. Additionally, placeholder text colour has been changed from #999 to #444 across all form elements to ensure a minimum colour contrast of 4.5:1 is maintained to comply with WCAG 1.4.11.
  • The ability to print all show/hide or tab sections where there is a legal requirement for all information to be available when printed has been added through the use of the modifier class. See primary tabs and section tabs and show/hide for reference.
  • Tabs and show/hide components now support anchoring to content within them, including tabs or show/hides nested within them. It is now recommended that the JavaScript for these components is not lazy loaded to ensuring anchoring to any links works as expected. See primary tabs, section tabs and show/hide for reference.
  • It is now recommended that the data attribute data-module-load="true" is added alongside data-module="m-showhide" and data-module="m-tabs" in order to force loading of the JavaScript on page load instead of it being lazy loaded. This helps mitigate issues when anchoring to elements within the page and reduces large amounts of page reflow as users interact with the page.

    Components this affects are:

  • Notification patterns: The documentation page has been updated from 'Global notifications' to make it clearer that the section is broader than just top-level straps. As part of this, status badges have been extracted from the Horizontal value bar component, renamed as Notification tags and included with the other notification patterns so that they can be used with other components (also see horizontal value bar for reference). A notification modal has also been added which inserts a notification icon inside a no-external-close variant of a modal (ie, it cannot be closed by clicking outside the modal, nor by using the escape key, only by clicking on the CTA within the modal itself).
  • Date: The datepicker has been adjusted, removing the clear and confirm buttons following observations showing customers were struggling with the component. The datepicker now immediately updates the date in the text box on date selection.
  • Progressive disclosure: Careful nesting can now be used to allow multiple answers to link to the same set of follow-up questions, as well as to allow any one answer to a question to only link to one set of follow up questions. Currently, answers in different sections cannot link to question sets within different nesting groups.
  • Textbox format:

    • It is now recommended that the date input is used when requesting full date entry to allow the user the choice input method. This change has been made as it was observed that some users were confused that there was no datepicker option available to them.
    • Placeholder text should also no longer be used to display the required format for date entry as this requires users to remember the format due to it disapearing as soon as the user types. Instead the required format should be displayed as explanatory text between the label on the textbox, statisfying WCAG 3.3.2.
  • Masthead:

    • Horizontal spacing of the masthead at tablet and desktop has been reduced to allow additional space for items placed within the masthead.
    • Edit icon for a "Manage your policy" link within the "Get support" bar, using the class o-masthead-support__link--claim, has been added for use.
  • Sticky CTA bar: The sticky CTA bar has been visually modified to include the word 'reviews' next to the review count to make it clearer to users what the stars and number relates to. The existing markup (with previous wording) still works, but we encourage teams to update their markup where possible.
  • Filter tags:

    • To ensure compliance with WCAG 4.1.3 it is now recommended that the main H2 heading for the Filter tags/results display is descriptive of the task that can be acheived, instead of replaying the amount of results found. The feedback regarding the number of results should now be placed alongside the results display component, ensuring that the feedback regarding the updated number of results is clear to users on all devices. This should also be combined with the use of aria-live regions to ensure any updates are announced to screen reader users. Any errors that occur during filtering results should also be clearly announced to users via the use of aria-live.
    • The modifer m-results-display--total and the element it is applied to are now available.
  • Horizontal value bar: Status badges have been extracted from this component and renamed as Notification tags so that they can be used with other components. We encourage all users to update to the new classes, as the existing markup (using m-value-bar__status) is being deprecated and will be removed from v6 of the Framework.


  • Issue with auto-formatted text fields not allowing copy and paste via the keyboard and formatting invalid content.
  • Brand font not being correctly applied across all elements when using stand-alone global nav.
  • Issue where a show more area would remain too tall on first opening if other JavaScript module was nested inside eg. a show/hide section inside the show more.
  • Issue where show/hide and show more components could end up scrolling off screen / scrollable area when closed.
  • Issue where multiselect overlay variant would close on selection of its scrollbar.
  • Issue where if a multiselect component was at the very bottom of a page, the page may not be made tall enough once opened to view all options.
  • Issue where a multiselect component could be obscured by the page footer when open.
  • Issue where the value displayed within the multiselect component would not reliably truncate when required on resize, in particular fast resize.
  • Various issues with the filter tags / results display component including:

    • Keyboard navigation was difficult and/or confusing within the filter modal
    • Scrollbars were not reliably being displayed on inital load of the filter modal
    • No print styles were present for this component
  • Fix for various print styling issue across components.
  • Various fixes for modals to prevent styling and redraw issues when resizing.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v5.2.0; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v5.2.0.


CSS folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.3.0/aviva/default/css/
Vendor CSS folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.3.0/shared/css/vendor/
Icon library folder path /assets/themes-icons/v2/aviva/default/
JavaScript folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.3.0/shared/js/
init.js SRI sha384-7goKIaM9pJF2sbFUSGXSAY8aFYdnYjho6KlyMpSseKsPqf00upPi1PF3Mp7TSaTb
standalone-init.js SRI sha384-j7TxJQ+cvzGVv95CJtCJ2Ak1mnqxOY2JZE34rNB5vXLT5kgsV8iEOstii6FElkhl

Release v5.2.0

Released on 17/11/20

Following hot on the heels of the v5.1.0 release, we are pleased to follow up with the v5.2.0 release, which continues to add new components to bolster our design system which will support editorial led content across our digital estate.



  • Video player: Full 12-column grid width variant added for desktop. This option was required for the long form article template, but has been made widely available as part of that process. No markup changes required other than the addition of the .m-large-video class to the outer wrapper
  • Social links:

    • Email option has been made available for use to support the addition of the social sharing bar for long form articles.
    • The hover and focus state for the icons have been adjusted to improve accessibity and compatability with theme colours. Instead of changing to the appropriate brand colour for the company, eg. Twitter changing to Twitter blue, the icons now change to 50% darker on light accent background and 50% white on dark accents. On focus, the social icon will now receive a thin, dashed outline so that focus no longer solely relies on colour.


  • Italic text was not being displayed consistently across browsers, in particular Chrome was not displaying italicised text at all.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v5.1.0; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v5.1.0.


CSS folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.2.0/aviva/default/css/
Vendor CSS folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.2.0/shared/css/vendor/
Icon library folder path /assets/themes-icons/v2/aviva/default/
JavaScript folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.2.0/shared/js/
init.js SRI sha384-DKOtFo6axJhCF5Pi3T9G59545szpe07lrMdlhZUrNGNbVVpevIJUGJLlDvqhvdM7
standalone-init.js SRI sha384-8NVF1+RhqC7zU2lB+dHhSOdPWQj3Ac45o4iV+h2lGNf6MP/OWsS8Uono9lALlzcl

Release v5.1.0

Released on 03/11/20



No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v5.0.1; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v5.0.1.


CSS folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.1.0/aviva/default/css/
Vendor CSS folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.1.0/shared/css/vendor/
Icon library folder path /assets/themes-icons/v2/aviva/default/
JavaScript folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.1.0/shared/js/
init.js SRI sha384-yg06iwQjmypuxSF8eo8b2LzeJHvPKVN4WSTX0zxRco3Ud4hM1cKTtEI3hIBOl99e
standalone-init.js SRI sha384-R1qfK/9mBnLaii0Eyxyd4C177Mhw0ZflPx/38gNMR9XwfIkjFfaQiPj7iBRdYuRN

Patch release v5.0.1

Released on 26/10/20


  • Issue with masthead where user would be scrolled to the top of the screen when resizing from tablet/desktop to mobile.
  • Issue where selected styles would not be removed from the segmented control if the input selection was removed, for example for a form reset.
  • Utility smooth scroll function was timing out too early with native smooth scroll, which could cause the call the callback to be called function too early.
  • Issue with stand alone global navigation css not applying variable fonts correctly.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v5.0.0; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v5.0.0.


CSS folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.0.1/aviva/default/css/
Vendor CSS folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.0.1/shared/css/vendor/
Icon library folder path /assets/themes-icons/v2/aviva/default/
JavaScript folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.0.1/shared/js/
init.js SRI sha384-dTMm/5bfPWi7UGWe1j+bo4J1JECHSfzQ7J4XD+3KiJqpaUctSI6AQTkUbc/1gb0b
standalone-init.js SRI sha384-BVWC+bNkHnJkhZNYJRVxyPhTmFjEVacf8aeAAl/GduZgHLAoRFeTw0s2v3uRMOAa

Release v5.0.0 - COPPERHEAD

Released on 05/10/20


  • Additional variants have been added to masthead, replacing the need for the Partner theme when combined with automated theming. These include:

    • Alternative logo - increases the overall height of the masthead to accomodate a greater variety of logo shapes and sizes, for example logos which are tall and narrow.
    • With chevrons - includes chevrons beside all the mega dropdown links within the masthead; originally available only within the partner theme.
    • Powered by Abeille Assurances - includes a 'Powered by Aviva' logo within the masthead mega dropdown/support bar.
    • Dark background - changes the masthead to use a dark background with white text and icons.

    The default masthead can now also accomodate slightly larger Abeille Assurances corporate logos, for example Abeille Assurances Investors.

    See masthead for reference.

  • New simple masthead variant added that centers the company logo at all breakpoints. This is for use only on pages with restricted width centre-aligned content, such as login forms. See masthead for reference.
  • RequireJS configurations, component and locale settings can now be included as indivudual JavaScript files which will then safely loaded asynconously during the JavaScript setup process. This can help with page performance by allowing the settings files to be cached, rather than having to be included inline on every page. See how to extend the Framework JavaScript guide for further details.
  • Breadcrumb has been reinstated as a compulsory part of the footer on all pages (from the home page down) on all sites for both accessibility and SEO reasons. This is because it is the more commonly recognised name for lists of links of this kind than 'wayfinder', which has now become a stand-alone optional component. The breadcrumb markup has been updated to consist of a nav landmark region wrapping an ordered list including additional meta data, item properties and aria tags to assist users of adaptive technologies and improve SEO performance. See breadcrumb and wayfinder for reference.
  • Form help show more: A specific variant of show more has been created for use within forms.
  • Form row group: Support for checkbox and radio groups has been added.
  • Secondary navigation: Secondary navigation component created to unify the former in-page, linear and non-linear navigation components into a single, coherent secondary navigation, for use below hero areas and as a stand-alone component for use elsewhere on pages.
  • Auto themes: Automated theming option added.
  • Managed themes: Legacy theme added to provide access to the brand theme that is used throughout v4.X.X with the default theme providing the latest brand accent colours. Business and B2B themes are not affected.


