Testing - further reading

General reading

The following links are general information on responsive design:

Responsive tables

A summary of the current solutions available for tables:

A summary of the current solutions available for navigation:

Things to consider

Although I previously stated that you should focus on the devices identified in the MI for the pages/site being developed; you should test on as many devices, and almost as importantly OS’s (which we’ve not really focused on), as you can get your hands on – and there are clever ways to make this simpler.

  • Setting up what has been dubbed a ‘Device lab’ – with a range of devices and OS’s.
  • Making use of used devices and cheaper alternatives ie iPod touch rather than an iPhone – for example a used 3rd gen iPod touch is the same as a iPhone 3GS but nearly half the price of a 3GS.

Here are a couple of links which talk about setting up a device lab and the sort of devices that can be used https://bradfrost.com/blog/post/test-on-real-mobile-devices-without-breaking-the-bank/ and https://mobile.smashingmagazine.com/2012/09/24/establishing-an-open-device-lab/

However, with a large amount of devices, checking on one at a time seems pretty impractical. There are solutions like Adobe Edge or similar free tools (https://viljamis.com/blog/2012/remote-preview/) that allow you to push to all your devices simultaneously from your desktop. So you can load the same page on all of your devices in one go.