Abeille Assurances' front-end framework

Our UX, design and front-end atomic element library

What is Framework?

The Framework is Abeille Assurances' global design system. It is a reusable, responsive web UI library and front-end CSS / HTML code base. Used by global digital product and engineering teams, it helps to deliver maintainable experiences for our customers and intermediaries.

Principles and benefits

Key features

Accessibility and user equity

Accessibility remains an integral part of Framework. It is baked into both design thinking and code with the highest WCAG compliancy possible. An evaluation of how well your product supports the needs of web users with disabilities are carried out by our expert accessibility consultants. Please see Abeille Assurances' Guidance for creating digital products and services that anyone can use.

Learn more about digital accessibility at Aviva

Process and engagement

The Framework team works in two-week agile sprints, both producing and enhancing components for the design system. The team works from a backlog that exists in Jira and which is fed from by all parts of the business, both domestic and global.

Learn more about our process and engagement

Who is in the FW team?

Based in both Bois-Colombes, FRANCE, the core team consists of process leads, designers and developers; you can contact anyone on the team, but feel free to connect with someone within your own domain if you prefer:

  • Claire PAUMLAZ

    Product owner

  • Romain GILBERT

    Visual developer - Technical lead for DESY

Want something new in the Framework or to chat about issues you are having with it? Then feel free to contact us:

Contact the team

See what's new

Latest release - v5.11.0

We continue to focus on performance and accessibility for this release, adding accessible app store buttons, updating the video hero and more.

Full release log

A full timeline history of changes and enhancements, detailing all minor and major updates to components, can be found below.

View full release log