  • The browser support list has been updated to no longer include Internet Explorer 10 and below. This has resulted in changes to the base templates to remove the additional styles, polyfills previously required to support these old browsers. Modernizr has also been removed from use to help improve page performance. See base template for reference.
  • The charset and http-equiv meta tags have been removed from the base template in favour of the web server, serving the HTML document with the appropriate Content-Type header "text/html; charset=UTF-8" in order to improve page performance. See base template for reference.
  • RequireJS is now set up to support multiple versions. Thie enables two seupts to be run side-by-side when working with third party code which is also dependent on Require.
  • JavaScript modules are now loaded automatically using mutation and intersection observers.
  • Support has been removed for jQuery within all Framework modules; consequently, jQuery is no longer loaded by default.
  • Following WCAG 2.5.5 guidelines, filter tag and result display links have an increased target size to improve accessibility on touch devices. See filter tags / results display for reference.
  • Following WCAG 2.5.5 guidelines, telephone number links have an increased target size to improve accessibility on touch devices. See call us panel for reference.
  • Following WCAG 2.5.5 guidelines, 'read more' type links within cards have an increased target size to improve accessibility on touch devices. This has affected both editorial (internal links) and navigation (whole card as link) variants. For markup changes to editorial cards, see editorial cards. For navigation cards, the markup has not changed, but there will be an additional 10px of space above the 'read more' link to ensure styling remains consistent across all card types. Be aware that other card types using 'read more' type links will need markup changes accordingly.
  • Following WCAG 2.5.5 guidelines, checkbox toggles have an increased target size to improve accessibility on touch devices. The visible height of the toggle itself has not changed, with the extra height being taken from margins and padding around the element. See checkbox toggles for reference.
  • Following WCAG 2.5.5 guidelines, pagination links have an increased target size to improve accessibility on touch devices. Due to the increased target size the pattern displayed at different device sizes has been adjusted. The markup has been adjusted to not only support the adjusted layout but to also further improve the accessibility of the component. See pagination for reference.
  • The bottom padding of all card types has been fixed to 20px to allow consistency across components and pages, and to provide a simpler rule for content authors. See individual card type pages for details.
  • Keyline dividers have been renamed as divider lines. See divider line (v5) for reference. This change affects checkbox multicard select complex, checkbox multicard select comprehensive, filter tags / results display, radio singlecard select complex, radio singlecard select comprehensive, section feature banner, accessibility settings and timeline.
  • Objectfit and Scrollable JavaScript module names have been updated to match standard naming conventions. The following components have been updated as a result:

    • Cards:

      • Editorial
      • Navigational
      • Promo with imagery
      • Tertiary
      • Cards with keylines
      • Cards with news icons and categories
      • Cards with optional title sections
    • Hero (standard and shallow)
    • Section feature banner
    • Story deck
    • Table
    • Lazy loading
  • The locale settings for components has been updated to match with the component naming conventions. See the change log for details. As a result, the following components have been updated:

    • Accessibility settings
    • Checkbox multiselect
    • Cookie policy
    • Contextual help
    • Date
    • Date range
    • Faq panel (standard and right)
    • File upload
    • Form row help
    • Global notifications
    • Masthead
    • Media player (audio and video)
    • Modal (standard and fullscreen)
    • Predictive search
    • Show more
    • Site switcher
    • Tabs (primary and section)
    • Textbox
    • Wallet
  • The paths and browser support requirements for all extensions have been updated as part of v5. Please check the documentation for all components which form part of an extension rather than being part of the Framework core styles.
  • Class names for the t-accent-light-- and t-accent-dark-- modifiers have changed to aid in theming the Framework, while the colour values themselves have also been updated to reflect the new colour palette in the recently released Brand Guidelines. The colours used within the Abeille Assurances Legacy theme were the the original default colours prior to v5.0.0, however the reduced number of colours means that some of the new colours are used more than once; this is to ensure that all of the old colours are mapped to the best new equivalent in order to prevent any jarring colour combinations being accidentally produced when switching Framework versions.

    • Accent light 1 - White (#fff)
    • Accent light 2 - Light Grey (#f9f9f9 - renamed from Lightest Grey)
    • Accent light 3 - Base Grey (#eee - renamed from Light Grey)
    • Accent light 4 - Base Blue (#e5edf8 - renamed from Lightest Blue)
    • Accent light 5 - Abeille Assurances Yellow (#ffd900)
    • Accent dark 1 - Abeille Assurances Blue (#004fb6 - mapped from legacy Light Blue (#1a61bd))
    • Accent dark 2 - Abeille Assurances Blue (#004fb6 - mapped from legacy Dark Blue (#001647))
    • Accent dark 3 - Bottle Green (#002f14 - mapped from legacy Dark Green (#0e573f))
    • Accent dark 4 - Warm Grey (#5c596d - renamed from Heading Grey, mapped from legacy Light Purple (#87378e))
    • Accent dark 5 - Plum (#4e1758 - mapped from legacy Dark Purple (#421b67)
    • Accent dark 6 - Plum (#4e1758 - mapped from legacy Pink (#c01b83))
    • Accent dark 7 - Dark Teal (#005a6c - mapped from legacy Teal (#00788a))
    • Accent dark 8 - Dark Grey (#444 - renamed from Body Copy Grey, mapped from legacy Dark Grey (#413e45))

    See accent colours for reference.

  • Hover state border for segmented controls updated to match all other form controls.
  • Module name for date and date range updated following the removal of the deprecated version of both components. See date and date range for reference.
  • Font files, Abeille Assurances logos and favions are now stored centrally and not include within each release. This will help with page performance as the files will remained cached between framework versions. See base template and masthead for reference.
  • Class naming for radio and checkbox groups has been adjusted to be consistent. See radio and checkbox for reference.
  • Moment.js has been removed from the Framework and has been replaced by the lightweight DayJS.js, affecting both the a-date and m-date-range components. While no changes are required to the markup for either component, additional values are required in locale files. See date and date range for details.
  • Markup and styles for Wallet edited to ensure greater consistency across add/edit/remove functions. See Wallet - add card, Wallet - edit card and Wallet - remove card for reference.
  • Card carousel has been rebuilt to not use the vendor library Slick in order to simplify the code base and reduce page weight. The next and previous arrows have been increased in size to 44px for all screen sizes to comply with WCAG 2.5.5. See card carousel for reference.
  • Font loading has been updated to use variable fonts in order to reduce the number of font files being loaded, increasing page performance for the majority of browsers.
  • Additional hidden text has been added to numeric cards to aid in understanding when using a screen reader. See numeric cards for reference.
  • Checkbox, radio and dropdown groups have been updated to use form row groups. This has resulted in class changes to the following components:

    See form row group for reference.

  • The optional markup changes from v4.14.0 to ensure compliance with WCAG 2.1 are now compulsory and built into the component. This applies to checkbox multicard select complex, checkbox multicard select comprehensive, checkbox toggle, radio singlecard select complex, radio singlecard select comprehensive, footer, doughnut chart and pie chart.
  • Animations and transitions will automatically be disabled if a user has turned them off on their device. The accessibility settings component will display an appropriate message to the user to inform them of this. The component now no longer has a relience on the framework cookie policy cookie being set being it can be used, instead it used clear messaging to inform the user to use the feature cookies are required. See accessibility settings for reference.
  • The cookies set by both the cookie policy and accessibility settings components now have the attribute Secure set to 'true' and SameSite set to 'Strict'.
  • Breadcrumb and wayfinder links now have a minimum width of 44px to improve cross-device usability. See breadcrumb and wayfinder for reference.
  • All animations and transitions, including fades, are now disabled when animation is disabled to aid in preventing automation test failures due to race conditions with animation timings.
  • Copy marked up with em will now consistency be displayed italicised across browsers.
  • Aria role="group" and role="radiogroup" have removed from various elements as the role is already implied by the elements themselves. This applies to checkbox, checkbox multiselect, preferred contact and slider range, form row, radio buttons, radio segmented controls, radio singlecard select basic, radio singlecard select complex, radio singlecard select comprehensive, wallet and accessibility settings.
  • Accessibility settings:

    • Will now set appropriately if jQuery is already present on the page. If any module loads jQuery as a dependancy, it must be ensured that the variable is set appropriately when the module runs to ensure animations are not used when they should not be.
    • The component now does not rely on the cookie policy cookie being set to true before the component is available to use. Messaging around the use of the feature should now make it clear that it requires either cookies to store preferences, or the use of the device's reduced motion settings.
    • The cookie set by this component now has the attribute Secure set to 'true' and SameSite set to 'Strict'.
    • The locale setting format has been updated to match with the component naming conventions, and a message for when users have reduced motion set on their devices has been added.
    • The data attribute data-module-load="true" must now be included alongside data-module="m-cookie-policy" to ensure the JavaScript is loaded on initial page load.
    • A number of class names for the list of checkboxes have changed to align with the form row group.
  • Hero banner: Data module used for objectfit was renamed to match standard naming conventions for objectfit to u-objectfit.
  • Shallow hero banner: Data module used for objectfit was renamed to match standard naming conventions for objectfit to u-objectfit.
  • Map styling: Ability to use PNG icons removed and the icons have been moved to sit within the central icon library.
  • Section feature banner: Data module used for objectfit was renamed to match standard naming conventions for objectfit to u-objectfit.
  • Buttons: Support for buttons using the input element has been removed in favour of using the button element with appropriate type attribute applied to ensure that hover, focus and active states work correctly.
  • Cards:

    • Data module used for objectfit was renamed to match standard naming conventions for objectfit to u-objectfit.
    • Following WCAG 2.5.5 guidelines, 'read more' type links within cards have an increased target size to improve accessibility on touch devices. The markup has changed to convert the links to shallow tertiary buttons, which must include a hidden additional description to better convey the meaning of the read more link.
    • Bottom padding of all card types fixed to 20px to allow consistency across components and pages and to provide a simpler rule for content authors.
  • Download cards:

    • Bottom padding of all card types fixed to 20px to allow consistency across components and pages and to provide a simpler rule for content authors.
    • Last card in download list now also has bottom rule to better separate it from the CTA area.
  • Icon cards:

    • Following WCAG 2.5.5 guidelines, 'read more' type links within cards have an increased target size to improve accessibility on touch devices. This has affected both editorial (internal links) and navigation (whole card as link) variants.
    • For markup changes to editorial cards, see editorial cards.
    • For the navigation cards, markup has not changed, but there will be an additional 10px of space above the 'read more' link to ensure styling remains consistent across all card types.
    • Bottom padding of all card types fixed to 20px to allow consistency across components and pages and to provide a simpler rule for content authors.
    • Various class names have been updated to follow BEM conventions.
  • Keyline cards:

    • Data module used for objectfit was renamed to match standard naming conventions for objectfit to u-objectfit.
    • Following WCAG 2.5.5 guidelines, 'read more' type links within cards have an increased target size to improve accessibility on touch devices. This has affected both editorial (internal links) and navigation (whole card as link) variants.
    • For markup changes to editorial cards, see editorial cards.
    • For navigation cards, the markup has not changed, but there will be an additional 10px of space above the 'read more' link to ensure styling remains consistent across all card types.
    • Bottom padding of all card types fixed to 20px to allow consistency across components and pages and to provide a simpler rule for content authors.
    • Class names for the m-card-keyline-- modifiers have changed to aid in theming the Framework.
  • Navigation cards:

    • Data module used for objectfit was renamed to match standard naming conventions for objectfit to u-objectfit.
    • Bottom padding of all card types fixed to 20px to allow consistency across components and pages and to provide a simpler rule for content authors.
  • News, category and icon cards:

    • Data module used for objectfit was renamed to match standard naming conventions for objectfit to u-objectfit.
    • Following WCAG 2.5.5 guidelines, 'read more' type links within cards have an increased target size to improve accessibility on touch devices. This has affected both editorial (internal links) and navigation (whole card as link) variants.
    • For markup changes to editorial cards, see editorial cards.
    • For navigation cards, the markup has not changed, but there will be an additional 10px of space above the 'read more' link to ensure styling remains consistent across all card types.
    • Bottom padding of all card types fixed to 20px to allow consistency across components and pages and to provide a simpler rule for content authors.
  • Numeric cards:

