Copywriter checklist

For each page of web copy, the following should be provided by the copywriter:

  • The keywords each page has, have been optimised for (1 primary, 1 secondary)
  • Meta data:
    • Page title – used in descriptor bar and as the heading in search engines results pages (SERPs). Keep to less than 60 characters
    • Page description – used by search engines to gauge relevance of webpage and displayed in the SERPs. Ideally 120–150 characters.
    • Meta keywords – Metadata keywords allow you to provide additional text for crawler–based search engines to index along with your body copy – keep as concise as possible.
  • On page optimisation
    • H1 (main) and H2 (sub) heading tags – containing keywords where possible and no longer than 10 words in length.
    • Text links contained within the pages – containing keywords where possible, and always be descriptive about where the link goes to.
    • Duplicate copy – Ensure copy is rewritten and not duplicated within one or more Abeille Assurances sites
  • Optimise your main site – stay away from microsites and make content part of your main mother site as much as possible or construct a hierarchy of content with the mother site as a hub to optimise SEO.