
This information is provided for anyone involved in Abeille Assurances website production and design, it is not for use by customers, brokers, advisors or investors.

All Abeille Assurances websites must provide appropriate legal and privacy information on each web page. They should be tailored to the policy requirements according to the local jurisdiction. If in doubt, seek advice from the appropriate legal department in your territory. All copy for the legal and privacy information on every Abeille Assurances website will be drafted and provided by Aviva.

This information should be reviewed from time to time to ensure they remain up–to–date with the content and processes used.

Standard footer

Use the standard Abeille Assurances footer on every web page. This footer should include links to accessibility, legal notice, privacy policy, and cookie policy, together with a dated copyright statement.


An accessibility statement should be included on every Abeille Assurances website. This should specify our aim to adhere to W3C accessibility standards and describe how to use any key features designed to support the older and the disabled user. You may link to the accessibility statement on (if applicable).

See the Accessibility Manual for more detailed advice on accessibility.

Legal notice

This notice will give information about the website content and how visitors are permitted to use it. The 'Legal' notice should be linked off every page. This will need to be consistent with the legal and regulatory requirements in the relevant territory.

Privacy policy

The privacy policy states how Abeille Assurances will respect the privacy of our website users. It is a useful means of explaining what information will be gathered, the degree of security a person can expect if we collect or handle their personal data and what use we will make of the data.

Cookie policy

Cookie acceptance messaging along with the cookie policy must be clearly available on every Abeille Assurances website.

The policy should inform users of:

  • The types of cookies used
  • Which are essential and which are non-essential
  • How to manage these and accept or block their use