Building with Framework: processes

Guidance and documentation

Detailing what the Framework is, relevant processes, how to engage with the team and guidance for creating compliant design assets: your single source of truth for designing with Abeille Assurances' global design system.

Processes: Planning and engagemant

The Framework uses Jira as it’s project management tool to facilitate our Agile working process. Jira is used from start to finish for our process through additions, the backlog, and design and development sprints. New components are being added to Framework all the time, and otherse continually enhanced, all packaged into monthly releases.

What does the regular release process consist of?

Framework is generally updated once every month, and the release comes in two parts:

  • Update to the component library and Framework documentation, handled by our developers;
  • Update to the master Sketch file, completed by the team's designers.

Engagement and raising a ticket

Engaging with the Framework team can be done in a few ways. From speaking to a member of the core team or raising a new ticket and including relevant detail. Feel free to reach out to one of the team or alternatively raise a ticket.

Not sure when to engage with us?

We are here to help and assist you as much as possible and always love to hear from you. For example, there can be instances within your project development life cycle when a new pattern, component or functionality needs to considered and either adapted or created from scratch. If this is the case, we advise getting in touch as soon as possible if you feel that your project would benefit from guidance on how Framework can be used or extended, or if what you are proposing would be a worthwhile addition to the Framework to enable other teams to take advantage of your work.

The Framework core team

Our core team consists of of process leads, designers and developers, based in both Bois-Colombes, FRANCE. Feel free to contact someone within your respective domain if that is preferred:

  • Claire PAUMLAZ

    Product owner

  • Romain GILBERT

    Visual developer - Technical lead for DESY

Contact the team

Jira tracking and delivery

Every engagement should start with a new ticket cloned from our template ticket, which will appear in the first stage of the Engagement and Delivery Overview board (see below). From a design perspective, there are primarily two boards (End-to-End and Design sprint) which are of particular relevance, as highlighted below:

Engagement and delivery overview

This is the overall board to track tickets from submission through to build and completion (end-to-end).

Based on business input and triage outcome, a ticket/request can then be sorted into an appropriate delivery stream.

Once this has been assigned, statuses are updated accordingly as a ticket progresses. It is divided up into the following stages for tracking and delivery:

See the Engagement and Delivery Jira board

Jira board stages

  • TO DO: Tickets currently in the FW backlog to be evaluated, ie. triaged
  • BUSINESS INPUT: After triage, ticket requires additional information from external team
  • FW DELIVERY: Identified after triage for the FW team to deliver1
  • FIX DELIVERY: Identified after triage as requiring a fix to existing code
  • OS DELIVERY: Identified after triage as being for project team delivery2
  • DONE: Built and delivered

Once business input has been received a ticket can be assigned into the following work streams:

1: FW Delivery

The design-related delivery stream for the Framework team based on the triage outcome.

This is the board product and design will focus on (consulting tickets included here also). Statuses are updated accordingly as a ticket progresses. It is fundamentally a design sprint broken up into the following:

Jira board stages

  • DESIGN READY: Ready to be picked up by FW design team
  • CONCEPTS: Design is at a concepting stage
  • UX/VD FEEDBACK: Currently being evaluated by the FW design team
  • DOCUMENTATION: Creating usage guidelines and supporting documents
  • IN REFINEMENT: All deliverables being evaluated for purpose and inclusion
  • PLAY READY: Ready for development

See the FW Delivery Jira board

2: OS Delivery

The open source delivery stream based on the triage outcome.

The requesting project team ensures its inclusion on their own Jira board and FW tracks its progress. Collaborative engagement encouraged. Sign off lies with FW team before submission to FW code base.

Jira board stages

  • OS DELIVERY: Ticket for open source delivery via project team
  • OS DEVELOPMENT: Currently in the development stage with the project team
  • OS SUBMISSION GOVERNANCE: Development has been submitted to the Framework team
  • OS QA: Currently in a quality assurance stage with the Framework team
  • IN REFINEMENT: All deliverables being evaluated for purpose and inclusion
  • AWAITING RELEASE: Completed and ready for deployment

See the OS Delivery Jira board

What is Open Source delivery?

The introduction of the open source model enables teams to design and develop Framework compliant components and patterns for use in digital products. In consultation with the core Framework team, this in turn has multiple benefits:

  • Increased relevance
  • Ability to self-serve
  • No barrier to entry
  • Shared principles
  • Greater spread of knowledge
  • Encourages collaboration
  • Quality assurance
  • Learning curve

How does it work?

When a ticket is raised it appears in the Framework backlog. Based on an evaluation of the requirement, a decision can be made on its approach. If it is of an open source steer, this is placed in the open source delivery stream.

The ticket is managed by the requesting project team with the Framework team able to track it’s progress (see Jira tracking and delivery above). Collaboration is promoted and key to ensure it is quality checked for addition to the Framework as a global component or pattern.

Learn more about open source development

If you are unsure if your request is of an open source nature, feel free to reach out and contact the Framework team and and we will be happy to advise the best approach for you.