    • Following WCAG 2.5.5 guidelines, 'read more' type links within cards have an increased target size to improve accessibility on touch devices. This has affected both editorial (internal links) and navigation (whole card as link) variants.
    • For markup changes to editorial cards, see editorial cards.
    • For navigation cards, the markup has not changed, but there will be an additional 10px of space above the 'read more' link to ensure styling remains consistent across all card types.
    • It is now recommended that additional hidden text is included for the numeric value on each of the cards to make it clearer that the card represents a step in a process.
    • Bottom padding of all card types fixed to 20px to allow consistency across components and pages and to provide a simpler rule for content authors.
  • Promo cards: The class m-card--full-bleed-promo has been renamed to m-card--promo in order to have consistent naming across various components.
  • Promo cards with imagery:

    • Data module used for objectfit was renamed to match standard naming conventions for objectfit to u-objectfit.
    • The class m-card--full-bleed-promo has been renamed to m-card--promo in order to have consistent naming across various components.
  • Report cards: Bottom padding of all card types fixed to 20px to allow consistency across components and pages and to provide a simpler rule for content authors.
  • Review cards: Bottom padding of all card types fixed to 20px to allow consistency across components and pages and to provide a simpler rule for content authors.
  • Tertiary cards:

    • Data module used for objectfit was renamed to match standard naming conventions for objectfit to u-objectfit.
    • Following WCAG 2.5.5 guidelines, 'read more' type links within cards have an increased target size to improve accessibility on touch devices. This has affected both editorial (internal links) and navigation (whole card as link) variants.
    • For markup changes to editorial cards, see editorial cards.
    • For navigation cards, the markup has not changed, but there will be an additional 10px of space above the 'read more' link to ensure styling remains consistent across all card types.
    • Bottom padding of all card types fixed to 20px to allow consistency across components and pages and to provide a simpler rule for content authors.
  • Title section cards:

    • Data module used for objectfit was renamed to match standard naming conventions for objectfit to u-objectfit.
    • Following WCAG 2.5.5 guidelines, 'read more' type links within cards have an increased target size to improve accessibility on touch devices. This has affected both editorial (internal links) and navigation (whole card as link) variants.
    • For markup changes to editorial cards, see editorial cards.
    • For navigation cards, the markup has not changed, but there will be an additional 10px of space above the 'read more' link to ensure styling remains consistent across all card types.
    • Bottom padding of all card types fixed to 20px to allow consistency across components and pages and to provide a simpler rule for content authors.
    • Class names for the t-card-title-section-dark-- modifiers have changed to aid in theming the Framework.
  • Carousel:

    • Following WCAG 2.5.5 guidelines, 'read more' type links within cards have an increased target size to improve accessibility on touch devices. This has affected both editorial (internal links) and navigation (whole card as link) variants. For markup changes, see editorial cards and navigation cards.
    • For the navigation cards, markup has not changed, but there will be an additional 10px of space above the 'read more' link to ensure styling remains consistent across all card types.
    • The taxonomic name, and thus the name for the CSS classes and JavaScript file, has been changed from o-card-carousel to o-carousel to leave the carousel open for potential future expansion and reuse Currently this component is only for use with groups of cards.
    • The hidden text and aria labels used for the navigation controls can now be set via the locale settings.
    • Bottom padding of all card types fixed to 20px to allow consistency across components and pages and to provide a simpler rule for content authors. See individual card type pages for details.
  • Notification patterns: Bottom padding of all card types fixed to 20px to allow consistency across components and pages and to provide a simpler rule for content authors.
  • Story deck:

    • Data module used for objectfit was renamed to match standard naming conventions for objectfit to u-objectfit.
    • Various class names have been updated to follow BEM conventions.
  • Call us panel: Following WCAG 2.5.5 guidelines, telephone number links have an increased target size to improve accessibility on touch devices.
  • Contextual help:

    • The locale setting format was updated to match with the component naming conventions.
    • The class a-context-help--hidden-text is now required for the inline content variant to ensure hover and focus states are visible.
    • The data attribute data-module-load="true" must now be included alongside data-module="a-context-help" to ensure the JavaScript is loaded on initial page load.
  • FAQ panel: The event name used when adding additional FAQs post initial load has been renamed from 'standardVariant' to 'update'. The event can also no longer be triggered via jQuery due to the jQuery support being removed, so will now only be triggerable via native JavaScript.
  • FAQ panel right: The data attribute data-module-load="true" must now be included alongside data-module="o-faq-panel" to ensure the JavaScript is loaded on initial page load.
  • Checkbox:

    • The class m-checkbox-group--2, which made checkboxes sit in two columns at tablet and desktop, has been removed as a result of the move to using form row group. By default checkboxes will now sit in two columns unless the new modifier class m-form-row-group--stacked is used to force the checkboxes to sit in a single column or to stack.
    • The class m-checkbox-group--3, which made checkboxes sit in three columns at tablet and desktop, has been removed completely in favour of either using two columns or when using standalong checkboxes in a group, their natural widths.
  • Checkbox multiselect: A number of class names for the list of checkboxes have changed to align with the form row group.
  • Checkbox toggle: Following WCAG 2.5.5 guidelines, checkbox toggles have an increased target size to improve accessibility on touch devices. The visible height of the toggle itself has not changed, with the extra height being taken from margins and padding around the element.
  • Date:

    • The data module attribute value has been changed from "a-date--extended" to "a-date" as the previous version of the date input has been fully removed from the code base. The modifer class a-date--extended is also no longer required.
    • The date component no longer has a dependency on Moment.js, but instead uses the lightweight DayJS.js. There are no markup changes required by this change, although there are additional values which need to be set as part of the locale setup, which has also been updated to match with the component naming conventions.
    • Method for updating configuration post load has changed name from dateInput.setSettings to aDate.setSettings.
    • It is now also recommended that the aDate object is obtained by calling initInstance on the date input to ensure that the module is loaded before attempting to use the setSettings function. See Interacting with Framework components example for further details on how to safely interact with framework components.
  • Date range:

    • The data module attribute value has been changed from "m-date-range--extended" to "m-date-range" as the previous version of the date input has been fully removed from the code base. The modifer class m-date-range--extended is also no longer required.
    • The date range component no longer has a dependency on Moment.js, but instead uses the lightweight DayJS.js. There are no markup changes required by this change, although there are additional values which need to be set as part of the locale setup, which has also been updated to match with the component naming conventions.
    • The method for setting the components settings via a variable name being passed in using the data attribute data-settings on the m-date-range element has been removed in favor of updating post load via a small peice of JavaScript.
    • Method for updating configuration post load has changed name from dateRange.setSettings to mDateRange.setSettings.
  • Form assumptions: A number of class names for the list of radios have changed to align with the form row group.
  • Payment options list: Ability to use PNG icons removed and the location of the icons updated from //[ png or svg ]/... to /assets/themes-icons/v2/[ organisation ]/[ theme name ]/functional/payment-types/... for example /assets/themes-icons/v2/aviva/default/functional/payment-types/visa.svg.
  • Plus/minus number textbox: Improved feedback for screenreaders, which will now read the function of the plus and minus buttons, and announce any changes to the input value.
  • Preferred contact: Ability to use PNG icons removed.
  • Radio singlecard select, comprehensive variant: The optional markup changes from v4.14.0 to ensure compliance with WCAG 2.1 are now compulsory and built into the component.
  • Textbox format: Functionality updated so that the field is only auto-formatted if the caret is at the end of the text. This means if a users goes back and edits the field, it does not format at all, negating the issue where what the user types gets placed in the wrong position. The field will also format on loss of focus to cover when a user has edited a field.
  • Wallet:

    • Ability to use PNG icons removed and the image path updated.
    • The markup for the expiry date dropdowns has been updated to use the form row group.
  • Breadcrumb:

    • Wayfinder has been renamed as Breadcrumb, as this is the more commonly recognised name for lists of links of this kind. The component markup has been updated assist users of adaptive technologies and improve SEO performance.
    • Breadcrumbs are now a compulsory part of the footer on all pages (from the home page down) on all sites for both accessibility and SEO reasons.
  • Pagination:

    • Following WCAG 2.5.5 guidelines pagination links have an increased target size to improve accessibility on touch devices. Due to the increased target size the pattern displayed at different device sizes has been adjusted. At mobile only three page links (rather than five) are displayed and there is now an additional pattern of five page links for large mobile to small tablet. The three layouts have been acheived by inclusion of the new class a-pagination-list__item--tertairy.
    • The markup has been adjusted to not only support the adjusted layout, but also to further improve the accessibility of the component, ie. the next and previous links should also call out which page it will move the user to within the aria label, for example "Next page, page 4".
    • Aria role="navigation" removed from <nav class="a-pagination"> element as the role is already implied by the element itself.
  • Timeline: The completed status green has been updated to improve colour contrast from #4F9F31 to #3E812C.
  • Wayfinder: Wayfinder split to be a specific stand-alone component in order to differentiate it from the compulsory breadcrumb trail; wayfinder is now part of the "Supporting Navigation" extension.
  • Divider line: Component renamed from a-keyline-divider to differentiate from 4px coloured keylines used above cards, to the left of assumptions, and so on.
  • Loading indicator: The Positive Green used within the indicator has been updated from #4F9F31 to #3E812C, in order to improve colour contrast.
  • Base template:

    • With the release of v5 the browser support provided has been updated to not include support for IE10 and below. This has resulted in changes to the base template to remove the additional styles, polyfills etc used to maintain their support. Modernizr has also been removed from use to aid in page performance.
    • The favicon images used have been moved from "[ CDN Folder Path ]/images/favicon/..." to "/assets/favicon/" so that the icons remain cached between versions of framework.
    • Adding the crossorigin attribute to the script tags to allow CORS is now compulsory.
    • The charset and http-equiv meta tags have been removed from the template in favour of the web server, serving the HTML document with the appropriate Content-Type header "text/html; charset=UTF-8" in order to improve page performance.
  • Cookie policy:

    • The optional hidden H2 to provide context to the cookie message is now compulsory and built into the component.
    • The data attribute data-module-load="true" must now be included alongside data-module="m-cookie-policy" to ensure the JavaScript is loaded on initial page load.
  • Footer:

    • Aria role="contentinfo" removed from footer element as the role is already implied by the element itself.
    • The class .m-footer__group--textual-links-yellow has been changed to .m-footer__group--textual-links-highlight to make the naming more generic.
    • Wayfinder has been renamed as Breadcrumb, as this is the more commonly recognised name for lists of links of this kind. The component markup has been updated to consist of a nav landmark region wrapping an ordered list including additional meta data, item properties and aria tags to assist users of adaptive technologies and improve SEO performance. The breadcrumb trails are now a compulsory part of the footer to fulfil accessibility and SEO criteria. See Breadcrumb for further details.
  • Masthead:

