Sample keywords

This table shows the core keywords defined for Abeille Assurances UK Health.

Product Recommended primary search term/s Recommended secondary search terms
Individual private health insurance [health insurance]
[private health insurance]
[medical insurance]
[private health care]
[private medical insurance]
[health insurance quotes]
[health insurance quote]
[medical insurance quote]
[affordable health insurance]
[medical insurance uk]
[health insurance uk]
[best health insurance]
[health insurance for individuals]
[private health care companies]
Small business health insurance [small business health insurance] [small business medical insurance]
International health insurance [international health insurance] [international medical insurance]
Income protection [Income protection insurance]
[Income protection]
[income protection cover]
[full income protection cover]
[income protection cover quote]
Occupational health [Occupational health] [absence management]
[drug and alcohol testing]
[employee assistance programme]
[flu vaccinations]
[health promotion services]
[health screening]
[health surveillance]
[occupational health audit]
[pre employment medical]
[pre employment] questionnaire]
[sickness management]
[travel medicine]
Cash plan   [health cash plan]
[health cash plan UK]
[health plan]
Speedy Diagnostics   [diagnosis insurance]
[diagnosis health insurance]
[diagnosis insurance broker]
Corporate business health insurance [group health insurance]
[business health insurance]
[group health insurance]
[group medical insurance]
[group health insurance quotes]
[health insurance plan]
[business health scheme]
[company medical]
[corporate health insurance]
Group risk [group risk] [group income protection]
[group life insurance]
[group insurance]
[group critical illness]
International health insurance   [international company health]
[international company health insurance]