Adaptive content

These principles should inform the choices when creating adaptive content


This is content that's structurally rich and semantically categorized, and therefore discoverable, reusable, reconfigurable, and adaptable.

  • Quantum – Can it exist in multiple states and systems at the same time?
  • Coherent – Is it defined, described, and managed through a common content model so that it can be moved across systems?
  • Self-aware – Is it connected with semantics, taxonomy, structure, and context?
  • Modular – Does it exist in smaller self-contained units of information that address single topics?

Device agnostic

We always plan, develop, and connect content outside of any interface so that it's ready to use for any interface. This means creating content out rather than interface in, so content first.


One of the founding principles of the internet is that it makes information open and accessible to everyone. This means creating content that doesn't exclude others based on their education, cognitive function, or reading ability.


Content models begin and end with our users, since everything we create has a user need sitting behind it. This means putting good karma out there, making sure your users will return because they want to – not because they have no where else to go.


Structured content gives us the ability to work with DITA and linked content, where one copy of the information is referenced in multiple locations – such as short descriptions, features, or boilerplate content. We reuse across content types and departments. This lets us reduce content development costs while simultaneously improving the quality of the information.