    • Login link has been surfaced at all screen sizes. Prior to v5.0.0 all masthead links would apear within the menu dropdown. The login link can either be a direct link to a login page or open a dropdown containing login and register buttons. With this change being made if the login link goes directly to a login page there is now no longer a requirement to include a duplicate login link within the primary navigation area for display at mobile.
    • The layout for the masthead at mobile has also been adjusted due to these changes to provide more consistency in layout across screen sizes with the company logo remaining on the left, followed by the menu link and then the login link.
    • Aria role="banner" removed from header and role="navigation" removed from <nav class="m-primary-navigation"> elements as the roles are already implied by the elements themselves.
    • The Abeille Assurances logo has been removed from being included with every release to being stored centrally. This is to help improve page performance when moving between versions of framework as the file will remain cached by the browser. The logo is now only available as an SVG.
    • The classes t-accent-light and t-accent-light--yellow must be removed from the o-masthead element. The colour of the masthead is now controlled entirely by the theme.
    • In order to improve page performance, the masthead no longer responds to the refresh event being fired. If the extra content area's width could change as a result of it's contents being updated dynamically, then the redraw function will need to be called on the masthead element to trigger a recalculation of what can fit and to then refresh if required.
    • The data attribute data-module-load="true" must now be included alongside data-module="o-masthead" to ensure the JavaScript is loaded on initial page load.
    • New variants added in order to better support theming and ensure styles used within the now removed partner theme remain available where teams require. These include: a dark accent option for the masthead bar, alternative logo (allowing for taller logos), chevrons beside the main menu items and powered by aviva logo within the mega dropdowns.
    • New simple masthead variant added that centers the company logo at all breakpoints. This is for use only on pages with restricted width centre-aligned content, eg login forms.
    • Accessibility adjustments including: skip link to content now much earlier within the page, skip links tranfer focus correctly to area they are linked too, and menu closes if focus is gained on any element outside of the menu.
  • Site switcher: It is now recommended that aria-current="true" is included on the currently selected button.
  • Stand-alone global navigation: Markup updated to align with all changes made to components used as part of stand-alone global navigation, including masthead, footer etc.
  • Sticky CTA bar: The data attribute data-module-load="true" must now be included alongside data-module="m-sticky-cta-bar" to ensure the JavaScript is loaded on initial page load.
  • Filter tags:

    • Following WCAG 2.5.5 guidelines, filter tag and result display links have an increased target size to improve accessibility on touch devices.
    • Following multiversion support being applied to the RequireJS setup used by Framework, the method used to access the modules via require has changed, the JavaScript module also now returns an object containing the reference to setCallback on calling initInstance making interacting with Framework modules easier.
    • Modules must now be loaded in via require.
    • A number of class names for the list of radios have changed to align with the form row group.
  • Predictive search:

    • Ability to use PNG icons removed; icons should now be supplied only in SVG format.
    • Prior to v5.0.0, a global variable containing the settings required had to be specified as a JavaScript object.
    • The options minChars and delay were not available to be set prior to v5.0.0.
    • The default searches and highlighting would match for a string anywhere within the dataset. This has now been chanaged to only search and highlight matches from the start of each entry in the dataset eg. a search for "a" will now only return results that start with "a" rather than all that contain it.
    • The ability to 'Use current location' has been removed in this release, in favour of offering this functionality separately. This has been done to improve the usability and understanding of the component. Location functionality is commonly found along side an entry field and separate from any location suggestions as a user types.
  • Modal:

    • Following multiversion support being applied to the RequireJS setup used by Framework the method used to access the modules via Require has changed.
    • Modules must now be loaded in via Require.
    • The use of pubsub to close or destroy the modals as required has been removed and replaced with an event being fired on the window element.
  • Full screen modal:

    • Following multiversion support being applied to the RequireJS setup used by Framework the method used to access the modules via Require has changed.
    • Modules must now be loaded in via Require.
    • The use of pubsub to close or destroy the modals as required has been removed and replaced with an event being fired on the window element.
  • Show more:

    • Component rewritten to better announce changes triggered buy the expansion / contraction to screen readers, with enforced requirement to add data-description attribute to ensure accessibility standards requirements are met.
    • Additional inline and do-not-truncate variants added, along with functionality being extended so the component can be used in place of Form row help.
    • Locale settings have changed to add default values for attributes needed to meet accessibility requirements.
  • Primary tabs: Tabs have been completely rewritten to use a new format carousel instead of the previous 'More' dropdown, which consistently performed poorly in testing as users were failing to understand its use, especially with regard to changes in the tab order when an item from within the 'More' dropdown was selected. There are no markup changes required other than the need to update the locale setting format to match with the component naming conventions and to include any appropriate translations for the 'Previous' and 'Next' messages to accompany the carousel arrows.
  • Tabs: Tabs have been completely rewritten to use a new format carousel instead of the previous 'More' dropdown, which consistently performed poorly in testing as users were failing to understand its use, especially with regard to changes in the tab order when an item from within the 'More' dropdown was selected. There are no markup changes required other than the need to update the locale setting format to match with the component naming conventions and to include any appropriate translations for the 'Previous' and 'Next' messages to accompany the carousel arrows.
  • Accent colours: Class names for the t-accent-light-- and t-accent-dark-- modifiers have changed to aid in theming the Framework, while the colour values themselves have also been changed to reflect the new colour palette in the recently updated Brand Guidelines. The colours used within the Abeille Assurances Legacy theme were the the original default colours prior to v5.0.0, and are the ones names in the class list table below. The reduced number of colours means that some of the new colours are used more than once; this is to ensure that all of the old colours is mapped to the best new equivalent in order to prevent any jarring colour combinations being accidentally produced when switching FW versions.
  • Local themes:

    • With the change in browser support, the code required for local theming has changed, so support for multiple image formats for background images is no longer required.
    • With the addition of automated theming, is it now recommended that the majority of styling and colour changes are achieved using the automated theming, and that only very specific changes are made locally.
  • Managed themes: Themed version of icon library icons are now available for all managed themes.
  • Doughnut charts:

    • Component updated to add ability to extend colour settings for themes.
    • The ability to update settings via triggering the event 'updateSettings' has been removed. Settings should now be updated programatically by calling the 'setSettings' function returned when calling initInstance on the m-doughnut-chart element.
    • Accent colours have been updated to the new brand theme, so the setSettings function should be used to pass through the correct colour values if the legacy colour scheme is still required. The names for the colours have also been updated to not use named colours such as "dark-purple" which were specific to the Abeille Assurances branded theme, but to instead use the new accent naming convention, for example "accent-dark-5".
    • The path to the generic fallback image used when it is not possible to generate a custom fallback image for a single segment chart has moved to /assets/themes-icons/v2/aviva/default/placeholder/doughnut-static.svg
  • Horizontal value bar:

    • Keyline dividers (a-keyline-divider) were renamed as divider lines (a-divider-line), which may require a code change to this component depending on the variant used. See Divider line documentation for details.
    • a-heading and a-heading--4 classes are no longer required on m-value-bar__status element.
  • Pie charts:

    • Component updated to add ability to extend colour settings for themes.
    • The ability to update settings via triggering the event 'updateSettings' has been removed. Settings should now be updated programatically by calling the 'setSettings' function returned when calling initInstance on the m-doughnut-chart element.
    • Accent colours have been updated to the new brand theme, so the setSettings function should be used to pass through the correct colour values if the legacy colour scheme is still required. The names for the colours have also been updated to not use named colours such as "dark-purple" which were specific to the Abeille Assurances branded theme, but to instead use the new accent naming convention, for example "accent-dark-5".
    • The path to the generic fallback image used when it is not possible to generate a custom fallback image for a single segment chart has moved to /assets/themes-icons/v2/aviva/default/placeholder/doughnut-static.svg
  • Tables:

    • Data module used for scrollable was renamed to match standard naming conventions for scrollable to u-scrollable.
    • The m-table element must have tabindex="0" set on it to ensure that if the table becomes scrollable at any screen size the area is accessibile via the keyboard.
    • Tables stacked by column no longer require a data attribute setting for each table cell mirroring the value of the row header.
  • Numeric indicator: The colours used for the indicators have been updated to improve colour contrast. The red has changed from #BD2624 to #B10101 and green from #35821F to #3E812C.
  • Quote: The paths and browser support requirements for the extension 'quotes' have been updated.
  • Content fade: The data attribute data-module-load="true" must now be included alongside data-module="u-content-fade" to ensure the JavaScript is loaded on initial page load.
  • Lazy loading:

    • Data module used for objectfit was renamed to match standard naming conventions for objectfit to u-objectfit.
    • The data attribute data-module-load="true" must now be included alongside data-module="u-content-fade" to ensure the JavaScript is loaded on initial page load.
    • The locations for the placeholder images has changed to match the new Framework folder strcuture.


  • Hover/focus styles have been added to contextual help links with hidden text to aid navigation via a keyboard. Appropriate aria has also been added to the component to aid navigation using assistive technologies.
  • Update to checkbox multiselect cards (all variants) to ensure that if any checkboxes are already checked on load, then those selections are taken into consideration in the 'x of x' count, and the 'max selections reached' message displays if appropriate.
  • Review stars SVGs updated so that the stars are more visible on dark accent colours.
  • Checkboxes that were part of a progressive disclosure group would all hide a disclosue area if one had been opened for that group; now only the checkbox which is tied to the disclosure area will hide the area again on unchecking.
  • Contextual help links being placed directly within labels/legends when used within form were providing a degradaded experience to assistive technology users. The JavaScript has been adjusted to ensure the anchors are placed outside of the labels/legends to maintain the accessibility of the elements.
  • Filter tags / results display would often not display the correct layout once the window resized, leaving the mobile/tablet layout.
  • Filter tags were not compatible with the overlay option for multiselects, causing tablet/mobile view not to work correctly if switched to from desktop layout.
  • Masthead maintains the same layout when zoomed out up to 50% when at desktop or tablet view. Prior to this, it would often switch to the small tablet layout at 75% zoom or below.


  • Support for IE8, IE9 and IE10; no JavaScript will be served to these browsers.
  • jQuery - no longer loaded by default; convert any JavaScript to not use jQuery where possible.
  • Modernizr.js - removed to improve page performance.
  • Moment.js - removed to improve page performance (replaced in date components by dayjs.js - see Updated section above for details).
  • Customer Portal - the portal and extension-myaviva extensions that included Customer Portal product tabs, roundels and headers have been removed to make way for a more modular design and allow the MyAviva project to build, maintain and evolve the design as required.
  • Partner theme - this and more can now be achieved by using automated theming and additional masthead variants.
  • In-page, linear and non-linear navigations have been removed in order to consolidate their patterns into a single secondary navigation component.
  • Blue help bar - replaced by call us panel.
  • Date / date range - old-style deprecated versions of date and date range removed; newer versions are now the default.
  • Form Row Help - replaced by Show more.
  • Results filters - deprecated in v4.15.0; replaced by filter tags / results display.
  • Textbox group - replaced by form row group.
  • Textbox with symbol or acronym - deprecated in v4.14.0; replaced by form affix.
  • Removed support for element type input being used with buttons.
  • Removed 'Use current location' functionality from the predictive search component in order to improve its usability; location functionality should now be handled separately.
  • Blue help bar: Component removed; use help utility section instead.
  • FAQ list: Component removed; replaced by Replaced by call us panel and faq panel.
  • Form row help: Component removed in order to consolidate design and development patterns. Move to using form help show more.
  • In-page navigation: Component removed in order to consolidate the in-page, linear and non-linear navigation patterns into a single secondary navigation pattern. Move to using secondary navigation.
  • Linear navigation: Component removed in order to consolidate the in-page, linear and non-linear navigation patterns into a single secondary navigation pattern. Move to using secondary navigation.
  • Non-linear navigation: Component removed in order to consolidate the in-page, linear and non-linear navigation patterns into a single secondary navigation pattern. Move to using secondary navigation.
  • Product header: Component removed to make way for a more modular design and allow the MyAviva project to build, maintain and evolve the design as required.
  • Product roundels: Both 'Customer portal product roundels' and 'Customer portal product tabs' removed to make way for a more modular design and allow the MyAviva project to build, maintain and evolve the design as required.
  • Results filter
  • Textbox group: Component removed, replaced by form row group.
  • Textbox symbol: Component removed and replaced by form affix, which provides more flexability.
  • Partner themes: Partner theme removed from use as automated theming and the new variants added to masthead allow for the creation of matching themes and even greater customisation.

