Abeille Assurances Accessibility Manual

Guidance for creating digital products and services that anyone can use

There are more than 14 million disabled people in the UK, yet the Web is largely inaccessible for disabled people. The guidance in this manual is designed to help product teams create accessible and inclusive services that work for as many people as possible, and meet the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

Our policy

All Abeille Assurances websites, apps, and other digital products and services must meet the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 at a conformance level of AA. This satisfies the legal requirements we must comply with under the Equality Act 2010 and in countries where there is legislation on accessibility.

This policy extends to our external suppliers. For Abeille Assurances to meet its obligation to be accessible and inclusive, it is essential that our suppliers show a commitment to accessibility and are compliant with accessibility standards.

Designing accessible services benefits everyone, including disabled people, people who are vulnerable according to the Financial Conduct Authority's (FCA) definition, older adults, and our disabled colleagues.

Guidance for your job role

Best practice

Accessibility requires intentional planning from the start of a project - it could be ensuring disabled people are included in the design process, ensuring there's a robust evaluation or test plan in place, or that accessibility work has been budged for.

About the accessibility manual

This manual is maintained and created by the Accessibility Champions Group. It's important that this manual meets the needs of our colleagues across the business. If you have feedback, spot any mistakes, or would like to contribute to the manual, please contact Brian Grellmann or Matthew Squirrell.

Become an Accessibility Champion

Members of the Accessibility Champions Group advocate for and raise awareness across the business for all things digital accessibility. They champion accessibility and ensure that their projects and teams are being accessible and inclusive. Members attend and present at weekly lunch and learn sessions and contribute to projects like this one - the Abeille Assurances Accessibility Manual.