With the release of v5.0.0, all v3.X.X and earlier versions of the Framework are no longer supported; this means there will no longer be any bug fixes applied to these versions. Please move to the latest production release as soon as possible.

Code changes required

This is a major release; modifying current components as well as adding new components, functionality/variants to current components, a range of style adjustments and security updates.

See detailed breakdown of code changes required to update from the previous release (moving from v4.16.0 to v5.0.0).


CSS folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.0.0/aviva/default/css/
Vendor CSS folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.0.0/shared/css/vendor/
Icon library folder path /assets/themes-icons/v2/aviva/default/
JavaScript folder path /assets/themes-managed/v5.0.0/shared/js/
init.js SRI sha384-mSYejgBRGOFrq4lFXhmzN6dj+EmxDYaGIwLXmfk0fAsK9GDZ1MMiQ+/MeiXvKGze
standalone-init.js SRI sha384-osDLdkGOdRmCLis6+8rOzzswq2/j/8zZuZkiM4M7D5Fb4cXv9v+oHLzsrkoE8hxE

Previous releases

Patch release v4.16.8 (08/02/21)


  • Issue found with the stand-alone-init.js file for the stand alone global navigation that prevented correct loading of Framework JavaScript files.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v4.16.7; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v4.16.7.


CDN folder path //

Patch release v4.16.7 (04/12/20)


  • The version of RequireJS used and included has been updated from v2.3.5 to v2.3.6 in order to patch some vulnerabilities that were present in the older version.
  • The version of Modernizr used and included has been updated from v3.6.0 to v3.11.4 in order to patch some vulnerabilities that were present in the older version.


  • Issue with auto-formatted text fields not allowing copy and paste via the keyboard and formatting invalid content
  • Brand font not being correctly applied across all elements when using stand-alone global nav

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v4.16.6; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v4.16.6.


CDN folder path //

Patch release v4.16.6 (01/09/20)


  • Issue with the audio and video player throwing JavaScript errors on some mobiles and tablets.
  • Adjustments to the print stylesheet to improve print output formatting.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v4.16.5; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v4.16.5.


CDN folder path //

Patch release v4.16.5 (29/06/20)


  • The version of jQuery used and included has been updated from v3.4.0 to v3.5.1 in order to patch some vulnerabilities that were present in the older version.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v4.16.4; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v4.16.4.


CDN folder path //

Patch release v4.16.4 (04/05/20)


  • Polyfill for srcset within image and picture elements. This is tied into objectfit and lazy loading so that they work seamlessly together.


  • Issue with smooth scrolling in older browsers may end up in infinite loop.
  • Issue with lazy loading in combination with object fit and the picture element.
  • Issue with cards potentially displaying incorrectly after user interactions with the page when the cards are within a carousel.
  • Some characters from month and year dropdowns on the date and date range pickers were not visible when using Edge.
  • Issue with the mega menu items within the masthead not opening correctly in IE11 when JAWS is running.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v4.16.3; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v4.16.3.


CDN folder path //

Patch release v4.16.3 (14/04/20)


  • Issue with smooth scrolling on the in-page navigation and masthead not working correctly in Chrome.
  • Issue where filter tags/results display would not reliably display the desktop layout after a window resize.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v4.16.2; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v4.16.2.


CDN folder path //

Patch release v4.16.2 (06/03/20)


  • Issue with styling on pagination component when combined with Coveo.
  • Global nav updated so that instances of country selector do not open with content missing.
  • Issue where components within show more area were not being refreshed on being shown causing drawing errors.
  • Issue where pre-selected tab displayed incorrect content on page load.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v4.16.1; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v4.16.1.


CDN folder path //

Patch release v4.16.1 (24/01/20)


  • Issue where megamenu would not close for internal links.
  • Issue where focus was not being transferred from the masthead to the search box reliably.
  • Contextual help icon did not have a focus state and aria was not being correctly applied.
  • Content below more than one tab within the country selector could be displayed if tabs were rapidly clicked.
  • Issue where preselected tabs were causing the page to scroll on initial page load.
  • Issue where show more link was not shown and the content was truncated when there were multiple paragraphs but the total text length of all the paragraphs was below the text limit.
  • Issue where scrolling is disabled after the modal window has been closed or did not open due to an error.
  • Issue where selected indicator dot on segmented control was pushing text over to the left slightly and could cause odd wrapping when space it tight.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v4.16.0; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v4.16.0.


CDN folder path //

Release v4.16.0 (06/12/19)


  • Sticky CTA bar: Sticky CTA bar added for placement below in-page navigation to encourage users through to get a quote.
  • In-page navigation: Variant added which does not include icons, to increase flexibity of the component.


  • Following WCAG 2.5.5 guidelines the primary tabs, section tabs and stand alone checkbox have an increased target size to improve accessibility on touch devices. See primary tabs, section tabs and checkbox for reference.
  • Adjustments made to improve screen reader accessibility, including adding the ability to adjust the volume using up and down arrows when the video/audio element has focus. Volume and mute changes are visually shown over the video. See audio and video for reference.
  • Following WCAG 2.1 criterion 2.5.5: Target Size, mark up changes are available using tertiary buttons so that target sizes are large enough for users to easily activate them, even if the user is accessing content on a small handheld touch screen device, has limited dexterity, or has trouble activating small targets for other reasons. The old mark up will continue to be supported for the remainder of Framework version 4.x.x. See non-linear navigation and linear navigation for reference. The old mark up will continue to be supported for the remainder of Framework version 4.x.x.
  • Following WCAG 2.1 criterion 1.4.3: Contrast (Minimum), font size increases have been made to the following components so that all large-scale text has a contrast ratio of at least 3:1.

  • Small margin added around the standard modal on small screens and the full screen modal at all breakpoints to emphasise the use of a modal and not to confuse with a redirection to another page. See modal and full screen modal for reference.
  • Notification patterns: Close icon on notification cards now has a blue underline when in focus to aid accessibility.
  • Radio segmented controls: Following WCAG 2.1 criterion 1.4.1: Use of color, a dot has been added after the text to increase the visual difference between the selected and non-selected state. The padding for each option has also been adjusted slightly to allow for this additional visual indicator.
  • Pagination: Updated markup is available to improve accessibility via use of appropriate roles and aria being applied. It is also possible now for the current page to be a link rather than only a span. The old mark up will continue to be supported for the remainder of Framework version 4.x.x.


  • Issue with card carousel which was preventing wallet add/edit from working correctly.
  • Race condition where animation may not be turned off before component JavaScript runs. This is now run before the initial module scan.
  • Show more component aria not being correctly updated on state change and incorrect spacing when the intro paragraph is shorter than the cut off.
  • Correct line height for the opening times link so that it has the minimum target size.
  • Correct the font size for checkbox multiselect and filter tag options so that they are both 16px.
  • Issue with filter tags not being selectable at mobile.
  • Correction to aria placement and use on predictive search

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v4.15.0; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v4.15.0.


CDN folder path //

Release v4.15.0 (08/11/19)


  • Form row group: Component added to allow pairs of linked form elements to sit side by side within forms.
  • Show more: Following WCAG 2.4.1: Link Purpose (In Context) guidelines, an additional data field is available for use where a descriptive link is required, for example where there is very little text or an object/image/chart/table or list begins the content so there is nothing to interpret the purpose of the link.


  • Recommended addition of an aria label on the country selector link within the masthead to aid understanding of where the link is going. See masthead for reference.
  • Increase link target size on the show more/show less and read more links to improve cross device usability. See frequently asked questions panel, Frequently asked questions panel - right hand side variant and Help utility section for reference.
  • On tab selection, focus is now tranferred directly to the content the tab is associated with to aid accessibility. See primary tabs and section tabs for reference
  • FAQ panel:

    • Following WCAG 2.4.4: Link Purpose (In Context) guidelines, an additional data field is available for use where a descriptive link is required, for example where there is very little text or an object/image/chart/table or list begins the content so there is nothing to indicate the purpose of the link.
    • The height of the show more/show less links has been adjusted to 44px to improve cross device usability.
  • FAQ panel right:

    • The height of the show more/show less links has been adjusted to 44px to improve cross device usability.
    • The markup for the links within the target content area has been updated to use the shallow tertiary links in order to improve cross-device usability. This change is not required to update from an earlier version of v4, but is highly recommended to ensure WCAG 2.5.5 compliance.
  • Help utility section: The height of the show more/show less links has been adjusted to 44px to improve cross device usability.
  • Wayfinder: Wayfinder links now have a minimum width of 44px to improve cross device usability and to comply with WCAG 2.5.5.
  • Masthead:

    • Dependency on jQuery removed.
    • Increase link target size on the mega menu, the country selector and site switcher to improve cross device usability.
  • Stand-alone global navigation: Dependency on jQuery removed from stand-alone global navigation
  • Form row help: Following WCAG 2.4.4: Link Purpose (In Context) guidelines, an additional data field is available for use where a descriptive link is required, for example where there is very little text or an object/image/chart/table or list begins the content so there is nothing to interpret the purpose of the link.
  • Product header: Component deprecated to make way for a more modular design and allow the MyAviva project to build, maintain and evolve the design as required.
  • Results filter: Component deprecated and replaced by filter tags / results display.
  • Data replay: New modifier class added to over-ride default data column widths to stack data at tablet and mobile, see guidelines.


  • Contextual help wrapping text onto another line when not required in Chrome.
  • Show more link not always being shown when there is no introductory paragraph to cut down.


  • Portal extension that includes the customer portal product roundels and headers has now been deprecated.
  • Results filter has been deprecated and replaced by the filter tags / results display.
  • Product roundels: Component deprecated to make way for a more modular design and allow the MyAviva project to build, maintain and evolve the design as required.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v4.14.1; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v4.14.1.


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Patch release v4.14.1 (23/10/19)


  • Issue where the background colour behind the section titles on the megamenu at desktop and tablet were picking up the hover and focus background colours from the mobile view.
  • JavaScript error occuring in IE11 on the search menu being opened more than once consecutively.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v4.14.0; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v4.14.0.


CDN folder path //

Release v4.14.0 (11/10/19)


  • Buttons: Shallow tertiary button variant added to be used with lists of links to avoid excessive white space and physical length of each list.
  • Form affix: Component added to provide a prompt for user authentication when inputting incomplete policy numbers, values or sensitive data. Adds context for what information is required to be entered, replacing textbox symbol.
  • List: Shallow tertiary button list variant added to be used with lists of links to provide a larger than standard hit target but avoid excessive white space and physical length of each list.


  • Video and audio now display a loading indicator while the media is loading/buffering. See audio and video for reference.
  • Update to how JavaScript components calculate the current breakpoint to improve overall page performance. Change has meant that a function that would take around 35ms to run now take 0.25ms to run.
  • All SVGs have been re-optimised to ensure they are as small as possible.
  • Additional checks added to prevent JavaScript errors from data-module attributes being left blank.
  • Slider and slider range updated to support and use the new form affix component. See slider and slider range for reference.
  • Following WCAG 2.1 guidelines, mark up changes are available to ensure the form field does not have multiple label elements. Multiple label elements are not widely supported in assistive technologies. The input now identifies the ID of the label using aria-labelledby="..." and other labels are hidden using aria-hidden="true". The old mark up will continue to be supported for the remainder of Framework version 4.x.x. See the following pages for reference:

  • Following WCAG 2.1 guidelines, code changes are available to the Footer and Wayfinder to ensure the chevron separator is hidden from assistive technologies using aria-hidden="true". The old mark up will continue to be supported for the remainder of Framework version 4.x.x. See Footer and Wayfinder for reference.
  • Removed Adobe analytics tracking code from the audio and video player to prevent JavaScript errors occuring when the Media module is not present.
  • Checkbox multiselect: Dependency on jQuery removed.
  • Radio segmented controls: Dependency on jQuery removed.
  • Footer: Following WCAG 2.1 guidelines, semantic headings have been added to the footer and to groups of links within the footer. This helps improve navigation for impaired users by providing semantically ordered headings and improves user experience through easier to navigate pages when using assistive technologies. Previously groups of links within the footer were headed by wording within a paragraph.
  • Doughnut charts: Following WCAG2.1 criterion 1.4.12: Text Spacing, mark up changes are available to the single segmented doughnut chart to correctly space text should a user stylesheet over-ride be applied. The old mark up will continue to be supported for the remainder of Framework version 4.x.x.
  • Lazy loading: SVG versions of all placeholder images were added for use to improve page performance via smaller file sizes.


  • Issue where IE9 was getting the styled media player controls that would not have worked correctly, rather than using the native player.
  • Focus not being transferred to relevant section on in-page navigation link selection.


No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v4.13.0; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v4.13.0.


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Release v4.13.0 (13/09/19)


  • Radio segmented controls: Segmented radio controls can again be used for 2 - 5 options for short character length selectable Boolean content.
  • Masthead country selector:

    • New global option (.m-country-selection-list__item--com) added to enable linking to
    • New global option added to the country selector on the masthead/main navigation with optional domain language indicators.


  • Styling for the slider and slider range form fields has been updated significantly to improve usability of the component by display the text or dropdown inputs along side the slider allowing easier entry for all users. Two new variants have also been added for where vertical space is a particular premium. The dependecy on jQuery has also been removed for both components. See slider and slider range for reference.
  • Country selector and masthead updated to follow new design spacing.
  • Audio player: Dependency on jQuery removed.
  • Video player: Dependency on jQuery removed.
  • Contextual help: Added data-accessible-text attribute to allow the addition of hidden text for screenreaders when used for form explanatory text. Updated documentation to inlclude details of variables editable via locale settings.
  • Date range: The ability to automatically set the maximum end date on selection of the start date to X day, X months or X years after the start date was added. The autosetMaxDate and autosetMaxDateValue settings were not available for use in previous releases.
  • Radio buttons: Segmented radio controls can again be used for 2-5 options for short character length selectable Boolean content.
  • Doughnut charts: Removal of PNG single segment chart image fallbacks and replaced with SVG version to improve page performance.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v4.12.0; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v4.12.0.


CDN folder path //

Release v4.12.0 (16/08/19)


  • Video player: Optional card block added to documentation, including 'Now playing' video card variant.
  • Promo cards with imagery: Full width promo cards with full bleed images available to highlight promotional offers.
  • Timeline: Component added to provide customers with a view of the overall process for claim resolution and clarity on where their claim sits within this process.


  • Locale settings loading method has been adjusted to ensure that they are loaded before any JavaScript modules run. See locale settings guide for updated implementation guide.
  • CORS support added to Framework files being included using RequireJS. All files now have a crossorigin attribute set to enable proper error reporting. The crossorigin attribute is also included in the base template to ensure all framework script files have it. See the base template and CORS on RequireJS modules guide for reference
  • With how to generate lighter and darker shades of accent colours being documented and 25% lighter and darker shades of all accent colours being generated for use in designs all colour tints (lighter or darker of original accent colours) have been updated to match the colours generated using the new method. The majority of colours there is negligible difference to the eye, but the darker shades of light accent colours in particular are now no longer muddy in appearance. See colour style guide for reference.
  • Improved screen reader support with the new date and date range components.
  • Check added to prevent RequireJS attempting to load a JavaScript file when the data-module attribute is left blank.
  • Removal of PNG image fallbacks to improve page performance.
  • Navigation cards: Optional 'Now playing' video card variant added.
  • Tertiary cards: Tertiary cards may now also be used on lightest grey (#F9F9F9) as well as white (#FFF) backgrounds.
  • Checkbox multiselect: Added the ability to override the default locale values for individual instances of the checkbox multiselect component as required.
  • Stand-alone global navigation: The crossorigin attribute on the script files to allow CORS can now be included when using stand-alone global navigation.


  • Issue with show more where if text was shorter than the limit the show more/less link would still display.
  • Fix for error occurring within the date range component in IE11.
  • Major adjustments to how auto-formatting of text inputs is achieved. Formatting is now delayed for a time after typing has ceased as well as input blur to help prevent the characters getting input in the wrong order when users type quickly. Date, Date range, Credit card input within wallet and textbox format have all been adjusted.
  • Object-fit code not correctly setting the minimum height on the images to maintain aspect ratio.
  • Use of flexbox causing country selector to display incorrectly when site switcher was not present.
  • Modal failing to load content in when no id was provided for selecting an element from within the target page. The body of the page being loaded in will now be placed within the modal if no/invalid element selection is made.
  • Fix for flexbox issue with the story deck in Chrome 75+, where the images were becoming overly tall.
  • Fix for non-JS display of doughnut and pie charts where the fallback image and and text displayed within the doughnut was not displayed.
  • Fix for IE11 preventing click through on inline images when placed inside form labels.
  • Progressive disclosure will now maintain row/additional content area opacity (eg. disabled form row) when fading in as part of a disclosure area. Previously all rows/additional content areas would be made fully opaque when revealed.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v4.11.0; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v4.11.0.


CDN folder path //

Release v4.11.0 (19/07/19)


  • Form assumptions: Component added to help alert customers to the key assumptions used in generating their quote so that they understand what the policy parameters are and have the option to accept or reject these assumptions.
  • Horizontal value bar: Component added as a simple visual indicator to depict quantities of an amount or attribute remaining. Enables recognition of any limits in place and amounts remaining. Basic, complex and comprehensive lockups are available to maximise impact and flexibility.


  • The documentation included for a number of components has been changed to show how to ensure link text is both fully accessible and WCAG 2.5.3 compliant, by visually hiding supporting text after the visual text.
  • Accessibility settings: The name used for the cookie policy cookie can now be updated as required by setting the data attribute data-cookie-name to the required value so that it matches the one droped by the cookie policy component.
  • Cookie policy: The default name for the cookie can now be changed as required by setting the data attribute data-cookie-name to the required value.
  • Modal: Include ability to hide the header close button and disable close when the user clicks/taps outside the modal to allow for scenarios where the user is required to make a choice before proceeding.
  • Show more: Default character limits expanded to 200 (desktop – hard stop at 225 characters), 150 (tablet – hard stop at 175 characters) and 50 (mobile – hard stop at 75 characters); this is in order to reduce the loss of meaning of the truncated text when used within different locations. (The original limits for mobile, tablet and desktop were by default set at 30 characters, 100 characters and 120 characters respectively and a hard stop limit of 60, 150 and 180 characters respectively.)
  • Doughnut charts: Dependency on jQuery removed.
  • Pie charts: Dependency on jQuery removed.


  • Prevent users from being able to tab around the page behind a modal that has close disabled if the user clicks/taps outside of the modal.
  • Prevent Modernizr being loading a second time by RequireJS when a component has it as a dependancy.
  • Fix colours on the transparent button when used on a teal background.
  • Accessibility improvements for the latest date and date range fields when using a keyboard.
  • Ensure the change event is fired when the date fields are updated post selection from the date picker when using the new date and date range components.
  • Dougnut chart updated to ensure that the chart maintains a square ratio with no cropping, and that they display consistently when initially hidden within show/hides, FAQ panels, tabs and so on.
  • FAQ panel narrow variant chevron now animates correctly, and standard variant now uses standard show more component within it rather than a specific customised version.
  • Contextual help with hidden text icon now reliably displays within the containing area.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v4.10.0; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v4.10.0.


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Release v4.10.0 (21/06/19)


  • Section feature banner: Component added to signpost key content and act as a visual device to add variation to a page layout.
  • Columns with dividers: Component added to provide the option to separate the columns of content with dividing lines. These can also be used within tertiary cards.
  • Utility classes reference: Class .u-text--no-wrap added to prevent wrapping of text, ie. numbers with spaces.


  • Checkbox: Pictorial checkboxes are now only shown in two columns at desktop to prevent issues with text overflowing due to lack of space.
  • Radio buttons: Pictorial radios are now only shown in two columns at desktop to prevent issues with text overflowing due to lack of space.
  • Cookie policy: The cookie policy message styling was updated to reflect styling changes made to the cookie policy. The ability to fix the cookie policy message to the bottom of the viewport was also added to increase the prominance of the cookie message. A hidden H2 is also now recommended for inclusion at the top of the cookie policy message to improve accessibility by providing better context for the message and also to make it more discoverable by screen reader users.
  • Tables: Dependency on jQuery for scrollable comparison tables removed.
  • Heading: Hyperlinks not permitted for use in heading 0 and heading 1. Reduces visual noise and aids a clearer distinction with headings for prominent page heading components where applicable. Associated call to actions are signposted with links and or/buttons.


  • Issue with contextual help where large amounts of copy were not being placed within a modal, when used within a form.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v4.9.0; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v4.9.0.


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Release v4.9.0 (24/05/19)


  • New date and date range inputs that provide a styled datepicker to all devices with JavaScript is available. See date and date range for reference.
  • Support for using a tertiary button with the form explanatory text link to ensure WCAG compliance. See explanatory text for reference.
  • Template example for filter tags / results display.
  • News, category and icon cards: Addition of icon and category text to cards to further explain about an article or event so that the user knows what to expect (duration of video, date, author and so on).
  • Help utility section: Component added to display contact information for project teams at a glance.
  • List: Additional news category unordered list icon now available.


  • The styling of JavaScript datepicker for the deprecated version of the date input field has been updated to reflect the styling used for the new JavaScript datepicker. For detailed documentation of the components using the native field, refer to date component - deprecated and date range -deprecated documentation pages.
  • For the deprecated versions of date and date range only, the input must be of type date; this enables the best experience for all users (in particular mobile user), as for modern browsers the user will get the native date control. For older browsers, a JavaScript datepicker is enabled.
  • jQuery v3.4.0 is now loaded is as standard rather than v3.3.1. This is to ensure than vulnerabilities found with the earlier versions are patched.
  • jQuery dependency removed from blue help bar, content fade, faq panel, in-page navigation, linear navigation, modals, opening times, show/hide, show more, story deck, textarea with max characters, video hero. The functionality and markup of the connected components has not been affected.
  • Promo cards: Spacing changes to follow design rules.
  • Explanatory text: Explanatory text link re-positioned to the far right of and on the same line as the label using classes .m-form-row--has-explanatory-text-link and .m-form-row__explanatory-text-link. Support for using a tertiary link to ensure WCAG compliance has also been added.
  • Pagination: Support for using button elements instead of anchor elements has been added to allow for different implementations.
  • Divider line: 50% opacity solid white 1px border applied to .a-keyline-divider--horizontal-solid-light modifier on dark accents.
  • Loading indicator:

    • Styling of the loading indiator has been updated from a circular loading animation with limited room for copy to accompany the loading indicator to horizontal dot animation. This allows for far more flexible use and for more accompanying copy.
    • The option to use H2 or H3 heading sizes and additional paragraphs of text if required has been added, along with the ability to have the loading indicator displayed on any accent colour without the white background.
  • Stand-alone global navigation: When using the stand-alone-init jQuery 3.4.0 will be loaded in rather than 3.3.1.
  • Blue help bar: The new help utility section is now available for use as an alternative replacement to the individual Call Us and FAQ panels combination.
  • Filter tags:

    • Added ability to set a callback function for when filter options have been changed by the user, also removed the requirement to add any JavaScript to the filter button.
    • Previously functionality was added to the 'Filter Results' button by using additional local JavaScript. This was finished by including a call to pubsub.emit to ensure the modal closes correctly once any other functionality had been triggered.
  • Data group: A new container section to add supporting text to the data group component has been added.
  • Body copy: Additional news category text icons now available.
  • Quote:

    • Guillemet (French quote style) variant added for use where standard English quote marks are not appropriate.
    • Spacing above and below quotes increased from 16px to 30px for consistency between components.


  • Correct issues with using tables on different accent colours and the stackable by column table incorrectly placing content under the wrong table heading at mobile.
  • Predictive search adjusted to further improve accessaiblity by the use of additional aria and roles.
  • Prevent multiple mega menu content being displayed due to rapid activation of masthead links.
  • Prevent content being lost due to rapid activation of a modal window links.
  • Prevent a visual only element being read out by screen-readers on the segmented controls.
  • Support of u-margin--none ensuring that when used the margins are negated correctly for the element.
  • Scroll show/hide content back into view if show/hide is behaving as an accordian and closing another section causes the section being opened to scroll off the top of the screen.
  • Window no longer gets scrolled back to the top of the page when modal window is opened.
  • Links that open modal windows that contain additional markup ie. Tertiary buttons can now be accessed using a mouse over any part of the link.
  • Aria correctly applied to the linear navigation code at all screen sizes.
  • Correct spacing below button groups when used within the primary tab heading area.
  • Correct issues with the filter tags / results display component when switching between breakpoints, missing aria, missing hover/focus states on elements when the filter options were placed in a modal window.


  • Date selection using the native date field and date picker (where supported) has been deprecated and replaced with plain text input and a JavaScript date picker that is provided to all users. This change was made following evidence that users were struggling with the native date pickers provided in browser, causing increase error rates when attempting to complete form journeys using the date field.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v4.8.0; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v4.8.0.


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Release v4.8.0 (29/03/19)


  • Title section cards: Component added to offer a title keyline or title background colour to a card or group of cards.
  • Notification patterns: Site level and page level notifications plus new inline notification card variants.
  • Progressive disclosure: Simple progressive disclosure patterns have been added to use radios, dropdowns, checkbox toggle and single checkbox (ie. 'other' option).
  • Divider line
  • Site switcher: Component added to cater for senarios where more than two sites need to be linked to from the global masthead.


  • Notification patterns: Amended the vertical alignment of icon, headings and body copy of the notifications with colour backgrounds to mirror the styling of normal global notifications. This was so we don't have visual inconsistencies but also to prevent the user from seeing copy that wraps in a disjointed way, making it difficult to understand notification messaging. This could harm the user experience so the alignment was amended to avoid any issues.
  • Textarea: Added enhanced support for screenreaders when using the textarea with character count. The character limit will now be announced on focus and an announcement will also be made when the character limit is reached.
  • Progress bar: Styling adjusted so that if being used within a single page application, when the step is updated, the bar will transition nicely to the next step.
  • Cookie policy: Aria alert for assistive technologies included to the JavaScript to highlight the cookie settings have been saved on closure of the cookie policy message.
  • Masthead:

    • Ability to include the last logged in date and time was added.
    • New site switcher added to enable sites to link to upto 6 websites rather than being limited to only 2 previously.


  • Spacing within button groups corrected.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v4.7.0; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v4.7.0.


CDN folder path //

Release v4.7.0 (01/03/19)


  • Accessibility settings: The ability for users with vistibular disorders to turn all animations / motion off across an entire site has been added. This ability to disable all motion is a requirement for WCAG 2.3.3.
  • Buttons: Filters, view-grid and view-list buttons added.
  • Footer: The textual links and the bottom aligned social links variant have been added.
  • Filter tags: Filter tags and results display toggles have been added to offer the option to filter search results based on checkbox multiselect set. The results can then be displayed in groups of defined sizes, which can then be toggled between list and grid view. Filter tags and results display are documented together, but can be used independently of each other. Additional button styles for the filters, view-list and view-grid have been added to supplement this organism.
  • Pie charts: Component added to reflect doughnut chart design and functionality without the central hole.


  • jQuery dependency removed from date range, memorable date textbox and form row help. The functionality and markup of the connected components has not been affected.
  • Wallet JavaScript updated to improve security by preventing potential cross site scripting.
  • Hero banner: The ability to include the highlight bar was added to support the corporate/business branding.
  • Shallow hero banner: The ability to include the highlight bar was added to support the corporate/business branding.
  • Wallet, remove card: Removal of the 'Make Default' radio selector from the face of the card. Option to select/deselect a default card only available from within the 'Add card' or 'Edit card' functionality.
  • Wallet, stored cards: Removal of the 'Make Default' radio selector from the face of the card. Option to select/deselect a default card only available from within the 'Add card' or 'Edit card' functionality.
  • Masthead country selector: Dependency on jQuery removed and aria labeling fixed.
  • Footer:

    • The margin below the footer lists has been decreased from 50px to 40px (was 50px).
    • The copyright section now on the same line as the bottom links at desktop rather than below.


  • Fix for display error with the multiselect element after options at the bottom of a long list have been selected.
  • Fix for incorrect aria tags used in country selection.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v4.6.0; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v4.6.0.


CDN folder path //

Release v4.6.0 (01/02/19)


  • Stored cards allows users to view their payment cards via wallet on Abeille Assurances websites. See wallet - stored cards for reference.
  • Add / edit / remove card features allow users to add, edit and remove their payment cards via wallet on Abeille Assurances websites. See wallet - add card, wallet - edit card and wallet - remove card for reference.
  • Highcharts and Highstock 7.0.2 is now available for use. See core JavaScript files for reference.
  • Shallow hero banner: Component added to provide a condensed version of the hero banner that can be used with or without a background image.
  • Contextual help: Component added to display tooltips or modals with additional supporting information.
  • Checkbox: Pictorial checkboxes added.
  • Checkbox multicard select, basic variant: Multicard select icon cards with top labels added. These are used in the wallet to select a payment type but can be used for other purposes. The images on these select cards are hidden on mobile view, on tablet with more than four cards, and on desktop with more than six cards.
  • Checkbox toggle: Simple yes/no toggle added to provide a visual switch as a front end to a standard checkbox.
  • Radio singlecard select, basic variant: Singlecard select icon cards with top labels added; these are used in the wallet to select a payment type but can be used for other purposes. The images on these select cards are hidden on mobile view, on tablet with more than four cards, and on desktop with more than six cards. See wallet to see it implemented in a wallet.
  • Radio singlecard select, complex variant
  • Radio singlecard select, comprehensive variant
  • Tables: Tables that stack by row and tables that stack by column using JavaScript added.


  • JavaScript styled scrollbars have now been removed from Framework components and replaced with CSS-styled native scrollbars. This has been done to fix the many issues that have been seen with the JavaScript scrollbars, including showing a scrollbar when one wasn't required, showing two scrollbars (native and JavaScript) and more. Please note that the CSS styling currently only apears in Safari and Chrome, so will fall back to the default browser styling elsewhere.
  • jQuery dependency removed from date input, file upload, plus/minus number textbox, credit card input, notification cards and cookie policy. The functionality and markup of the connected components has not been affected.
  • Call us panel: Specific styles for address, email and generic text added.
  • Checkbox: Text font size increased from 16px to 18px to improve accessibility.
  • Date: When using the date input the value, minimum and maximum date settings can be updated post initial load. To update the component, the event updateSettings must be triggered on the a-date with a JavaScript object containing settings in the same format.
  • Date range: To update the component settings after initial load the event updateSettings must be triggered on the m-date-range with a JavaScript object containing the required settings.
  • Wallet: The payment type selection prior to v4.6.0 was acheived via the use of a segmented control, this was updated to use the radio singlecard select component that had been recently added to the Framework.
  • Blue help bar: The contextual help organism has been renamed as 'Blue help bar' to accommodate the new Contextual help component - see contextual help for further information.
  • Primary tabs: The ability to include items such as heading groups, CTAs, notifications and body copy within the header area of primary tabs has been added. This change was page to allow projects such as MyAviva and Connect to be not restricted to using only an H1 and wayfinder within the header area. The spacing has been adjusted to make it more consistent with other components within the Framework.
  • Tables: Various design changes to colours, padding and other visual styling.


  • Font size inconsistencies between the radio and checkbox cards. Styles now aligned.
  • Issues in older browsers with using date and date range with some locales (Polish being one).
  • FAQ panels not sized correctly when placed within sections that are not visible on initial page load ie. within a tab.
  • Accessibility issues with the frequently asked questions panel - right hand side variant have been addressed with heading for each faq item and appropriate aria being added.
  • Adjustments to a number of components that would update the url to aid in maintaining state post page refresh. These will now only do so if there is either no fragments or the fragment does not contain any special characters. This should help with compatability with some application that use the fragement to maintain state.
  • Adjustment to non-linear navigation css to prevent Chrome drawing bug where the underline was not always visible for links on the bottom row of the component. Fix also applied for displaying the arrow on dark accent colours.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v4.5.2; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v4.5.2.


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Patch release v4.5.2 (02/01/19)


  • Fix for browser performance issues found when using lazy loading on large pages, causing slow image replacement, slow scrolling, page not redrawing (going white).

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v4.5.1; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v4.5.1.


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Patch release v4.5.1 (13/12/19)


  • Code change to tabs, show/hide, opening times and contextual help to prevent JavaScript error if the fragment within a link url contains special characters.
  • Code change to prevent race condition with lazy loading when looking for the class js-objectfit-polyfill, used for older browser support.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v4.5.0; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v4.5.0.


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Release v4.5.0 (07/12/18)



  • The incorrectly-spelled Heros extension has been renamed to Heroes. The required extension css file is therefore now heroes.css.
  • Carousel: Card carousel can be disabled at different breakpoints. This was added for use with the new checkbox multicard select and radio singlecard select components to ensure that the page did not become too long on small screens.
  • Data group:

    • Provision for a four column data group with the first column at double width added.
    • Modifier introduced to reset data item font to a smaller size.
  • Lazy loading: Support added for the class js-objectfit-polyfill for detecting where the polyfill background image needs to be applied.


  • Style fix for the checkbox multiselect card (basic variant) with non-JavaScript where when the card is checked and has focus the background is partially green.
  • Code changes to stand-alone global navigation to ensure that it will work independantly.
  • Correction to styling of the full screen modal at mobile where the background behind the close link was not full width.
  • Fix for setting/value update functions not working or not working correctly on the date and data range components.
  • Fix for race condition with use of Modernizr within component JavaScript.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v4.4.1; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v4.4.1.


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Patch release v4.4.1 (27/11/18)


  • Minor correction to JavaScript file for primary tabs to stop additional quote mark appearing in URLs in static variant. See primary tabs for reference.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v4.4.0; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v4.4.0.


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Release v4.4.0 (09/11/18)



  • Primary tabs: Primary tabs for use with accent colours and had a default light grey primary tab block with white content area added. The icon sprite has increased in width to accomodate white variants for dark accent colours.
  • Data group: Ability to be used on dark accent colours added.
  • Heading group: Maxiumum width of headings within heading groups restricted to match with updated usage guidelines, across all breakpoints.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v4.3.0; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v4.3.0.


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Release v4.3.0 (12/10/18)


  • Page structure examples, with PDF downloads for visual reference and working examples highlighting element spacing. See page structure for reference.
  • Form introduction addition, including revised form rules and form structure examples, with PDF download for visual reference and working example highlighting element spacing. See form introduction for reference.
  • Local theming documentation added to offer instruction on how to create colour variations of the Framework for our clients/customers, but use the same markup and UX. See local theme for reference.
  • Lazy loading: Lazy loading of images, both inline and background, is now available. This has been tested for compatability with all card types, figures, and hero banners.


  • The masthead now has the option to direct link to pages rather than use a mega dropdown. This is for use on microsites that do not require the mega dropdown functionality. See masthead for reference.
  • Hero banner: Ability to use lazy loading with images within the hero banners was added.
  • Imagery: Ability to use lazy loading with images/figures was added.
  • Cards: Ability to use lazy loading with images within the cards was added.
  • Icon cards: Ability to use lazy loading with images within the cards was added.
  • Navigation cards: Ability to use lazy loading with images within the cards was added.
  • Numeric cards: Ability to use lazy loading with images within the cards was added.
  • Masthead: Basic masthead introduced which allows direct linking to pages rather than using mega dropdowns. This fulfills the business requirement for microsites that are made up of very few pages and using the standard masthead with mega dropdowns would be detremental to the users.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v4.2.0; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v4.2.0.


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Release v4.2.0 (14/09/18)


  • New example form template available. See single page form template for reference.
  • New example login / register form templates available, including global login, confirmation page and further information page. See login / register form templates for reference.
  • New partner theme available for the Framework offering a light grey and white version of the masthead. See partner theme for reference.
  • Radio buttons: New radio options for selecting an mutually exclusive option from a small list of 2-8 options.


  • Checkbox: Spacing for groups of two or three checkboxes has been set to match their new radio button equivalents both horizontally and, if multiple decks are used, vertically.
  • Payment options list: Payment option images have been updated to clean up some of the logos and also provide SVG versions of all the options. These image updates have also been applied to the payment card field used within Wallet.
  • Radio segmented controls: Segmented controls now used for 2-3 options (was 2-5 options) with the introduction of radio options. See radio options for full details on the rationale for this update.

No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v4.1.0; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v4.1.0.


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Release v4.1.0 (17/08/18)


  • Product roundels: Component added in its current form; please refer to the deprecated product tabs for older versions.
  • Data replay: Component added to lay out data for ease of scanning. May be used to play information back to user that has already been entered.
  • Doughnut charts: Ability align title to the right and left justify with fixed indents was added to improve the layout of the key for the doughnut charts depending on the information required for display.


  • Product header: Modified so as to be available as part of the portal extension.


No code changes required to components

This is an update release to v4.0.0; adding new components, functionality/variants to current components and minor style adjustments. There are no code changes required to components to upgrade to this release from v4.0.0.


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Release v4.0.0 - BHANGBHANGDUC (20/07/18)


  • Highcharts, Highstock and Numeral.js vendor libraries are now available for use as required. See how to add/edit JavaScript for more information.
  • Textbox format: Component added to allow auto-formatting of single-field memorable date textboxes.
  • Full screen modal: Full screen modal windows added to be used with form journeys only.
  • Partner themes: Partner theme option added.


  • JavaScript vendor libraries, including jQuery, have been updated to the latest versions to ensure latest security fixes are available. See code changes required to update from the previous release (moving from v3.4.0 to v4.0.0) for more information.
  • All stylesheets have been moved and some have been renamed in readiness for a selection of Abeille Assurances Themes being available for use. Note this also affects the stand-alone global navigation components. See the base template and stand-alone global navigation pages for reference.
  • Some components have been split out from the Framework core into their own extension files to enable teams to load only what is required to help with page optimisation. See component categorisation for reference.
  • The utility classes u-margin--bottom-none and u-margin--top-none have been improved to ensure consistency when applied to any component.
  • Form labels updated to represent a heading 3 with a font of 20px regular and line height of 28px to meet current design standards.
  • Within forms, the .a-label class is now applied directly to the legend tag (legends formerly wrapped with a span tag). This affects checkbox, checkbox multiselect, date range, file upload, radio segmented controls, slider range, textbox group.
  • Spacing above and below a number of components has been updated to aid in simplifying spacing within templates and maintain consistency. For further details on what has changed see the v4.0.0 code changes.
  • Spacing changes made to elements within forms. See form for reference.
  • Code changes made to unwrap legend tags from within span tags, resulting in right-floated links to drop below their labels. See code changes for general information and requirements, and Explanatory text for specific details regarding floated links.
  • Buttons: Class names for tertiary icon buttons have been simplified and corrected to match BEM formatting.
  • Cards: Class names for full bleed cards and its direct modifier have been corrected to match BEM formatting.
  • Navigation cards: Class names for full bleed cards and its direct modifier have been corrected to match BEM formatting.
  • Social links: The hit target for each of the social links increased to improve usage on touch devices, accessibility and comply with WCAG guidelines; the markup was updated to aid in maintainance following this change.
  • Explanatory text: Explanatory text link no longer positioned to the far right of and on the same line as the legend using classes .m-form-row--has-explanatory-text-link and .m-form-row__explanatory-text-link.
  • Form row: Where the .m-form-row class is applied to a fieldset, the legend within it was wrapped by a span with an a-label class.
  • Payment options list:

    • Google Wallet has been replaced with Google Pay.
    • Icons have now also been moved to being within the icon library and being provided as both PNG and SVG. The URLs have changed from [ CDN Folder Path ]/images/icons/payment-types/... to //[ png or svg ]/...
  • Plus/minus number textbox: The data-module="a-plusminus" was previously positioned outside of the input element.
  • Preferred contact: Was removed from the core styling so additional CSS file(s) are now required to be able to use this component. This was done to help with page performance by not loading as many components that are not required by the majority of pages.
  • Radio segmented controls: Inline sprite images are used within the HTML reducing page weight and load times.
  • Textbox: The old style texbox symbols have been removed.
  • Wallet: .o-wallet__section-heading classes now applied directly to the legend tag (legends formerly wrapped with a span tag; .a-label).
  • Breadcrumb: Original breadcrumb component removed from use and replaced by wayfinder.
  • Progress bar: Spacing above the progress bar increased to 15px (from 10px), and spacing below (other than if followed by and H2) increased to 15px (from 0px).
  • Section: In/out sections added to allow more flexibility over page layouts and spacing
  • Base template: The core css file name and location updated.
  • Footer: The hit target for links within the footer has increased to improve usability and accessibility. The markup was updated to assist in this update.
  • Masthead: The markup for links within the mega dropdowns was updated in readiness for accessibility changes. Also prior to this, change only plain and external link icons were supported.
  • Stand-alone global navigation:

    • CSS file name and locations were updated for the stand-alone global navigation component.
    • stand-alone global navigation markup and icon support within the mega dropdowns has been updated inline with updates to the masthead.
  • Blue help bar:

    • The contextual help organism has been deprecated and the option to place an FAQ list within it has been removed. Please use the call us panel and faq panel instead.
    • This component is also no longer part of the core styling so additional CSS files are now required to be able to use this component.
  • FAQ list: The contextual help organism (blue help bar) has been deprecated and the option to place an FAQ list within it has been removed. Please use the call us panel and faq panel instead.
  • Product header: Extension file location updated.
  • Product roundels: Extension file location changed.
  • Textbox group: The ability to auto-jump the cursor between textbox fields removed.
  • Modal: Use of forms within standard modals has been prohibited; see fullscreen modals for replacement.
  • Show more: Spacing above the show more component increased to 15px (from 0px).
  • Tabs: Spacing above the section tabs increased to 30px (from 25px).
  • Accent colours: Ability to override t-card-accent-[variant] by applying t-accent-[variant] directly to an m-card has been removed to reduce code complexity and page weight.
  • Data group: Spacing above the data group increased to 30pxc (from 0px), and spacing below decreased to 30px (from 40px).
  • Doughnut charts: Spacing above and below the doughnut charts increased to 30px (from 20px).
  • Tables: Spacing above and below tables increased to 30px (from 20px).
  • Heading: Heading 1 at tablet screen size updated with a font size of 36px and line height of 46px so that it meets current design standards and is visually more appealing.
  • Heading group: Class to add border to heading group changed to m-heading-group--underline (from m-heading-group-underline).
  • List: Spacing above and below all list types adjusted from 20px to 30px for consistency between components.
  • Quote: Spacing above and below quotes increased from 16px to 30px for consistency between components.


  • Contextual help has been replace by the call us panel. See call us panel for reference.


  • Ability to override card accent colour setting. See accent colours for reference.
  • FAQ list for use within the contextual help component - FAQs can no longer be placed within the contextual help component, but should be displayed using the FAQ panel.
  • Large font size for ordered lists; former small font size version now default. See lists for reference.
  • Agent profile card and agent call back card, including associated specialism link styles; no direct replacement.
  • Right-aligned information icon for buttons; replaced by the left-aligned version. See buttons for reference.
  • Left-aligned link icon styles; replaced by right-aligned link icon styles, updated icons and/or tertiary buttons. See links for reference.
  • Breadcrumb; replaced by wayfinder.
  • Heading with dividing line; replaced with keyline dividers and tertiary buttons.
  • Divider utility class; replaced by keyline dividers.
  • Promo modal and promo modal with hero; no replacement.
  • The auto-jump functionality for textbox groups has been removed.
  • Buttons: Right information icon for tertiary buttons removed.
  • Links:

    • The link icons that were deprecated in v3.3.0 have now been removed/replaced. Temporary "after" classes have now been made the default style overriding the old class name.
    • Specialism icon set has been removed as part of the removal of the module it was associated with from Framework.
  • Payment options list: Cirrus, Delta, Solo and Switch cards have been removed as they are no longer in circulation.
  • Agent profile card
  • Agent profile call back
  • Modal: Promo modal and promo modal with hero have been removed; there is no replacement.
  • Heading: Heading with dividing line removed, being replaced with keyline dividers and tertiary buttons.
  • List: Large text variant for ordered lists replaced by small text variant and variant class removed.
  • Utility classes reference: The .u-divider has been removed, being replaced by the keyline divider.

With the release of v4.0.0 all beta versions (v2.1.0 and earlier) of the Framework are no longer supported. This means there will no longer be any bug fixes applied to these versions. Please move to a production release as soon as possible.

Code changes required

This is a major release; modifying current components as well as adding new components, functionality/variants to current components, a range of style adjustments and security updates.

See detailed breakdown of code changes required to update from the previous release (moving from v3.4.0 to v4.0.0).


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View logs for earlier releases